The First Insight: Experience Study “I don’t think that anything happens by coincidence. No one is here by accident. Everyone who crosses our path has a message for us. Otherwise, they would have taken another path, or left earlier or later. The fact that these people are here means that they are in our lives […]
The First Insight: Experience Study
“I don’t think that anything happens by coincidence. No one is here by accident. Everyone who crosses our path has a message for us. Otherwise, they would have taken another path, or left earlier or later. The fact that these people are here means that they are in our lives for some reason.”
The Celestine Prophecy
Have you ever experienced a coincidence you can not explain?
Have you ever had a hunch or intuition concerning something you wanted to do? -A course you wanted to take in your life and wondered how it might happen? And then, after you had half forgotten about it and focused on other things, you suddenly met someone or read something or went somewhere that led to the very opportunity you envisioned?
These coincidences are happening more and more frequently and…when they do, they strike us as beyond what would be expected by pure chance. They feel destined, as though our lives had been guided by some unexplained force. The experience induces a feeling of mystery and excitement and, as a result, we feel more alive.
You can get in touch with the most exciting part of life. That is, watching the mysterious coincidences happen that lead us toward a particular destiny and in believing that our lives are going somewhere that will help to make the world a better place.
The First Insight occurs when we become conscious of the coincidences that are meant to fulfill our potential and purpose.
The transformation is beginning with the First Insight, and…this insight always surfaces, unconsciously at first, as a profound sense of restlessness.
Most of society’s recent ills can be traced to this restlessness and searching. But this problem is temporary, and it will come to an end because we’re finally becoming conscious of what we are actually looking for, and of what this other, more fulfilling experience really is. We’re all looking for more completion in our lives, and during this search, we won’t put up with anything that seems to bring us down.
We begin to glimpse an alternative kind of experience… the moments in our lives that feel different somehow, more intense and inspiring. We don’t always know what this experience is or how to make it last, and when it ends we’re left feeling dissatisfied and restless with a life that seems ordinary again.
Chance coincidences are meant to happen.
“Meaningful coincidences” are tiny miracles steering us toward the good life and showing us that there is another side of life we have yet to discover–some other process operating behind the scenes. They are always seeking first, to awaken us, and then to allow us to be guided by a spiritual connection.
Such events, when they happen to us personally, always give us a sense of unfolding purpose. What’s more, we are understanding now that this flow of destiny is always there, whether experienced for the first time or rediscovered after being sucked back into the banal life of everyday struggle for a time. Age has no relevance here. The key is to grab hold of this awareness and not let go. You will have a Divine sense of what most inspires you, and it is always waiting to open up in your life.
Learning to Notice Synchronicity
We have been disregarding miraculous or chance happenings as nothing to seriously consider or as anything that could remotely have an intended purpose or provide a sense of direction. The first insight occurs when we become conscious of the coincidences in our lives and understand their meaning.
Such Synchronicity is easy to see in retrospect, as we look back to the fateful twists of our pasts: the family experience that shaped us, the people who influenced our early interests and educational choices, the forks in the road that led us to where we are today.
Much harder is to keep this awareness fully operative in the present. Whom will we meet today? What information might arrive that will shape our life direction?
A Synchronistic event can be information leading you to an opportunity made possible or a dead end and complete change in direction. Both occurrences are meant to guide your life and serve your destined path. So continue to stay inspired and to keep the feeling of “destiny unfolding” around you as you proceed even if you feel let down by the experience.
Utilizing Synchronicity
All spiritual meaning is found beyond ourselves and draws us to have better relationships with each other and the planet. We must come back to a place of unity and harmony if we are to continue to thrive in this world and expand our knowledge and our self-realization. To this end, the divine is speaking to everyone, everywhere, in a variety of different forms.
Synchronicity usually operates in a sequence. First, you identify an Intuitive thought or hunch that suggests a course of action that will move your life forward. Don’t be too introspective here, just be aware of the thoughts that come to you and seem necessary to pursue. Second, when you follow the intuition and take this course of action, you find yourself in a place where a Synchronicity occurs. In turn, giving you just the information and clarity you need at the moment.
The Universe is designed to help you, but you have to pay attention. Decide which issue is most present for you each morning, you find yourself guided to profound answers and to resolving your challenges.
A Critical Mass
“A new spiritual awakening is occurring in human culture, an awakening brought about by a critical mass of individuals who experience their lives as a spiritual unfolding, a journey in which we are led forward by mysterious coincidences.” The Celestine Prophecy
In The Celestine Prophecy, I demonstrate that once we reach this critical mass, the entire culture will begin to take these coincidental experiences seriously. We will wonder, in mass, what mysterious process underlies human life on this planet. And it will be this question, asked at the same time by enough people, that will allow the other insights also to come into consciousness. When a sufficient number of individuals seriously question what’s going on in life, we will begin to find out. And the other insights will be revealed…one after the other.
I believe a world transformation is taking place now because the number of individuals living in mindfulness of such coincidences is growing dramatically. We begin to make more meaningful choices that are more in line with what we wish to create. Nothing is left to chance, nothing surprises. Yet, for each one it is a journey of discovery. Each learning adds to our understanding of a more authentic and deliberately designed reality and how we should as a consequence live our lives in alignment with the Divine.
The Next Step in Our Awareness
Remember, we must retain the insights moving us into this higher experience in the first place. And frequently go back through them to stay confident this awareness works. This is the only way humanity can slowly lift out of the darkness, from which we are still suffering.
All twelve insights emerge from many of the teachings of the major monotheistic religions. They point the way back from the rules of organized religion to a pure, uncomplicated relationship with the intensely personal origin of all life, love and truth. We will no longer be living for self but for others, as we understand the importance of one another in a new perspective; we are lead to enhanced life experience for one and all.
It astonishes the mind to even consider another dimension where time and space do not exist. But it is from this realm that each of us will have the understanding necessary to find our purpose in this life.
We immediately want to know more about the process and more about where these mysterious coincidences are taking us. We even ask: Are they real? Is our perception of synchronicity really important?
Such questions immediately lead us to the Second Insight.
-I continually review the 12 Celestine Insights, remembering that each is a continuation of the previous. It is then a matter of merely integrating all the rest until they become a natural habit
Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage (4/5)
Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage. From Tribal Journeys The Toulambi. A series by Jean-Pierre Dutilleux
Most people on Earth would know about this Earth Repair Solution Strategy Charter from two people in 33 days, if they each shared it with one new person a day for 33 days, and each person receiving the strategy shared it with one new person a day for the balance of the 33 days. Totals over 6 billion people.
When enough people lead our leaders will follow.
This timely NOW AGE global solution strategy has already started to help
make the whole world great for everyone.
Learning about this Earth Repair Charter Now Age Strategy in the morning, would allow you or anyone to realise by the evening, that the future unity, peace, safety, enlightenment and sustainability for all humanity has been ensured, simply by the very existence of this global solution strategy.
As the Earth Repair theme grows and spreads throughout the world, increasingly, people become Now Age solution strategists adopting attitudes of positive optimism, finding opportunities in difficulties, and transforming problems into solutions.
Optimistic nowist thinking is always remembering to look on the positive side of life with an attitude of gratitude for the myriad gifts that we all continuously receive from the infinite and eternal universe.
Optimism helps us find the good and positive in everyone and everything and supports us in meeting the inevitable challenges of every day. It is a practical way of looking at life that helps one attain and maintain physical, mental, emotional and spiritual good health.
In the quest to make the rest of our lives the best possible, consider including more optimism and gratitude into every thought and action. This enables one to celebrate and enjoy the latest time as the best time knowing that even better is yet to come.
This realisation has the potential to be the catalyst to unite all people, communities, religions and nations in the common purpose, of co-operating to repair the Earth and attaining and maintaining inner and world peace.
Humanity has evolved from the Old Age, through the New Age, and the Now Age has started and will continue forever because now is all there is.
As the objectives of this Earth Repair Charter Now Age solution strategy are progressively recognised to be practical, feasible, achievable and imminent, the initiative exponentially self-perpetuates so inner and world peace is within the reach of all. There’ll be not one left behind because we all are one!
Towards enhancing life on Earth for everyone, during this latest period in the history of the universe, 2017-2020, humanity begins to adopt the Earth Repair Charter as a global solution strategy.
The Earth Repair Foundation (ERF) was incorporated in Sydney Australia in 1987 and is an independent, voluntary, self-funded, non-government organisation (NGO). All the solutions proposed by ERF have been created on a 100% voluntary basis.
ERF has co-ordinated development of the Earth Repair Charter and is aspiring for its world-wide adoption.
The Charter is the result of intensive research and careful definition in consultation with educators, indigenous councils, scientists, environmentalists, spiritual leaders, wise elders and others committed to world improvement.
The Charter is a practical blueprint for a global action plan comprising feasible and achievable solutions for a future without war and the peoples of Earth united in peace. It’s a Now Age Manifesto for Inner and World Peace.
Enjoy these beautiful Smiles from the Blue Mountains, alternating with some Thought-Seed Mind-Vitamins
to help make the World happier.
Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage (3/5)
•Jun 24, 2011
Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage. From Tribal Journeys The Toulambi. A series by Jean-Pierre Dutilleux
Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage (5/5)
Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage. From Tribal Journeys The Toulambi. A series by Jean-Pierre Dutilleux
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
SYNCHRONICITY is the entry point, the measure of whether we’re connected spiritually
Satellite image of the Guajajara’s territory, Araribóia, showing their land as an island of green in a sea of deforestation.
Let us co-create a culture of world peace that will end war and famine for all time.
Vision 2020- with a Vision - people will thrive… Let’s grow Food-Forests 2018-2019-2020-2021 and turn Guns Into Trees by spending 10% plus of the worlds spending in the military and war in planting trees and cleaning up and regenerating the forests, trees, rivers and creeks on Planet Earth.
This vision emblem is a modern interpretation of an ancient prophesy that says: ‘nations will not learn war anymore’. Let this be the time for people everywhere to unite in peace and make this prophesy actual. Everyone can learn and practice the principles of permaculture and how to live long, healthy, happy, loving and peaceful lives. Permaculture ethics are, Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share.
“ Planting and helping grown increasing quantities of appropriate tress is the scientific solution to Earth’s environmental dilemma”. Dr Richard St Barbe Baker, Founder, Children of the Green Earth, 1889-1982
Everyone is invited to participate in this ongoing and achievable quest for all nations to transition from an unsustainable military economy towards our Earth becoming fully self-sustaining. With a realistic global vision, people and humanity will thrive.
By planting and helping grown an abundance of permaculture designed food-forests, together we can create ethical, honourable and practical employment whilst providing an abundance of fresh healthy living foods for everyone.
This world-wide quest is achievable within a decade, by increasing numbers of people learning permaculture principles and ethics, and implementing practical life-enhancing skills in all areas of life.
Vision 2020 motivates for all continuously available and appropriate bio-degradable material to be composted via hygienic, aerobic, no-dig, earth-repair composting bins made from 100% recycled plastics.
This will enable the breeding of increased number of Earth Worms and massive amounts of humous-soil, to be used in helping nature organically grow forest-food gardens in home-yards and all other appropriate places throughout the world. Enough people doing this will help mitigate and reverse climate change, enhance local and global co-operation, create valuable natural resources, employment and end hunger.
The vision is for a world community of caring and sharing people, working and living in good health, peace and sustainable abundance.
Permaculture = permanent culture+ agriculture. Permaculture is a social design science that is already helping humanity to thrive. Learn more now by browsing through the hundreds of pages of picture stories and videos at
An ancient prophesy says:
‘Nations will not learn war any more’.
Vision 2020 - Turn Guns Into Trees - With A Vision People Will Thrive
In The Eternal Dreaming- Humans are all One People ….
The following self-evident truths tell much. Milton wrote: ‘Mind is its own place and, in itself, can make a heaven of hell, or a hell of heaven”. Auden wrote, ‘The centre that I cannot find, is known to my unconscious mind, I have no reason to despair because I am already there’.
While you are reading these words, our beautiful Mother Earth, with all of us on it, is gracefully travelling through space in orbit around the Sun at almost 108,000 kilometres every hour while also spinning on our own axis at around 1600 kilometres an hour. Earth is part of the Solar System in the Milky Way Galaxy in the infinite universe.
Each of us is alive for such a short period that to spend any time in conflict or at war, is illogical and irreverent to life. Together, we can end the culture of terrorism and war and co-create a culture of peace to last for all time! Click here for a poster about Vision 2020.
There is a campaign advancing for a Global Earth Repair Summit before the end of year 2020. Watch this video:
OurEarth Project Promotional Video
The Hidden World Beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet | John Priscu | TEDxBozeman
•May 27, 2013
TEDx Talks
21.9M subscribers
Following more than a decade of international and national planning and an intense week of on-ice weather delays, Priscu led the field team successfully drilled through the overlying ice sheet and sampled directly the waters and sediments of a lake hidden beneath the Antarctic ice sheet. The groundbreaking exploration of Antarctica's subglacial environment marks the beginning of a new era in polar science, opening the window for future interdisciplinary scientific investigations of one of Earth's last unexplored frontiers.
The Gold Framed Thought Mind Seed Vitamins shown on this page are available on request as radiant Poster-Cards.
Earth Repair Charter
Earth Repair Charter
Some Earth Repair Charter Endorsements
“The Earth Repair Charter is helping us to be enlighten in our relationship with the Earth and compassionate to all being”…. H.H. The Dalai Lama.
“The Earth Repair Charter is a blueprint for united action by the Parliaments of the world. Through increased global co-operation, the precepts of the Charter can be brought to fulfilment”…Former MP, Maggie Deahm, Australian Parliament.
“Life on Earth is at immediate risk and only implementing the Earth Repair Charter can save it”… Richard Jones, Former MLC, Independent, NSW Parliament, Australia.
“The Earth Repair Charter is the way to rescue the future from further ignorance and environmental degradation. Please promote the Earth Repair Charter to help create a safer, healthier and happier world”…. Geoffrey BW Little JP,Australia’s famous, International Smiling Policeman
The Earth Repair Charter is clearly an idea whose time has come. It inspires hope and optimism for a safer, saner and healthier future for everyone. I recommend it be included in all educational institutions”.. Jenny Kee, Australia Designer/artist
“I was thrilled to receive your Earth Repair Charter and all my best wishes are behind it.”… David Suzuki Foundation
“ I am pleased to say that the Earth Repair Charter represents the best possible path for everyone to consider. Best wished, Good luck”…. peter Garrett, Midnight Oil and Past President of ACF
“The Earth Repair Charter has the capacity to galvanise action against the neglect of governments of that which should be most treasured - peace, justice and a healthier planet. I endorse it with great enthusiasm”… Former Senator Lyn Allison, Australian Democrats.
“The Earth Repair Charter is, in our opinion, as document that can greatly contribute to improving the quality of life on this planet”...Donald Rojas, World Council of Indigenous People, Canada.
“ I love the Earth Repair Charter and give it my whole hearted endorsement”…… Noni Haselhurst, Australian Actor
“The Earth Repair Charter’s unique approach is capable of uniting all people, communities, religions and nations in the common purpose of solving Earth’s environmental, economic and social dilemmas”…. Burnum Burnum, Australian Author, Activist & Actor, 1936-1997
“People everywhere must now unite and demand that all politicians and policy makers implement demilitarisation and the objectives of the Earth Repair Charter to ensure the survival of future generations”… Jonathan Bevan, LLB, United People Association, Australia.
“I consider that the Earth Repair Charter is self-evident as an achievable Global Strategy. I under every national government to adopt it as the priority within each Country”…Joanna Macy, PhD, Professor, Teacher, Author, Institute for Deep Ecology, USA
“The Earth Repair Charter is a visionary and exciting approach to solving the environmental and social crises facing the planet today. I’m proud to add my name to the list of supporters!…. Former Senator and Leader of Australian Greens, Dr Bob Brown
“The Earth Repair Charter is a visionary statement that educates, inspires and motivates actions for peace on Earth”… Dr Keith Suter, BA, PhD, Economic and Social Commentator
“People of all nations committing to this global solution strategy will regenerate the Earth’s beauty and richness, and allow quality life for all to become a sustainable reality”…. Dudley Legget, Director, Sustainability Research Institute, Australia
“The Conflict Resolution Network endorses the Earth Repair Charter and will make every endeavour to help achieve its notble aims”… Stella Cornelius, AO, OBE, Director, Conflict Resolution Network, 1919-2010
Earth Repair Charter
An ancient prophesy says:
‘Nations will not learn war any more’.
Vision 2020 - Turn Guns Into Trees - With A Vision People Will Thrive
Welcome to ERF - The Earth Repair Foundation
ERF is aspiring for world-wide adoption of the Earth Repair Charter and Vision 2020 - Now Age Global Solution Strategy.
ERF is also an acronym for Earth Repair First, Earth Repair Family, Earth Repair Friends and Earth Repair for a Fabulous Future.
When enough people lead, our leaders follow. Share this website to prompt Inner and World Peace. Sow Thought-Seeds with Mind-Vitamins designed to help make the 21st Century and the whole World, great for everyone.
Wildebeest - The Prey of Leopard || HERO OF THE WILD
Hero of The Wild
Wildebeest - The Prey of Leopard || HERO OF THE WILD
Be Here Now And Participate In The Movement For World Improvement
Each one of us is a champion winner of life and a unique, unrepleatable, precious and valuable member of our human family.
As spiritual beings being humans, we know that with continuous optimism, difficulties are opportunities and problems have solutions.
Paulino on a mission with the Guardians, wearing Sarah’s hat.
Inner Peace- World Peace - Enjoy Inner Peace - Vision World Peace
Ignoring Climate Catastrophes
NOVEMBER 8, 2019
Ignoring Climate Catastrophes
The planet is coming apart at the seams right before the eyes of scientists at work in remote fringe areas of the North where permafrost crumbles and collapses. It’s abrupt climate change at work in real time, but the governing leaders of the world either don’t care or don’t know. If they did, there would already be a worldwide Climate Marshall Plan to save civilization from early warning signals of utter chaos.
“Across 9 million square miles at the top of the planet, climate change is writing a new chapter. Arctic permafrost isn’t thawing gradually, as scientists once predicted. Geologically speaking, it’s thawing almost overnight.” (Source: Arctic Permafrost Is Thawing Fast. That Affects Us All, National Geographic, September 2019 Issue)
After all, collapsing permafrost is the leading edge of cataclysmal global warming as it precedes additional catastrophes that follow one after another, and then another. All of which happen unannounced, known as abrupt climate change events.
The modern world’s First Near-Catastrophe, the Ozone Hole (1980s), was luckily avoided 40 years ago, more on this fascinating story later. It was the planet’s closest brush with nearly total extinction ever since the Permian-Triassic event took down 95% of all life 252 million years ago.
Meanwhile, the concern is whether cascading permafrost will end up as the world’s Second Near-Catastrophe, meaning it gets attended to, or will it lead to something much worse, as in “catastrophes that follow one after another, and then another?”
Cherskiy, Russia, which is home to the Northeast Science Station at 69°N, far above the Arctic Circle, is a year-round base for an international research station that studies Arctic biology and climate change. It is 60 miles inland from the East Siberian Sea (another high risk area in the Arctic).
In January of 2018 something unheard of happened at Cherskiy. The topsoil that has maintained frozen permafrost for eons was not refreezing like it had every year for as long as records were kept. Whereas, January in Siberia is normally so brutally cold that human breath can freeze with a “tinkling sound” that locals refer to as “the whisper of stars.”
“Three years ago, the temperature in the ground above our permafrost was minus 3 degrees Celsius (-27 degrees Fahrenheit),’ Sergey Zimov (an ecologist) said, ‘Then it was minus 2. Then it was minus one. This year, the temperature was plus 2 degrees,” Ibid.
The aforementioned example of abrupt climate change in Siberia is a beckoning out of the North, warning that the past 10,000 years of the Holocene era, earmarked by a Goldilocks Wonder World “not too hot, not too cold,” has ended, as excessive heat tears apart regions of the planet, piece by piece. Thereby sounding the alarm and threatening comfy lifestyles in every country in existence today, but is it a warning signal with a short fuse or a long fuse?
Human-generated greenhouse gases have kicked nature into high gear, competing with humanity by emitting tons of methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, even in the winter in Siberia above the Arctic Circle. It’s earth-shattering news that should cause sleepless nights for world leaders, but it doesn’t alarm them. Otherwise, they’d already be taking emergency measures. They’re not!
As it happens, world leadership is sacrificing their constituencies on the altar of fossil fuel profits and a brand of capitalism that recklessly consumes everything in site. Therefore emphasizing consequences such as, Alaska’s North Slope has seen temperatures spike 11°F in 30 years as temperatures hit 90°F 240 miles above the Arctic Circle, challenging Florida’s balmy weather.
As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change struggles to keep up with ever-faster climate change disaster scenarios that unfold right under their noses, the world’s leadership looks like a herd of deer frozen in headlights. Meanwhile, the risks of excessive global warming, or heat, is not properly understood by the public in the following ‘double-scary’ context:
“Large abrupt climate changes have repeatedly affected much or all of the earth, locally reaching as much as 10°C change in 10 years.” (Source: Alley, Richard B. Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises, Washington D.C. National Academy Press, 2002)
That description of abrupt climate change (10°C in 10 years) by Richard B. Alley, Evan Pugh Professor, Penn State University, is based upon paleoclimate data. However, that same risk is not considered by the IPCC or included in scientists’ models, thus it qualifies as one of the least expected climate events. But, it has happened in the past… more than once!
Frankly, society can’t handle 10°C in 10 years, whether “locally,” as stated by Dr. Alley, or universally.
Which prompts the daunting notion of what happens when nature is “goosed up” by the sudden advent of the Human Heat Machine: 7,500,000,000 people, 1,400,000,000 cars, 22,500,000 commercial vehicles, 3,500,000 heavy trucks, 425,000 buses, 39,000 commercial and military airplanes, 62,500 power plants, 996,000,000 cattle all simultaneously emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, as CO2 emissions set new records year after year after year?
In all, 80-90% of the above-listed statistics occurred in only 70 years, whereas it took modern humans nearly 200,000 years to reach two billion in population. Today, it’s the Great Acceleration at work as post WWII 5.5 billion newbies forage the planet, all within one lifetime. Amazing!
As a result, we are the biggest experiment the planet has ever encountered. Meanwhile, scientific knowledge that establishes “a firm link” between (1) carbon dioxide emissions and (2) excessive global heat brings forth far-reaching unknowns for today’s carbon dioxide-fueled world. As such, the climate status/integrity of the planet has become a gamble, a crapshoot.
For example, the temperature/CO2 relationship over the past 400,000 years is saw-toothed, as demonstrated so clearly in Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth (2006): When CO2 hits a high of 280 ppm, temperatures, like clock-work, increase by 5°C (hot cycle) and when CO2 hits a low of 180 ppm, like clock-work, temperatures decrease by -5°C (cold cycle) every 100,00 years over the past 400,000.
Although, temperature change (the wild card) is all about timing, meaning does it take centuries or decades or years for temperature to react to CO2 levels in the atmosphere? In that regard, Dr. Alley’s “10°C in 10 years” is not encouraging, but nobody knows for sure what will happen tomorrow.
Speaking of which, today’s CO2 at 410+ ppm has powered through nature’s rhythmic cycles of 180 (low) to 280 (high) over the past 400,000 years. Now what?
Assuming global warming reacts accordingly, one possible scenario: “In a 4°C world, in which local temperature increases of 5 to 10 degrees will affect many areas, the impact on food production may be catastrophic.” (Source: Angus, Ian, Facing the Anthropocene, Monthly Review Press, 2016, pg. 102)
Today’s collapsing permafrost is eerily similar to the circumstances that surrounded the world’s First Near-Catastrophe, the notorious Ozone Hole, as explained in chapter 5 “The First Near-Catastrophe” of Ian Angus’ profoundly brilliant and indispensible book. The world has already faced
Similar to ignoring abrupt climate change today, back in the 1970s-80s, no one predicted the speed and magnitude of the steep decline in levels of ozone because of damage by CFCs produced by DuPont ever since the 1930s. In fact, back in the day, NASA had predicted that ozone levels might decline 5 to 9 percent by 2050. But, surprise, surprise, surprise! Ozone levels dropped by 60% by the mid 1980s. Scientists were dumbfounded! And scared!
Without the protective ozone layer, 10-20 miles above Earth, which absorbs most of the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation, life literally burns to a crisp.
In a masterful-less stroke of good luck, a handful of scientists brought the impending disaster of the ozone hole to the attention of the world community. If not for the British Antarctic Survey that worked on a shoestring budget of $18,000/year, the world wouldn’t have known of the threat to all humanity. Since 1957, they monitored the ozone layer from the Halley Bay Observatory in Antarctica but never suspected human-generated chemicals would attack and destroy the ozone layer.
For 50 years the CFC industry was able to avoid a ban on sales of CFCs due to an absence of hard scientific data showing a decline in ozone levels. In 1979, DuPont officials said: “No ozone depletion has ever been detected despite the most sophisticated analysis… All ozone depletion figures to date are computer projections based on a series of uncertain assumptions,” Ibid, pg. 84.
Similar to CO2 in the atmosphere today, “CFCs had been entering the atmosphere in ever-increasing amounts since the early 1930s. The pre-1980 measurements from Halley Bay undoubtedly included their effect on the ozone layer above Antarctica, but in 1979, what had been a gradual linear process crossed a tipping point, becoming rapid and nonlinear,” Ibid, pg. 85.
Thus, giving birth to an Abrupt Climate Change event that could have destroyed life on Earth. Thankfully, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was signed in 1987. It saved the world from sure-fire destruction, blind-sided by its own chemical devices.
After reviewing the history of CFCs and the ozone layer, Paul Crutzen (Nobel Prize-winning atmospheric chemist) commented: “I can only conclude that mankind has been extremely lucky,” Ibid, pg. 87.
Now: Is permafrost collapse the Second Near-Catastrophe or something worse?
Hopefully, the answer is not “something worse” because dissimilar to the Ozone Hole crisis, which was solved by a handful of companies and industries implementing a technical fix and banning CFCs, the process of eliminating greenhouse gas emissions is universal, requiring decades of transforming the global economy, a gargantuan task when compared to civilization’s First Near-Catastrophe.
Similar to the Ozone Hole, which hit a tipping point 40 years after CFCs began emitting, collapsing permafrost first happens by inches, then by feet, then by portions of miles, when it is finally recognized as exceeding a tipping point, likely what’s happening today in Siberia, and throughout the far reaches of the Northern Hemisphere where massive levels of permafrost cover 25% of the hemisphere buried in frozen soil for eons, holding more than twice the amount of greenhouse gases currently in the atmosphere.
Permafrost collapse is as alarming, maybe more so, as the Ozone Hole threat, but only a handful of scientists see it and believe it. Sound familiar?Join the debate on Facebook
More articles by:ROBERT HUNZIKER
Robert Hunziker lives in Los Angeles and can be reached at
My Friend Was Murdered for Trying to Save the Amazon
NOVEMBER 8, 2019
My Friend Was Murdered for Trying to Save the Amazon
Paulo Paulino Guajajara, known as Kwahu, who was killed by illegal loggers.
Paulo Paulino Guajajara, known as Kwahu, was shot dead following an ambush by loggers. He was a Guardian of the Amazon, a group of indigenous men from the Guajajara tribe who protect their territory from loggers.
“They’re watching us,” the Guardians whispered, as we walked in the dark. “But we’re watching them, and this is our forest. We know it inside out. We’ll catch them.” We were heading deeper into the forest, towards an illegal logging hotspot.
I was on an operation with the Guardians of the Amazon, indigenous people from the Guajajara tribe with one clear objective: to protect their land. They do this not only for their own families, but also to protect their uncontacted neighbors, people from the Awá tribe, who share this territory. I was invited to join them as part of my work for Survival International, the global movement for tribal peoples, who support the Guardians’ work and help amplify their voices on the global stage.
The anger and the urgency among the Guardians was palpable. We couldn’t even wait until morning; the loggers were in the forest now. So we headed out into the night, eyes adjusted to the darkness, with only the low, dim, on-and-off light of a few torches covered in cloth and pointed down at our feet. Any more light risked being seen, and the loggers are armed, aggressive, and ruthless.
At the time of this visit last April, the loggers had already assassinated three Guardians. Just a few days ago, I received news that my friend Paulino Paulo Guajajara had been fatally shot, and another friend, Tainaky Tenetehar, had been seriously wounded; he only just escaped from loggers, who had ambushed them while they were out hunting.
The hat Paulino is wearing in this picture used to be mine. We cut two eye holes in it and, when we passed through particularly dangerous areas, he’d pull it down over his face so as not to be recognized by loggers. He said that this hat could save his life, as he could be targeted any minute, and that it was well worth the sweat. When the coast was clear, he’d pull it back up with his trademark grin.
Paulino paid with his life for trying save his tribe’s forest, the Arariboia Indigenous Territory, in the north-east Amazon. It is being destroyed at a terrifying rate: President Bolsonaro’s racist words and genocidal proposals to steal indigenous land are encouraging illegal loggers to operate with renewed zeal, confident that they can make quick cash and get away with it. The number of invasions of indigenous territories, and attacks on communities, has sky-rocketed since Bolsonaro took office.
“The President has made it clear that he won’t protect even one more millimeter of indigenous land. They want to kill us all and take our land,” Tainaky himself told me. We saw countless patches of newly chopped-down forest, where dozens of trees felled by the invaders lay like corpses on the side of the paths, ready to be transported and sold on the black market.
Paulino was with us too that day, and he was upset by what we saw. “It makes me so mad to see this! These people think they can come here, into our home, and help themselves to our forest? No. We won’t allow it. We don’t break into their houses and rob them, do we? My blood is boiling, I’m so angry,” he told me.
Paulino was wearing the hat I gave him the day he was killed, but this time it didn’t protect him. Paulino and Tainaky didn’t think they were under threat when were ambushed because they weren’t looking for loggers at the time.
The Guardians respect and protect their forest as an integral part of their daily life because it gives them their food, shelter, medicine — it’s their everything. “We indigenous people know our forest better than anyone else. We’ll fight as long as we live,” Tainaky said. “There’s no other option.”
If you look at Araribóia in satellite imagery, you are struck by the contrast in color at its borders. It’s an island of green amid a sea of destruction. It’s no surprise; indigenous peoples look after their land better than anyone else. They have done so for generations and, unlike many other societies, their forest stewardship does not require detailed planning, million-dollar projects, debates in international fora or the Paris climate agreement.
We set up camp at a junction where two logging paths converged. There were snapped twigs on the forest floor — breaks which the Guardians could identify as being just hours old. The loggers were nearby. We slept around a fire — just enough flames to cook the one slab of remaining meat, but not enough to be seen. At dawn we continued, going ever deeper into the forest. I knew we were getting closer: there were constant signs of intruders.
One result of Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency is that there are more eyes on the forest: of those wanting to steal it, but also of those wanting to protect it. It’s buzzing with all the attention, and the fatal fires now ravaging vast areas are now drawing many more. All these eyes on the Amazon are provoking fights, grabbing headlines and building resistance. All of us can be allies in this resistance, but we will never truly know what people like the Guardians of the Amazon face on a daily basis. I will never truly know what Paulino went through.
Hours passed on our mission, and eventually we found the loggers’ camp. We approached cautiously, in a line, as silent as we could be. But nobody was there. The loggers had fled in a rush, leaving behind some clothes, cooking utensils, a pumpkin, and half a dozen eggs. The Guardians were quick to set the loggers’ camp alight, and burnt it to the ground.
The invaders had almost definitely been tipped off by one of their spies. They would rather flee and abandon “their” logs than cross paths with the forest’s defenders. They know the Guardians’ operations are succeeding in gradually pushing the loggers out.
Around the world, people are uniting with Brazil’s indigenous peoples to #StopBrazilsGenocide. During Bolsonaro’s first month in office, thousands took part in the biggest ever international protest for indigenous rights. The resistance is stopping Bolsonaro in his tracks.
For the future of Arariboia and other indigenous lands — the most biodiverse places on Earth, and lifelines for us all — let’s keep our eyes on the forest, and support the indigenous eyes IN the forest. We honour the life of Paulino and others like him; they will never know how grateful we all are, and we will never understand how much we really owe them. They’re the ones on the front line, day and night, of this fight for indigenous peoples, for nature, and for all humanity.
If you want to support the work of the Guardians of the Amazon, please click here
Sarah Shenker is a Senior Research and Advocacy Officer at Survival International. She works mainly on Survival’s Uncontacted Tribes and Tribal Conservationists campaigns and coordinates Survival’s Tribal Voice project. She has visited many indigenous communities in Brazil, Venezuela, Paraguay, Mexico and India. You can find her on Twitter @SarahDeeSvlJoin the debate on Facebook
More articles by:SARAH SHENKER
Meeting A Lost Tribe | #Attenborough90 | BBC
BBC Earth
Sir David remembers his remarkable meeting from A Blank on the Map with a lost tribe in the remote parts of New Guinea. Watch the full program on BBC One 7pm Sunday 08/05/2016 UK. Subscribe to BBC Earth: Earth YouTube Channel: BBC Earth Facebook (ex-UK only) BBC Earth Twitter Visit for all the latest animal news and wildlife videos This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes
Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage (1/5)
Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage. From Tribal Journeys The Toulambi. A series by Jean-Pierre Dutilleux
The Second Insight: Experience Study What do you see when you look closely at human progression throughout history? I became interested in why people seem to be searching, struggling, reading and sharing articles and stories online, looking to better their lives and their relationships. Why is our world today set up to have immediate access.
The Second Insight: Experience Study
What do you see when you look closely at human progression throughout history? I became interested in why people seem to be searching, struggling, reading and sharing articles and stories online, looking to better their lives and their relationships. Why is our world today set up to have immediate access to almost every subject imaginable? What does this mean? Where are we headed?
The Celestine Prophecy’s second of the twelve insights is called ‘The Longer Now.’ It builds on the previous insight (Mass Consciousness) by providing us with a deeper, more meaningful understanding of human history and how it has determined our present perspective of reality. By examining the last thousand years of civilization, you can learn the motivation behind our unrelenting drive to create higher standards of living. Our human mission has been to find practical ways of obtaining access to information and conveniences for our daily lives.
The second insight explains why we became occupied with material security and comfort in the first place and how this period was necessary for our Spiritual Awakening. Once we come to realize this as a natural and inevitable progression, we can then take steps to help the process along.
The awareness of Synchronicity and Intuition in our lives, today, represents an awakening from what has been a distraction with material security and comfort. Further, we have existed in an earthly slumber for centuries.
Our Passage
Historically, mankind has been through periods that are controlled by various beliefs and attitudes. Humanity has had a captivation with discovering all that this world has to offer. This strong drive all began from having unanswered questions to the true meaning of life, which created a void in our experiences on earth.
Our current view of the world is shaped and influenced by the culture of media. The second insight teaches us to appreciate our ancestors and how those who came before us saw the world. By appreciating this evolution of ideas and faith, outlined in the following paragraphs, we can grasp the new levels of consciousness of this present age. This cooperation with the Divine has the potential to advance human development further than it has ever been before.
The European Renaissance began when we lost our faith in the ability of medieval churchmen to describe our spiritual reality. Every aspect of the medieval world was defined in other-worldly terms, which was interpreted by the representatives of the church. As the priesthood began to fall into abuse of power and violations of their oaths to God and church, rebellion grew among the populace.
Clubs and fragment groups developed their own interpretation of the scriptures. The rebellion was partly due to disgust with the actions of the established priesthood and also because the people felt they should have access to the scriptures. They wanted to form personal interpretations of their spiritual practices and occurrences without the need for a middleman.
The Age of Science and Progress
As we began to explore the nature of the world, a science developed, resulting in an ever increasing quest for knowledge and understanding of our universe and its properties. Our questions regarding God and the purpose of life had not been answered, so as a means of distraction from our insecurity, we sent out investigators to report back on the evidence they found.
In fact, we created a request for science to study the world around us so that we could identify our spiritual nature. However, scientific findings worked to disprove the long-held beliefs; for example, the Earth was neither flat nor the center of the universe. Then the church and its ideas concerning the large spiritual picture came into question. Again, we felt lost and uncertain, which stemmed a deep existential anxiety. We began to turn to practical observation rather than relying on our inborn knowledge and its reasoning. This facilitated the dawning of the Modern Age.
We eased the human insecurity by preoccupying ourselves with yet another goal: physical progress. We decided to settle on this Earth of ours, improving our conditions in the physical world- at least until we uncovered our true spiritual situation.
During the Industrial Revolution, we saw major technological gains, reaffirming the mindset of “progress.” And we almost lost our need for spiritual knowledge completely. Preoccupying ourselves with materialistic concerns, we accepted the illusion that we lived in a rational and predictable universe, where chance occurrences had no meaning. As mankind progressed, mechanization and technology led to higher and higher levels of consumerism, thereby leading us away from our age-old quest for the spiritual meaning of life.
In the last decades of our century –led by science itself– this former worldview, empty of spiritual mystery, began to dissolve. And now we find ourselves at this very moment, where we are open to a new way of learning and perhaps developing the 12 Insights. The time spent exploring and cultivating our world was not time wasted, as it facilitated the evolution of our thought processes and brain capacity through experimentation and invention. While this technological preoccupation was an important step, our awakening to life’s “coincidences” opens us up to the real purpose of human life on this planet, and the real nature of our universe.
Before we can understand where we are, and what is going to occur next, we must understand what has really been happening during this current thousand year period. Working to establish a more comfortable style of survival has grown to feel complete in and of itself as a reason to live, and we’ve gradually, methodically, forgotten our original issue…We’ve forgotten that we still don’t know what we’re surviving for. It’s time now to wake up from the distraction and reconsider our original question. What’s behind life on this planet? Why are we really here? We grasp the Second Insight when we understand the historical momentum leading us to a new, more mysterious, spiritual life design.
Start now:
The Second Insight teaches us that we should live our beliefs rather than talk about them. These beliefs are communicated by actions that we take in our own lives that project a model to others. We can begin by taking the time to pay attention to the present moment and the people in it. By taking deep breaths and having an intention to focus on the way our body feels, the sounds in our environment, and engaging in “The Longer Now,” we can appreciate the fullness of each moment. This daily practice can affect our existence whereby coincidences start to provide subtle signals of guidance for us.
Now observe culture not just from the perspective of our own lifetimes but the perspective of a whole millennium. It reveals our true problem to us so we can be lifted above it. You have just experienced this longer history so you can live in a longer now. Together, with this insight, we can shape another historical era of inspirational life for generations to come.
In the quest to ensure humanity’s ongoing food security and to end hunger once and for all, it’s a matter for everyone to learn more about the best ways to co-operate with the Sun, the earth, the wind and the rain, and using permaculture principles and ethics, to enable an abundance of food-forests to be organically growing in suburban home yards and all other appropriate places, asap. We the peoples, have the potential to co-create a world where everyone achieves maximum benefits that last for the longest time.
As the Vision 2020 now age solution strategy is implemented, an abundance of resources will progressively become available to invest in enhancing life on Earth for all.
To help this initiative grow we invite you to be and Earth Repair Sponsor.
The Gold Framed Thought Mind Seed Vitamins shown on this page are available on request as radiant Poster-Cards.
They are for displaying where they can be easily seen to brighten dull spots with continuously radiating inspiration. They are gifts that keep on giving. We encourage you to share them with family and friends.
ERF is aligned with the Blue Mountains Branch of the United Nations Association of Australia (NSW) Inc. Click here to see UNAA NSW Inc’s website or click here to see UNAA NSW on FaceBook.
Participation is invited, especially from individuals who can recognise the value in this optimistic, practical and achievable, artistic expression of creative visioning
Thanks in anticipation of you being part of this timely, local and global solution strategy.
The ERF Team
Note: Editorial comments to strengthen this now age strategy are invited and welcomed. Volunteers with enthusiasm who may be inspired to help, please click this link or call 0408 267 195
Be here now and participate in the movement for world improvement.
No matter what your culture or religion, or what you have experienced previously in your life, we invite and encourage you to adopt optimism now and enjoy the love, freedom, peace and happiness that you deserve, long into the future.
In all the history of the universe, there has never been, and never will be, anyone else exactly like you. Each of us is one of more than seven billion other unique, human kindred spirits living on planet Earth, questing to attain and maintain inner and world peace.
Each of us is an original, unrepeatable, valuable and important member of a great family of spiritual beings, being humans, living on planet Earth here in the infinity of space, and now in the eternity of time.
Essentially, we are like falling raindrops splashing into an ocean and immediately becoming the whole ocean. We are inlets to an ocean of infinite and eternal universal mind.
We all have within our minds, an unlimited place of inner space. An inner-screen we watch with our third-eye, an imagination, and eternal dreaming capabilities that can enable access to supreme realms of conscious self-realisation.
Imagination is an important as knowledge
As the Earth Repair Charter and Vision 2010 Now Agee Global Solution Strategy self-perpetuates, there will be an abundance of funding, resources and personnel available to invest in enhancing life on Earth for everyone, BY:
• Ending racial and religious tensions by recognising our one humanity and righting all wrongs; Click here to read the Plan For Peace.
• Establishing a Department or Ministry for Peace in every government to help resolve conflict with creative mediation, Click to see a printable Global Petition or Click HERE to sign an online global petition.
• Investigating corrupt governments and corporations and exposing and overturning wrong behaviour in order to implement truly ethical solutions for humanity’s problems;
• Providing compassionate health-care and self-help education in medicinal foods and natural preventive medicines and therapies;
• Implementing organic gardening and permaculture principles and ethics in the curriculum of every school;
• Establishing productive permaculture designed food-forests in all appropriate places;
• Ending starvation and malnutrition;
• Retiring developing nation’s debts;
• Providing safe clean water for all; (This can be achieved by creating large-scale solar and renewable-energy powered desalination plants and pumping stations in strategic locations throughout the world, then piping the purified water to arid areas so garden food-forests can be helped to grow in increasing abundance to feed the world. To be funded by the reduction of military spending).
• Composting all the continuously available bio-degradable materials to breed earth worms and make humus-soil;
• Recycling plastics to make hygienic, aerobic, no-dig Composting Bins for every home yard; Click here to watch a two minute video called: ‘What the World Needs Now is a Sense of Humus’.
• Treating sewage to make safe compost to help trees grow; “Planting and growing increasing quantities of appropriate trees, is the scientific solution to Earth’s environmental dilemma”. Dr Richard St Barbe Baker, QBE, LL.D, Internationally renowned ‘Man of the Trees’.
• Defending all original native forests and accelerating plantation forestry; Click here to read ERF’s Forest Protection Strategy.
• Accelerating plantation forestry;
• Implementing only renewable energy systems;
• Ending homelessness world-wide;
• Establishing democracies globally;
• Investing only in safe, renewable, world’s best practice, energy production systems;
What The World Needs
Now Is A Sense of Humus!
ERF The Worm Says...
Milky Way Galaxy
Inner Peace - World Peace
May the infinite intelligence of the eternal universe, reveal humanity's already existing enlightened nature,
as all people can enjoy world peace....
Imagination is an important as knowledge
When enough people lead our leaders will follow.
Photograph Source: Nathaniel St. Clair
The War on Wheat - the fifth estate
CBC News
CBC News
It's a multi-billion dollar battle for your belly. Millions of people are joining the anti-wheat revolution. Kellogg's, the world's largest cereal maker, has seen its biggest drop in sales since the 1970s. Food companies are selling off their struggling bread divisions. It's all because best-selling health evangelists say that wheat is causing everything from fat bellies to schizophrenia. But do they have science on their side? Mark Kelley takes a hard look at what's driving a movement that is dramatically changing the way we eat. For more on the fifth estate :
CategoryNews & Politics
Avocado - a positive superfood trend? | DW Documentary
DW Documentary
From avocado toast to guacamole, this superfood has stolen the hearts of foodies and the health conscious around the world. But where do avocados come from? Avocados have become a huge food trend in the Western world, where the creamy fruit has become readily available in shops, cafes and restaurants. The avocado is considered a superfood and is popular in Europe because of its nutritional value. Avocados are high in calories, contain mostly monounsaturated fat and are good for cholesterol. The fruit is full of essential nutrients, including potassium and vitamin C. But there's a darker side to the fashionable fruit popular on toast or in salads. In Chile, one of the world's largest suppliers, avocado cultivation has dramatic consequences and has been linked to water shortages, human rights violations and an environmentally damage. The province of Petorca has a long tradition of avocado farming. Once grown by small farmers, production has been soaring since the global avocado boom of the 1990s. Big landowners now dominate the avocado market there. And their business requires large amounts of water. It takes up to 1000 liters of water to grow one kilo of the fruit (about three avocados) - a lot more than for a kilo of tomatoes or potatoes. The region is suffering an acute water shortage, exacerbated by climate change. The riverbeds dried up years ago. Trucks bring tanks of water to families in need, while thousands of hectares of avocado groves just next door are watered with artificial reservoirs. Rodrigo Mundaca founded the NGO Modatima. He fights for the right to water - a right that’s guaranteed by the UN and that Chile has committed to. An aerial survey in 2012 revealed that 64 pipelines were diverting river water underground, apparently to irrigate the avocado fields. When the Modatima activists publicly voiced their criticism, they received death threats. Water became a commodity in Chile in 1981 under the Pinochet dictatorship, meaning it’s privatized. Those who offer the most money get water licenses, even for life, regardless of the potential consequences for the ecosystem. The avocado also has a pretty dire environmental footprint. They’re packaged to prevent damage and transported in air-conditioned cargo ships to Europe. The fruit then ripens in a factory in Rotterdam, before it’s sent "ready to eat” to German supermarkets. "Europe wants to eat healthily - at our expense,” says Mundaca.
Category: Education
Nine Insights
Noticing Synchronicity
SYNCHRONICITY is the entry point, the measure of whether we’re connected spiritually. These “meaningful coincidences” are tiny miracles steering us toward the good life. They are always seeking first, to awaken us, and then to allow us to be guided by a spiritual connection to the unfolding of our intended destiny. Staying in a state of alert expectation concerning the major questions of our lives, or the help we need, increases the frequency of Synchronistic answers. The secret is remembering, first thing in the morning, to watch for these magical Synchronistic moments.
A Theory You've Never Heard Of | Michael Robinson | TEDxUniversityofHartford
4,351,807 views - Nov 9, 2015
TEDx Talks
21.9M subscribers
The Hamitic Hypothesis was a 19th century anthropological theory that claimed that humans originated in Asia and then migrated to other regions of the world. The theory was used to explain the discovery of so-called “white races” in Africa in the late 1800s. The Hamitic Hypothesis was not simply a curiosity of anthropological science. It was an idea that changed lives: from those European colonists who relied upon it to justify their presence in Africa, to the scientists who used it to explain away the accomplishments of African civilizations as a result of “white” influence. Ultimately, the Hamitic Hypothesis anchored a global theory of human origins and migration that, when combined with the Aryan race theory, shaped anthropology, colonial policy, and even the attitudes of Africans themselves for a hundred years. Michael Robinson is a historian of science and exploration at the University of Hartford. He is the author of "The Coldest Crucible: Arctic Exploration and American Culture." His new book The Lost White Tribe: Explorers, Scientists, and the Theory that Changed a Continent" comes out with Oxford University Press in December. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
The Third Insight Experience Study The 12 insights have been designed to guide you through the universal laws that govern the unseen spiritual world, just as scientists assist us in understanding the physical realm. In The Celestine Prophecy, the third insight is called ‘A Matter of Energy.’ It builds on the previous insight ‘
The Third Insight Experience Study
The 12 insights have been designed to guide you through the universal laws that govern the unseen spiritual world, just as scientists assist us in understanding the physical realm.
In The Celestine Prophecy, the third insight is called ‘A Matter of Energy.’ It builds on the previous insight ‘A Critical Mass’ which demonstrates the connection we have as humans throughout history and our ability to influence the culture in which we live. ‘The Longer Now’ provided a greater recognition of human history, being primarily a development of ideas and not technology as we may have previously believed.
We integrate the THIRD INSIGHT when we realize the world is a field of spiritual energy, which is flexible to our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The universe is not a dead, uncaring place; it is an energetically connected environment that is Divinely constructed to bring our greatest desires into fulfillment. The essence of our lives, our bodies, and the other physical life forms are vessels for this energy. We have sensed this energy in the natural realm long before we were able to understand it. And it exists to aid in our efforts and to empower us to fulfill our dreams. When we make the connection between the energy around us and our energy within, we can reach the steeple of our potential.
Sensitivity to Beauty
Our first encounter with this energy field is when we recognize beauty in the world. The perception of beauty is a kind of barometer telling each of us how close we are to actually seeing the energy. As we become more connected to the Spirit, the beauty of nature becomes more striking. When something looks to us as beautiful, it displays more presence and sharpness of shape and distinction of color. It stands out. It shines. It seems almost shimmering compared to the dullness of other objects less attractive. We find the things we each perceive as beautiful may be different, but the actual properties we ascribe to beautiful objects are similar.
Universe’s ruling principal: GIVING.
Once we are fully aware of this energy as an unlimited source available to us, we can tap into it surrounding us constantly in our daily lives. Through it, we can accomplish what would previously be considered to be impossible. All we have to do is align our lives with the Universe’s ruling principle: GIVING.
Of course, the first step is to keep our own energy high; then we can start the flow of energy coming into us, through us, and into another person. The more we appreciate their wholeness, their inner beauty, the more the energy flows into them, and naturally, the more that flows into us….Two or more people doing this together can reach incredible highs as they build one another up and have it immediately returned.
To do this, we must be disciplined in harnessing and focusing our energy and attention on the purpose and destiny for our lives. Our energy will then flow out to fulfill the purpose and create the life we are meant to live. It will touch the lives of all we meet and as we stay focused events will happen; chance meetings and opportunities, all coincidentally working together to bring our destiny to fruition.
Evidence: Human Intention and Karmic Design
We begin to fulfill the latest discoveries of quantum physics. The whole of Einstein’s life work was to show that what we perceive as hard matter is an empty space with a pattern of energy running through it. This includes ourselves. And what quantum physics has shown is that when we look at these patterns of energy at smaller and smaller levels, startling results can be seen.
Research has revealed that when you divide small parts of this energy, what we call elementary particles and try to observe how they operate, the act of perception itself alters the results. It is as if these elementary particles are influenced by what the experimenter presumes. This is true even if the particles must appear in places they couldn’t go, given the laws of the universe as we know them: two places at the same moment, forward or backward in time, that sort of thing.
In other words, the basic material of the universe, at its core, is looking like a kind of pure energy that is malleable to human intention and expectation. In this way, the third insight begins a new view of life. To create this new “world view,” we must understand and live in alignment with the universe’s karmic (giving) design.
Humans are unique in a world of energy in that they can project their energy consciously. We have the ability to influence what happens in our lives through our attitudes, desires and expectations. We are now able to create the destiny that we long to see. Our thoughts and words are powerful. Our beliefs influence how the universe answers.
As we open up to Synchronicity and Intuitive guidance, we realize that we, in fact, we share minds with one another and the Divine. The path to this majestic life -lies NOT in ruling others or taking what we want. It lies in always looking out for the “best interests” of others, and at the same time, striving to perceive something they need in order to manifest their dreams. If we give them this information, it feels Synchronistic to them and elevates their lives.
What’s more, when we practice improving in this way, it creates an immediate karmic effect in our lives. When we help others, we karmically begin to attract people into our lives who act the same way; they, in turn, help us. These helpers are also being given intuitive suggestions of how they can help us. We experience their aid as exactly what we need at that very moment to extend our destined flow in life.
Ending the Power Struggle For Energy
Humans secretly manipulate for energy, and this can’t exist if you bring them into consciousness by pointing them out. They cease to be covert. It is a very simple method. The best truth about what’s going on in a conversation always prevails. After that, the person has to be more real and honest.
Simultaneously look beyond the drama at the real person in front of you and send as much positive energy their way as possible. If they can feel the energy coming in, then it’s easier for them to give up their way of manipulating for it.
It is important to note that if the universe is energy, the energy that responds to our expectations, and people are part of that energy universe too, then when we have a question, the people will show up in our lives who have the answer. That is why overcoming power struggles is so important.
Everyone who crosses our path has a message for us. Otherwise, they would have taken another path, or left earlier or later. The fact that these people are here means that they are here for some reason. We are members of the same thought group with other people.
Thought groups are usually evolving along the same lines of interest. They think the same and that creates the same expression and outward experience. We intuitively recognize members of our thought group and very often they provide messages for us.
When we adopt this outlook and ask ourselves how we can be of service to another, our minds connect more deeply with the Divine mind and our intuitive capacity thus opens up. As this happens, we receive an intuition suggesting a specific way this person needs information or direct aid. The key is always to seek to be a Synchronicity for others, by giving them just the right information and help they call for at the time of our encounter with them.
In this way, we begin to experience the transforming reality of becoming an “agent of the Divine.” (Think, “what would God do to help, if he couldn’t come and instead sent me”). The wish to help others opens up our Divine connection and strengthens our union with higher intelligence.
We also can prove to ourselves by noticing what happens if we decide to pursue the opposite course in life and become not a giver but a taker. The same karmic principle is in effect. If you take, you’ll draw people who take from you. If we manipulate others or steal energy for our personal gain, we find that we are being treated the same way ourselves. This is not for punishment; it is to allow us to feel what we are doing to others and come back into alignment with the way the world is designed to work.
Thus, by getting into alignment with Karmic design and “helping others”, we attract more desirable, life enhancing, connections with others; injecting Synchronicity into our lives. Therefore, GIVING to others brings forth the exact Divine coincidences needed for our dreams to come true. All we have to do is participate.
"...Compost Instead of Waste to breed earth worms and make humus-soil, assisting nature to grow the healthiest food, is FUN WORK- not toil. The Vision is for the majority of our world's people and ethics by the end of Year 2021, so that abundant food-forests are growing in most home yards and all other appropriate places... Earth Care - People Care - Fair Share ..."
Konj Kobila
Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage (2/5)
Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage. From Tribal Journeys The Toulambi. A series by Jean-Pierre Dutilleux
THE CHOSEN ONES S1 • E4 Inside the Strange, Psychic World of Indigo Children
Gavin Haynes has come from England to America to investigate the secret world of Indigo Children, a select group of people who believe they were born with "indigo" auras and possess special and supernatural traits and abilities. Though many of these children have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD by health care professionals, Indigo parents maintain that their children do not have these conditions, but are instead running on a different astral plane unbeknownst to regular people. Critics maintain that these children are not receiving proper mental health care. On his journey for answers, Gavin has his aura photo taken, undergoes a holistic dentistry examination by a mother/daughter Indigo pair, and attends a concert for Indigo rap duo The Underachievers, who are preaching Indigoism as a way of life. WATCH NEXT: Music For Dogs, By Dogs: Click here to subscribe to VICE: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: More videos from the VICE network: Like VICE on Facebook: Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our Tumblr: Follow us on Instagram: Check out our Pinterest:
Caption authors (English) LB FishingDAN9553Mbabbc babbonlyfacts9ShowtimE Caption author (Portuguese (Brazil))Pedro S.
Hackschooling makes me happy | Logan LaPlante | TEDxUniversityofNevada
TEDx Talks
21.9M subscribers
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: When 13 year-old Logan LaPlante grows up, he wants to be happy and healthy. He discusses how hacking his education is helping him achieve this goal. About TEDx, x = independently organized event. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
In The Celestine Prophecy, the Fifth Insight is called, “The Message Of The Mystics.” It builds on the previous insight, “The Struggle For Power,” which shows how humans have been unconsciously competing for the only part of the energy we have access to; the part that flows between people. We integrate the Fifth INSIGHT when we see how the spiritual world can provide all we need if we can only open ourselves up to it.
The state of the mystical experience is like leaping out, feeling safe and secure, while glimpsing the future. We breakthrough, at least momentarily, to experience a moment that seems to move us past our normal level of consciousness and we sense an ultimate connection. Sometimes, this event comes through a “spiritual practice” we’ve found that brings us to this moment. It could be a peak experience at a house of worship, or through prayer, meditation, music, communing with nature or a host of other points of entry.
It is usually hard to sustain this experience for very long, as we live in a world where the conflict is still occurring. We see that we will get knocked out of this advanced state and fall back to the level of our old selves easily as we react to our environment.
This is the matter of slowly regaining what we glimpsed, a little at a time, to begin a progression back toward that ultimate consciousness. To do this, we must think of our lives as a constant flow of giving and receiving energy. Thus, we learn to consciously fill up as we interact in our daily lives.
Existing in a constant state of energy brings on the coincidences, and the coincidences help us actualize the new level on a permanent basis.
When something occurs beyond chance, and we are led forward in our lives, then we become complete people resolved to fulfill an intended mission. We sense as though we are attaining what destiny is leading us to become.
When this occurs, the level of energy that brought on the coincidences in the first place is instituted in us. We can be knocked out of it and lose energy when we are afraid, but this level serves as a new outer limit that can be regained quite easily. We fill up, grow, fill up and grow again. That is how we as humans continue the evolution…
This evolution has been going on unconsciously throughout human history. That explains why civilization has progressed and why humans have grown larger, lived longer, and so forth. Now, however, we are making the whole process conscious at large by realizing the human potential. That is what this movement toward a world-wide spiritual consciousness is all about.
The 5th insight deals with how we don’t have to steal energy from others but instead can absorb energy directly from the awareness of a spiritual connection if only we can open up to it.
We can learn to sense and become one with the Spirit, which is rich with energy. Once this insight is understood, we no longer have the need to engage in situations that attempt to dominate or create conflict with others.
Recognizing that such vast stores of energy are ours to use freely will help mankind to eliminate the many tensions and stresses that arise from interactions with others who drain energy.
Instantly, we receive a “fast forward” boost in our sense of well-being, peace, and even blissfulness. An experience described by prophets and saints as a greater sense of knowing and wisdom, and the deep emotion of love. Convincing us even more by “foretelling” that spiritual consciousness is real and provides a look ahead to the levels of awareness -the ultimate goal of spiritual evolution.
The Seventh Insight Experience Study In The Celestine Prophecy, the Seventh Insight is called ” Engaging the Flow.” It builds on the previous insight, “Clearing the Past,” which describes how we unconsciously gain security in stressful times through mechanical behaviors, our particular way of controlling others. Once we have become aware of this behavior, we […
The Seventh Insight Experience Study
In The Celestine Prophecy, the Seventh Insight is called ” Engaging the Flow.” It builds on the previous insight, “Clearing the Past,” which describes how we unconsciously gain security in stressful times through mechanical behaviors, our particular way of controlling others. Once we have become aware of this behavior, we can stabilize our Connection and remain in regular contact with the true source of all energy. It is then that we can discover our life’s work or mission and start making our meaningful contribution to the world.
With our mission in mind, and as our lives move forward, The Seventh Insight deals with the process of consciously evolving yourself to stay alert to every coincidence, aimed at our ultimate calling. Sometimes, when things have a special meaning, they jump out at you, entering your consciousness in a forceful way, coming to you as guidance. It is only as we continually engage the flow that we can accomplish our life’s work.
Once we begin to pursue a connection with our own mission, guidance comes to point the way for us toward our ultimate destiny. Guidance happens through the process of constant questioning that leads to a greater synchronistic flow.
How To Notice Intuition
When a question arises in our minds, it focuses our thoughts. Our thoughts take the shape around this question in the form of night dreams, daydreams, and intuition that then lead us forward to the answers that we are seeking.
In this buildup of consciousness, we become aware of our Intuitive Guidance at a higher level. Through practicing MINDFULNESS, we can discern between ordinary, calculative thoughts and the more mystical, Intuitive thoughts and feelings.
Here’s the key difference:
Calculative thoughts are the words we consciously think to ourselves when processing a general problem. This is a significant thought process, but this is not Intuition.
Intuitions are spontaneous notions that appear to come from nowhere. They seem just to occur to us with a hint of inspiration and discovery, yet we didn’t think of them, in the calculative sense. While our egos may well be in the habit of taking credit for such thoughts (“aren’t we smart”), upon closer inspection, we can see they are obtained from some deeper source within us.
Intuitions come from a superior part of our intelligence. They naturally appear in the back of our minds as clarifying ideas on how to proceed. In short, they are ideas that sometimes seem too random, spontaneous, and not logical, but upon greater interpretation they can be observed to apply perfectly to the situation at hand.
Once we begin to identify guiding intuitions in this way, we realize how we have been missing them in the past. When clarifying the different types of thought, ask yourself, “Why did I just think of this now?”
Mindful Intuition
We learn to become detached observers of our experience, employing a habit of watchfulness over every experience as we proceed through our daily lives. This Mindfulness involves close observation of what happens in our outer world but also being attuned to the various thoughts and feelings that show up in our minds.
The idea is to stay impartial and patiently monitor everything you feel or think, including ideas, images, emotions, and automatic reactions. Be the objective viewer without getting distracted by memories, worries, regrets, unfinished plans, or any other ego concerns. When distraction does occur, catch yourself and return to the observer position quickly.
Once we learn to identify intuitions, we realize how they bring forth Synchronicity (another elevation of awareness occurring). First, we receive an Intuitive picture (an urge) to end or begin something, to solve a problem, or to pursue some line of interest. Then, if we follow the guidance diligently with MINDFULNESS, an important Synchronistic breakthrough will take place — thus leading our lives forward to our greater calling. In this way, following our Intuitions is the key to increasing our Synchronistic Flow and maintaining our flow of destiny.
The Seventh Insight also deals with how to interpret our night dreams and daydreams. When a night dream occurs, compare the dream story to your life. Bad dreams have the most important messages since they act as warnings of things that are probable but can be avoided by recognizing the message from the dream.
However, when a daydream occurs, we must ask why? How does it relate to you as seen from the position of an observer? The Seventh Insight says that fear images should be stopped as soon as they come. Then another image, one with a good outcome, should be willed through your mind. Your intuitions will be about positive things.
Soon, negative images will almost never happen. When they do occur thereafter, they could have particularly serious meanings, and their message should be dealt with accordingly.
I believe our Intuitive thoughts, night dreams, and daydreams are elemental to the process of downloading our higher, divine intelligence through an increased spiritual connection. Yes, we have free will, and we can exercise our reasons and preferences at every turn. But, recognizing our inner, spiritual intelligence opens us up to a life guidance. One that will address how we can break through old habits and distractions, and then find and evolve to our most exciting and prosperous, life purpose.
Read my article: How Intuition Gave Me Confidence
See The Insight Experience Study Archives
Peace Now
Continous Optimistic Thinking
enable everyone to always look on the bright and positive side of life and enjoy ..
NOWwwwwww as the Best Time
Sufficiency Economy: Enough, For Everyone, Forever
Authored by Samuel Alexander
In this second volume of collected essays, Samuel Alexander develops the provocative ideas contained in “Prosperous Descent: Crisis as Opportunity in an Age of Limits“. Industrial civilisation promotes mistaken ideas of freedom and wellbeing, while placing unsupportable burdens on the biosphere. This being so, Alexander argues that the richest nations need to transcend consumer culture and initiate a ‘degrowth’ process of planned economic contraction. To achieve this, he shows that we need to build a post-capitalist politics and economics from the grassroots up, restructuring our societies to promote far ‘simpler’ conceptions of the good life, based on notions of sufficiency, frugality, appropriate technology, and local economy.________________________________________
‘With the vision of a prophet, the eloquence of a poet, the forensic detail of the scholar, and the engaged passion of an activist, Samuel Alexander offers critique, analysis and strategy for a post-growth society beyond carbon-fuelled, consumer capitalism. It is a truism that ‘where there is no vision the people perish’. This book in its comprehensive scope presents a challenging, provocative and absolutely necessary vision, synthesising theoretical and practical considerations related to understanding the current crisis of ‘the human condition’, and offering informed suggestions as to what comes after the unsustainable growth economy. They say knowledge is power, if so, arm yourself by reading and (re)acting to and on this book, notes from the ‘front line’ of our crisis-ridden but self-transforming present.’
– John Barry, author of The Politics of Actually Existing Unsustainability
‘Impressively researched, eloquently argued, and deeply engaging, Samuel Alexander’s work sits at the forefront of the degrowth movement. More than just a powerful critique of the capitalist growth economy, this book highlights the promise – and the necessity – of localised, ecological economies as the only means of adequately confronting the crises that are converging upon us. At times his vision of the future may be challenging, but it is never despairing, and ultimately the reader comes away uplifted and inspired. Alexander convinces us that less can indeed be more.’
– Helena Norberg-Hodge, author of Ancient Futures and producer of The Economics of Happiness
Most people on Earth would know about this Earth Repair Solution Strategy Charter
from two people in 33 days, if they each shared it with one new person a day for 33 days,
and each person receiving the strategy shared it with one new person a day for the balance of the 33 days.
Totals over 6 billion people.
Imagination is an important as knowledge
When enough people lead our leaders will follow.
Science Of The Soul - Full Documentary
Syndicado TV
Do human beings have souls? From the beginning of human awareness – no matter the context and no matter the age – the answer was always “yes”. All cultures have universally argued that human beings are “ensouled”. About a hundred years ago, however, scientists decided that the “soul” is not a proper subject of scientific investigation – consciousness replaced soul. Then, the brain replaced consciousness. Lately, this perspective has led some scientists to argue that within 20-30 years AI, robotics and biological brains will converge to create a cyborg/Matrix like reality where there is, essentially, no difference between humans and machines. Science of the Soul is a feature length documentary investigation into these life and death issues. From robotics to near death experiences, from attempts to achieve altered states of consciousness in the jungles of Peru to an exploration of infant state of mind, Science of the Soul explores the cutting-edge of consciousness related science to determine whether we are about to experience a new step in human evolution or the death of the human soul. Subscribe to I Love Docs for more free documentaries:
CategoryFilm & Animation
"When a large number of people become mindful of the previous insights and work toward fulfilling their Spiritual Destiny, our way of life will change dramatically"
In The Celestine Prophecy, the Ninth Insight is called, “The Emerging Culture.” It builds on the previous insight, “The Interpersonal Ethic,” which reveals how, when we communicate with others, we MUST enhance our attitude of giving as we communicate. We must “uplift” others by looking past their ego or defense mechanisms to see their spiritual essence.
The Ninth Insight says, as we search for our spiritual truth, we are led into a future where everyone has slowed down and become more alert to each meaningful encounter that comes along. Our lives feel secure as the Divine presence guides us. We trust in a greater plan.
The Ninth Insight is a prediction of how human culture will evolve as a result of mass spiritual awareness. When a large number of people become mindful of the previous insights and work toward fulfilling their Spiritual Destiny, our way of life will change dramatically.
According to the Ninth Insight, the first step is a period of intense self-examination. Our sense of purpose will be satisfied by the thrill of our own development — An excitement transpires deep within as we focus on our behavior, thoughts, and relationships. During this time, we expand our consciousness to a new level with the sensation of receiving an intuition and seeing it confirmed with a synchronistic event. Fireworks go off while we watch our destinies unfold.
With so many of our synchronistic occurrences coming from other people in our lives, think of how we will be able to uplift our connections with others when we begin to transcend our control dramas and form more authentic relationships. Once free from manipulation, we will consciously share our life stories with others until, joyfully, we discover the importance of the relationship to help us on our path of personal discovery.
We will be able to sense the underlying significance of all the people we encounter along the way – whether the relationship evolves to become lifelong or you move forward again on your own individual journey, and the meeting was meant to teach us something in one way or another. Either way, we exist with new awareness and can thereafter touch others in a way not possible beforehand. Can you visualize our personal encounters having this much meaning and significance?
As we learn to develop and pursue our particular path, truth by truth, the Ninth Insight says the overall culture will transform in a very predictable way.
Imagine if you will…
People are guided by their intuitions, and everyone knows precisely what to do and when to do it, and this will fit harmoniously with the actions of others. No one will consume excessively because we will have let go of the need to control for security. Life has become about something else altogether.
We receive clear intuitions of who we really are and what we are supposed to be doing, and very often we may discover we are in the wrong job, and have to jump to another type of work in order to continue to grow.
We grasp how beautiful and spiritual the natural world really is and hold all of nature with respect and awe. We demand an end to any economic activity that threatens this treasure. And those closest to this situation find alternative solutions to the problems because someone intuits these alternatives as they seek their life’s mission.
We realize that the truth we have to tell and the things we have to do are much too unique to fit into the usual job setting. So we find ways to cut our employment hours to pursue our own truths. Two or three people hold what used to be one full-time job.
We continue to discover more about the energy dynamics of the universe, and see what really happens when we give someone something. Giving is really a universal principle of support; not just for churches, but for everyone. When we give, we receive in return. We begin to give constantly, and we always have more coming in than we could possibly give away.
Our gifts will go to the people who have given us spiritual truth. When people come into our lives at just the right time to give us the answers we need, we give them money. This is how we will begin to supplement our incomes and ease out of the occupations which limit us. The work we do (teaching, nursing, accounting, etc.) will feed our soul and lead us further down the path of our Destined mission.
As more people engage in this spiritual economy, we begin a real shift to the culture of the next millennium. We will have moved through the stage of evolving into our right occupation and will be entering the stage of getting paid for growing freely and offering our unique truth to others. Paying others for their insights will begin the transformation, and then as more and more parts of the economy are automated, currency is disappearing altogether. We don’t need it. Since we are all correctly following our intuitive guidance, we only take what we need.
The more readily we have energy flowing into us, the more mysteriously the universe responds by bringing people into our lives to answer our questions. And every time we follow an intuition and some mysterious encounter leads us forward, our personal vibration increases.
The Celestine Prophecy pg. 243-244
“Onward and upward. Our Destiny is to continue to increase our energy level, and as our energy level increases, the speed of vibration in the atoms of our body increases – meaning we are getting lighter and more purely spiritual.
The Ninth Insight predicts that as humans continue to increase their vibration, an amazing thing will begin to happen. Whole groups of people, once they reach a certain level, will suddenly become invisible to those still vibrating at a lower level. It will appear to the people on this lower level that they just disappeared, but the group themselves will feel as though they are still right here, only they will feel lighter.
When this happens, it will signal that we are crossing the barrier between this life and the other world from which we came, and to which we will go after death. This conscious crossing over is the path shown by the Christ. He opened up to the energy until he was so light he could walk on water. He transcended death right here on Earth – to expand the physical world into the spiritual. His life demonstrated how to do this, and if we connect with the same Source, we can head the same way, step by step.”
The important thing for us right now is to consciously develop our spiritual awareness and self growth so we may understand where we are headed. In the past, we couldn’t save the environment and democratize the planet and feed the poor because we have not been able to release our fear of scarcity and our need to control so that we could give to others. We couldn’t release our fears because we had no view of life that served as an alternative. Now we do!
The important thing is to seek out the truth of this way of life. We’re here on this planet not to build personal empires of control, but to evolve. Furthermore, by getting into alignment with this design, you set the stage for the complete integration of all the insights and sustained higher consciousness as the levels work together automatically.
When this goes viral, then everyone can quickly identify their life missions and
can Synchronistically move to their right place of service.
Over time, such growth will transform the overall culture into the Destined spiritual form.
See The Insight Experience Study Archives
Nine Insights
The 9 Insights from The Celestine Prophecy
Feb 22, 2017
Insights & Musings
Have you read a book that changed how you sense and approach life? My list would definitely include The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. Since I read it, I understood that there are things I knew but didn’t realize that I knew on hunches, coincidental opportunities and spiritual guidance. Shortly after, I was led to get The Tenth Insight and then the companion book, The Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide.
I went through them voraciously until I was stuck with the study guide. The ego took me on a detour again — delaying any deep, soul diving — that made me lazy and disinterested on book hunting the 3 others (i.e. the celestine vision, the 11th and 12th insight) of the adventure series.
This introspection exercise is surely a long overdue shadow work. I feel it’s time look closely into my personal adventure to intensify and expand The Nine Insights. For now, let’s take a look first into the author’s summary of the insights.
(1) A Critical Mass
A new spiritual awakening is occurring in human culture, an awakening brought about by a critical mass of individuals who experience their lives as a spiritual unfolding, a journey in which we are led forward by mysterious coincidences.
(2) The Longer Now
This awakening represents the creation of a new, more complete worldview, which replaces a five-hundred-year-old preoccupation with secular survival and comfort. While this technological preoccupation was an important step, our awakening to life coincidences is opening us up to the real purpose of human life on this planet and the real nature of our universe.
(3) A Matter of Energy
We now experience that we live not in a material universe but in a universe of dynamic energy. Everything extant is a field of sacred energy that we can sense and Intuit. Moreover, we humans can project our energy by focusing our attention in the desired direction (“where attention goes, energy flows”), influencing other energy systems and increasing the pace of coincidences in our lives.
(4) The Struggle for Power
Too often humans cut themselves off from the greater source of this energy and so feel weak and insecure. To gain energy, we tend to manipulate or force others to give us attention and thus energy. When we successfully dominate others in this way, we feel more powerful, but they are left weakened and often fight back. Competition for scarce human energy is the cause of all conflict between people.
(5) The Message of the Mystics
Insecurity and violence end when we experience an inner connection with divine energy within, a connection described by the mystics of all traditions. A sense of lightness — buoyancy — and the constant sensation of love are measures of this connection. If these measures are present, the connection is real. If not, it is only pretended.
(6) Clearing the Past
The more we stay connected, the more we are acutely aware of those times when we lose connection, usually when we are under stress. In these times, we can see our own particular way of stealing energy from others. Once our manipulations are brought to personal awareness, our connection becomes more constant and then we can discover our own growth path in life, and our spiritual mission, the personal way we can contribute to the world.
(7) Engaging the Flow
Knowing our personal mission further enhances the flow of mysterious coincidences as we are guided toward our destinies. First, we have a question then dreams, daydreams and intuition lead us toward the answers, which usually are synchronistically provided by the wisdom of another human being.
(8) The Interpersonal Ethic
We can increase the frequency of guiding coincidences by uplifting every person that comes into our lives. Care must be taken not to lose our inner connection in romantic relationships. Uplifting others is especially effective in groups where each member can feel the energy of all the others. With children, it is extremely important to their early security and growth. By seeing the beauty in every face, we lift others into their wisest self and increase the chances of hearing a synchronistic message.
(9) The Emerging Culture
As we all evolve toward the best completion of our spiritual missions, the technological means of survival will be fully automated as humans focus instead on synchronistic growth. Such growth will move humans into ever higher energy states, ultimately transforming our bodies into spiritual form and uniting this dimension of existence with the afterlife dimension, ending the cycle of birth and death.
Isn’t that a wonderful revelation? Feel free to join in the process because it will certainly help find your mission and your intuitive way of uplifting the world!
“We’re all looking for more fulfillment in our lives, and we won’t put up with anything that seems to bring us down.”
James Redfield
Join with millions in helping create lasting peace on Earth with this visionary Charter.
Promoting the conversion of all money to be currency for peace, love, freedom and happiness for all.
• Supporting the action of affixing Mind-Vitamin Thought-Seed placards onto public walls in towns and cities brightening dull spots with continuously radiating inspiration; Click here to read this story.
• Providing free natural family planning education for a stable population;
• Preventing soil erosion;
• Retiring developing nation’s debts;
• Solving concerns about chem-trails, acid rain and fluoridated water;
• Reducing global warming;
• Correcting climate change;
• Enabling Indigenous peoples worldwide to unite to ensure protection of all original and remaining, high-conservation value native forests and all other valuable, traditional and sacred areas;
• Ending ozone depletion;
• Banning all nuclear weapons;
• Eradicating all land mines;
• Solving illiteracy;
• Conserving Bio-Diversity;
• Ending domestic and all violence;
• Declaring peace on Earth for all time.
Protect natural heritage and biodiversity
Full Documentary. The Men of Fifth World - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
Australia's Original Creation Story by the original human inhabitants
Planet Doc Full Documentaries
In this documentary we know the culture of Australian Aboriginal tribes. SUBSCRIBE! Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday! FULL DOCUMENTARIES | The Men of the Fifth World is a documentary that shows us the history, culture and traditions of the Australian aborigines, primitive tribes who inhabit these lands. The old Garimala Yakar, tells firsthand how their world is accompanied by the sound of the didgeridoo, the beat of their tradition, which keeps them together and attached to the land. These tribes have had to defend their country from the impositions of the white man when he came to Australia for the first time. The aboriginal culture has faded over time but they never cease to tell their story to the youngest and keep the hope that someday find their truth. In the Kakadu National Park lies Ubirrok, where the Rainbow Serpent stopped after creating the world and was painted on a rock so that people could see her. Over time our forefathers left on the rocks a complete collection of images which depict their way of life and their beliefs. On these ancient rocks they also drew figures of the men of that time, warriors and hunters, who used the same spears and harpoons as we do now. We share our land with all types of animals, some of them as dangerous the kangaroo is the most characteristic animal of my country. When we get together to dance around the fire, we sing the dreams of the animals, the stories of how they were created. Those that dance and sing paint their faces and bodies with kaolin, to look like the spirits which, according to our beliefs, are of a grey colour. The dance of the women is slower and more measured. They are normally in a state of trance, possessed by the spirits of the forest which protect them. The didgeridoo It’s our sacred instrument. The men who know how to play it are very important in our culture. With the didgeridoo they communicate our wishes to the spirits. And they call on them to come to our aid when tragedy befalls us. This sacred instrument brings us closer to the world of our ancestors. It is difficult to play, because you have to blow constantly, using the technique of circular breathing. The didgeridoos are made by the ants. Our land, here in northern Australia, is the kingdom of the ants. Our people were nomads, always moving from one place to another, carrying their few belongings with them. That is why we know the forest so well. In the forest, we know how to get everything we need. The men have always hunted and fished, while our women are expert gatherers. They know where to find edible fruits and roots, and how to get honey. The women have always worked in the forest, carrying out these tasks. No one knows nature like they do. Their work is very dangerous. They often come across the king brown, one of the most poisonous snakes in the world, its bite is always fatal. Hunting and war have always been men’s work, and they have always made their own weapons. Without a doubt, the boomerang is the best known of these. They are pieces of wood carved with a slight curve, which makes them more accurate when they are thrown. In fact, the spear is our best weapon. We used them in our fight against the white men who invaded our country and drove us off the land that belonged to us. Our spears claim other victims. When the tide goes out, we fish for the dangerous sting rays. These are manta rays that hide in the sand, ready to plunge their enormous stings into anyone who dares disturb them. Our coasts are full of animals, which traditionally provided us with food. When we have speared an animal, we throw a buoy into the water, with a long rope tied to harpoon. Whenever they catch a giant turtle, the fishermen arrange a feast, right there on the beach, to which all their relatives are invited. “My people have always felt the need to express themselves through painting, now and since the beginning of time. Our art, now called aboriginal art by the white man’s tourist industry, is born from the dreams of each artist and the intense colours we see in our land. Near the city of Darwin, my people call to the spirit of the king of the crocodiles with piercing cries. It is a dance of invocation. It is performed whenever someone has to travel to an area where the powerful sea crocodiles live. They ask for its permission and protection, but the great spirit is always asleep, and so they have to cry out to wake him, so that he knows that people have gathered together to dance in his honour. SUBSCRIBE | FULL DOCUMENTARIES | TRIBES DOCUMENTARIES | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | TUMBLR |
ERF WORM ~ The Earth Repair Foundation’s Official Mascot says:
“What The World Needs Now Is A Sense Of Humus”.
ERF prompts everyone to think Earth Repair First and compost instead of waste to breed Earth worms and make humus-soil.
As ERF grows, its best is yet to come! The acronym ERF also represents Earth Repair Family of Friends, Earth Repair First, Earth Repair Festivals, Earth Repair Funds, Fun, and a Fabulous Future.
Sense Of Humus composting
Watch this 110 second video on Sense Of Humus composting made by Mic Galvin and Team from the Green Army, with the backing of a timely, important and fabulous song by Evie Pikler called What The World Needs Now Is A Sense Of Humus.
The Fourth Insight Experience Study In The Celestine Prophecy, the Fourth Insight is called, “The Struggle for Power.” It builds on the previous insight, “A Matter of Energy,” which shows our world as a field of spiritual energy, adaptable to our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors all centered around of GIVING. We integrate the Fourth INSIGHT
The Fourth Insight Experience Study
In The Celestine Prophecy, the Fourth Insight is called, “The Struggle for Power.” It builds on the previous insight, “A Matter of Energy,” which shows our world as a field of spiritual energy, adaptable to our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors all centered around of GIVING.
We integrate the Fourth INSIGHT when we see the human world as a vast competition for energy and thus for power. The Fourth Insight points out that for a long time, humans have been unconsciously competing for the only part of the energy we have been open to; that part that flows between people. Conflict occurs when humans feel the need to control and dominate one another.
It can be seen that there is a distinct reason for this, lurking beneath the surface. Interactive Psychology has been looking into the matter for decades with only moderate success. I contend that another field of inquiry, CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES, is beginning to explain what is truly going on. Arguments between people in relationships are, in fact, about who will hold the “power.”
When we use a “Control Drama” to hold power over another, we absorb their energy, leading to a sense of gratification and motivation to continue the practice. We thus become ‘addicted’ to the sensation and we will get progressively more demanding and out of control in our efforts to absorb even more energy from our interactions with others.
The Energy Source
The 4th Insight announced that eventually, humans would find wholeness in a spiritual universe made of magnetic energy, an energy that can sustain us and respond to our expectations. Yet, we would also see that because we have been disconnected from the larger source of this energy, we are left feeling weak, insecure and in need.
In the face of this shortage, we have always sought to increase our personal energy in the only manner we have fully understood: by seeking to psychologically steal it from one another. We seek to find some way to control and thus to remain on top in the encounter. All we know is that we feel weak, insecure and lost and when we control others we feel better. What we don’t realize is that this sense of feeling better hurts the other person. It is their energy that we have stolen. Though this struggle is largely unconscious, it underlies all of the human conflicts in the world. Most people go through their lives in a constant hunt for someone else’s energy.
The Answer
Spiritual consciousness is the key to ending human conflict in the world because, during each encounter, we are receiving energy from another source–a source we will eventually learn to pull from unconsciously.
Once humans understand their struggle, the insight continued, we would immediately begin to transcend this conflict. We would begin to break free from the competition over mere human energy…because we would finally be able to receive our energy from another source.
As you emerge into the Fourth Insight from the Third, you are becoming fully aware of the Universe’s ruling principle: GIVING and see it returning in your life. Now practice giving your energy instead of taking it and see how you feel.
When someone has asked you a question about how to handle a problem, did you ever feel as though the answer arrived inside you spontaneously or intuitively? And when you are fully aware and GIVE your answer did you afterward feel more intuitive about your subsequent life decisions?
Open to Loving Energy
You do not make yourself love. You allow love to enter you.
When you appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of people and things, you receive energy. When you get to a level where you feel love, then you can send the energy back by just willing it so.
The role of love has been misunderstood for a long time. Love is not something we should do to be good or to make the world a better place out of some abstract moral responsibility, or because we should give up our indulgences. Connecting with energy feels like excitement, then euphoria, and then love. Finding enough energy to maintain that sense of love and giving it to your personal relationships certainly helps the world, and it immediately helps us.
Awareness is the First Step
As we start to understand that “Control Dramas” exist, we can further enhance our awareness of these behaviors displayed by others and ourselves. In this way, we can take the steps to transcend and interpret them on a much deeper level, both spiritually and psychologically.
It is important to know what is truly happening during these disputes and how to deal with them in a positive way. For one thing, human disagreements always seem more intense than they should be and often linger much longer than necessary. To an objective observer, these kinds of arguments often seem petty and should be rationally resolved through compromise and by developing a more balanced leadership within our relationships.
When we seek the ethic of giving and not taking from, or manipulating others, we step into consciousness. We begin to detect our ego’s past manipulation devices,–Control Dramas– we have used to build ourselves up at another person’s expense. If we are mindful and catch ourselves every time, we begin our “Control Drama,” eventually our “Control Drama” falls away completely. The dramatics begin to fall away until we can stop ourselves before we ever lapse into such a climax. Now, through giving, we can move forward Synchronistically in freedom — ready to experience, even more, extraordinary moments of God’s connection.
The creation of the Earth Repair Charter started in 1990 and was last revised: 26th December, 2018
The Earth Repair Charter
Protect natural heritage and biodiversity
• respect the Earth and take responsibility for all our actions realising the inter-connectedness of life;
• cease further destruction of and protect in perpetuity, all remaining biodiverse, high-conservation value native forests and other areas including lakes, rivers and oceans;
• ban the hunting of wild animals for sport;
• end the contamination of air, soil and waterways through stopping the burning of coal, oil and gas;
• accelerate training and employment programs to repair previously-cleared and degraded lands;
• plant and companion grow, increasing quantities of permaculture designed food-forests to help end hunger and unemployment, and mitigate climate change; • preserve and maintain the genetic purity and diversity of seeds, plants and animals in their natural habitats.
• implement a moratorium on genetically engineered crops which can interfere irreversibly with natural biodiversity;
• label accordingly all foods altered with GMO and DNA technologies.
Respect and have compassion for all Life on Earth
• engage with the wisdom of Indigenous Peoples and learn from their history, cultures and spiritual values; • honour the inheritance and protection of traditional languages, knowledge, sacred materials and sites; • support self-determination and sovereign treaty rights worldwide; • facilitate permanent representation of the world’s Indigenous Nations and Peoples in all United Nations forums; • recognise gender equality and respect all men, women, children and elders; uphold the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Enable ecologically sustainable development
• adopt the world’s best practices and reduce, reuse and recycle to minimise our consumption of Earth’s finite resources;
•provide adequate sustainable habitats to end homelessness;
implement into education systems, reverence for nature;
• co-operate internationally and locally to increase renewable energy technologies to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions;
• disengage from nuclear industries and stop uranium mining;
• increase the provision of, and efficient use of public transport systems;
• utilise environmentally responsible products and services, and deal only with materials manufactured or created within the principles of ecologically sustainable development;
• ensure through careful planning and forward thinking about the well being of future generations.
Acquire health and immunity efficiency
• incorporate a complementary and wholistic approach with health care and medical sciences;
• practise the wisdom of Hippocrates, who taught, “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food”;
• remember that prevention is better than cure;
• attain and maintain physical and mental well being by combining an optimistic attitude, adequate sleep, exercise and a nutritious diet;
• stop all forms of bullying; • question mandatory vaccinations;
• abstain from over-eating and health-reducing practices such as smoking tobacco, alcohol and drug abuse;
• implement into all education systems the essential life skills of family planning, birthing and parenting, first-aid, effective communication, self-esteem and creative expression;
• inspire everyone to realise their highest physical, mental and spiritual potential.
Use permaculture to help end world hunger
• supersede unsustainable monoculture, toxic pesticide use and intensive animal factory-farming, with high-yielding, diverse, local, organic agricultural systems and smaller scale animal husbandry;
• establish efficient food and medicine gardens as productive permaculture learning and growing centres, in schools, home yards, parks, gaols, juvenile and refugee detention centres;
• propagate, plant and help grow food-forests, inter-cropped with complementary vegetation, in all possible urban and rural areas to produce fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, grains, fibre, timber and fuel to increase ethical employment and help end hunger & poverty;
• promote individual and community self-reliance through local exchange trading systems.
Practice composting to restore soils
• produce valuable humus-rich soil for home, municipal, farm and forestry use by composting all continuously available biodegradable materials;
• recycle used plastics into making increasing numbers of hygienic, aerobic, no-dig composting bins for every home yard to help food to be organically growing everywhere possible; • treat sewage, extract bio-gas, and irrigate trees to accumulate biomass.
Base economic order on social justice
• promote equal opportunity for everyone;
• encourage ethical investing and demand that corporate business and governments put the welfare of people before profits and military spending;
• support the U.N. and grant amnesty for political prisoners, and relieve the debt burdens of impoverished countries;
• aim for fair resource distribution to satisfy the essential needs for all to live with health and dignity.
Resolve conflict with creative mediation
• learn, develop and encourage the skills of conflict resolution;
• expedite participatory democracy between people and their elected governments and councils;
• establish a department for peace within every government;
• nurture equality, love, respect and understanding between individuals, genders, age groups, families, castes, communities, cultures and races;
• encourage all religions, faiths, nations and peoples to co-exist in harmony as one family, sharing the Earth as our common home;
• ensure freedom of speech for all;
• facilitate equal worldwide access to education resources & communication technologies;
• investigate and rectify all human rights violations;
• motivate the media to be positive, accurate and responsible.
Transform the military to peace keeping
• redirect funding, expertise and resources from all national military services towards implementing this solution strategy as the priority within each country;
• enable each nation to participate in developing the United Nations Global Peacekeeping Operations to ensure international security;
• decommission and eliminate nuclear and biological armaments, depleted uranium, land mines, cluster bombs and all instruments of mass destruction.
Unite with others to enhance the future
• enhance the future by helping achieve the local and global objectives of this Charter;
• network to raise awareness of this solution strategy and propose its goals for adoption by education, religious, union, political, military, local Councils, and community groups, and for consideration by Governments;
• contribute towards a peaceful and abundant Earth, where everyone can enjoy life in peace, harmony and love.
Produced by the Earth Repair Foundation and the Environment Program of the United Nations Association of Australia (NSW) Inc.
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Paulo Paulino Guajajara, known as Kwahu, who was killed by illegal loggers.
"- the act of quietly being with oneself. When we let the chatter of our minds drift away, we can begin to focus; we can connect with the deeper guidance inside. If you have never tried this technique, it is a wonderful way to hear your intuitive quidance and find a greater love energy that can invigorate your life- "
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The Secrets of Sugar - the fifth estate
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We’ve heard for years about the dangers of eating too much fat or salt. But there have never been recommended limits for sugar on Canadian food labels, despite emerging research that suggests the sweet stuff may be making more of us fat and sick. In the fifth estate’s season premiere, Gillian Findlay digs into the surprising science — and the reaction from the food industry — to reveal The Secrets of Sugar. Has the sugar industry been hiding an unsavoury truth from consumers? A small but influential group of medical researchers is stirring up the health debate, linking sugar not just to rising obesity rates but also to a host of diseases including cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s. We put a family of four on a healthy diet to try to beat their sugar habit and track the surprising results. We talk to leading scientists – and their critics. And we ask the food industry why those ingredient labels are far from clear when it comes to how much sugar is really on your plate. Original airdate : October 4th, 2013 For more on the fifth estate : Follow us on Twitter : Like us on Facebook :
CategoryNews & Politics
The Sixth Insight Experience Study
In The Celestine Prophecy, the Sixth Insight is called, “Clearing the Past.” It allows us to grasp hold of the Fifth Insight, “The Message of the Mystics” by letting go of our preoccupation of the Fourth Insight, “The Struggle for Power.” The energy revealed in the Third Insight, “A Matter of Energy” is opened to us completely as we let go of gaining security from our power struggles and control. And instead, we acquire this energy from our God Connection.
The Sixth Insight teaches us that we most identify with our control drama style when we lose our Connection and are under extreme stress. It is at these times that our unconscious mechanical behaviors surface. We can choose to either ignore and repress our method of gaining security, or focus on and overcome it. Once we have become aware of this behavior, we can stabilize our Connection and remain in regular contact with the true source of all energy. It is then that we can discover our life’s work or mission and start making our meaningful contribution to the world.
Before we can connect with the energy on a continuing basis, there is one large hurdle we must pass. The Sixth Insight deals with this issue.
We must stand up to our particular way of controlling others. Remember, the Fourth Insight reveals that humans have always felt short of energy and have sought to control each other to acquire the energy that flows between people. The Fifth then shows us that an alternative source exists, but we can not stay connected with this source until we become completely aware of the particular method that we, as individuals, use in our controlling, and stop doing it—because whenever we fall back into this habit, we get disconnected from the source.
Changing How We Gain Energy
Changing our habits does not come easy because it has been largely unconscious behavior. The key to bringing yourself fully into consciousness is to recognize how, in the early years of life, we all felt stressed and insecure in the world, and we grew disconnected from our Higher Energy source. As children, we discovered that we could get attention and would people move our way by acquiring a certain personality style of control. This replaced the Divine security and “energy” we so desperately need here on Earth. This style is something we repeat over and over again and usually serves to bring us and the people around us pain because we are stealing the energy we need. I call this our unconscious “control drama type” and each type also reveals how we human’s view the world around us.
I call it a “drama” because it is one familiar scene, like a scene in a movie, for which we write the script as children. Then we repeat this scene over and over in our daily lives without being fully aware of it. All we know is that the same kind of event occurs to us repeatedly. The problem is when we are repeating one scene over and over, the other scenes of our real life movie, the high adventure marked by coincidences, can not emerge.
The first step in the process of getting clear, for each of us, is to bring our particular control drama into full consciousness. Nothing can proceed until we really look at ourselves and discover what we are doing to manipulate for energy and to defend against pain.
Each of us must go back into our past, back into our early family life, and see how these habits developed. By recognizing the nature of how we control, we come closer to keeping these habits in our consciousness. Now, we can check ourselves, in the moment, and change how we gain our energy.
The Types of Control Dramas
Everyone manipulates for energy either aggressively, directly forcing people to pay attention to them, or passively, playing on people’s sympathy or curiosity to gain attention.
For instance, The Sixth Insight calls the intimidator drama, the most aggressive kind of drama for energy. You experience someone threatening you, either verbally or physically. You are then forced, out of fear of something bad happening to you, to pay attention to them and thus, give them energy. The person confronting with you is pulling you into the most aggressive kind of drama for energy.
On the other hand, you may have the experience of someone telling you about bad things that are happening to them. The confrontation could be about their health or a relationship, and they want you to change your behavior to support them or be more sympathetic, sometimes even implying perhaps that you are responsible. Other times they may tell you that if you refuse to do what they need, these awful things will continue or get worse. This person is seeking to control at the most passive level, which is what the Manuscript calls a poor me control drama.
Anyone’s drama can be observed according to where it falls on this measure from aggressive to passive. If a person is subtle in their aggression, finding fault and slowly undermining your world in order to get your energy, then this person would be an interrogator. Less passive than the interrogator would be your aloofness drama. (Trying to lure you into connection by acting distant and unreadable. They want you to connect with them, but they only partially connect themselves, while withholding information.) So the order of dramas, from aggressive to passive, goes this way: intimidator, interrogator, aloof, and poor me.
Remember, there is a tendency to see these dramas in others but to think that we are free from such devices. Each of us must transcend this illusion before we can go on. Almost all of us tend to be stuck, at least some of the time, in a drama and we have to step back and look at ourselves long enough to discover what it is.
Once we see our drama, what happens next?
We are truly free to become more than the unconscious act we play. We can find a higher meaning for our lives, the spiritual reason we were born to our particular families. We can begin to get clear about who we really are. Once we find this truth, it can energize our lives, for this truth tells us who we are, the path we are on, what we are doing.
The process of finding your true spiritual identity involves looking at your whole life as one long story, trying to find a higher meaning. Begin by asking yourself this question: why was I born to this particular family? What might have been the purpose for that?
We are not merely the physical creation of our parents; we are also the spiritual creation. You were born to these two people, and their lives had an irrevocable effect on who you are. To discover your real self, you must admit that the real you began in a position between their truths. That’s why you were born there: to take a higher perspective on what they stood for. Your path is discovering a truth that is a higher synthesis of what these two people believed.
You are here because this is where you need to be to continue the evolution. Your whole life has been a long road leading directly to this moment.
When you fully integrate this view of your life, you will have achieved what the Manuscript calls a clear awareness of your spiritual path.
According to the Manuscript, we all must spend as much time as necessary going through this process of clearing your past. Most of us have a control drama we have to transcend. Once we do, we can comprehend the higher meaning of why we were born to our particular parents, and what all the twists and turns of our lives were preparing us to do.
The first thing I do is focus on the environment around me. Then I try to remember how everything looks when I’m being filled with energy. I do this by recalling the presence everything displays, the unique beauty and shape of everything, especially plants, and the way colors seem to glow and appear brighter.
Then I try to experience that feeling of closeness, the feeling that no matter how far away something is, that I can touch it, connect with it. And then I breathe it in.
When we visualize that each breath pulls energy into us and fills us like a balloon, we actually become more energized and feel much lighter and more buoyant.
After I breathe in the energy, I check to see if I have the right emotion. Love is not an intellectual concept or a moral imperative or anything else. It is a background emotion that exists when one is connected to the energy available in the universe, which, of course, is the energy of God. That’s the level of energy you need to have.
Guiding Intuition and Synchronicity
As you fill up with inner energy, other kinds of thoughts enter your mind from a higher part of yourself. These are your intuitions. They feel different. They just appear in the back of your mind, sometimes in a kind of daydream or mini-vision, and they come to direct you, to guide you.
Once you become conscious of the questions active in the moment, you always get some kind of intuitive direction of what to do, of where to go. You get a hunch about the next step. Always. The only time this will not occur is when you have the wrong question in mind. You see, the problem in life isn’t in receiving answers. The problem is in identifying your current questions. Once you get the answers right, the questions always come. After you get an intuition of what might happen next, then the next step is to become very alert and watchful. Sooner or later Synchronicity or “coincidences” will occur to move you in the direction indicated by the intuition. Though somewhat undetermined, our Intuitions can stand as a general goal that will help us understand, and follow, our Synchronistic path and help us move forward.
Now, we begin to receive a sense of clarity for where Synchronicity is taking us; what our “Life Direction” might be. This could fall within any area of human endeavor or in the areas of life from relationships to finding passion in our careers (education, business, medicine, or government services.) It is usually a vague glimpse of our future destiny, one that invokes in us a heightened sense of inspiration and fulfillment.
Each of us must look at the significant turns in our lives and reinterpret them in light of our evolutionary question. Our children take our level of energy and raise it even higher. This is how we, as humans, continue the evolution. The difference now, with this generation, is that we are ready to do it consciously and to accelerate the process. No matter how afraid you become, you now have no choice. Once you learn what life is about, there is no way to erase the knowledge. If you try to do something else with your life, you will always sense that you are missing something.
The truth you are pursuing is as important as the evolution of the universe itself, for it enables evolution to continue. We all have a spiritual purpose, a mission, that we have been pursuing without being fully aware of it, and once we bring it completely into consciousness, our lives can take off.
Now it’s time to learn to evolve by yourself…consciously.
“We humans have always sought to increase our personal energy in the only manner we have known, by seeking to psychologically steal it from the others–an unconscious competition that underlies all human conflict in the world.” James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy In The Celestine Prophecy, the Eighth Insight is called, ”The Interpersonal Ethic.”
Mindful Intuition
We learn to become detached observers of our experience, employing a habit of watchfulness over every experience as we proceed through our daily lives. This Mindfulness involves close observation of what happens in our outer world but also being attuned to the various thoughts and feelings that show up in our minds.
The idea is to stay impartial and patiently monitor everything you feel or think, including ideas, images, emotions, and automatic reactions. Be the objective viewer without getting distracted by memories, worries, regrets, unfinished plans, or any other ego concerns. When distraction does occur, catch yourself and return to the observer position quickly.
Once we learn to identify intuitions, we realize how they bring forth Synchronicity (another elevation of awareness occurring). First, we receive an Intuitive picture (an urge) to end or begin something, to solve a problem, or to pursue some line of interest. Then, if we follow the guidance diligently with MINDFULNESS, an important Synchronistic breakthrough will take place — thus leading our lives forward to our greater calling. In this way, following our Intuitions is the key to increasing our Synchronistic Flow and maintaining our flow of destiny.
The Seventh Insight also deals with how to interpret our night dreams and daydreams. When a night dream occurs, compare the dream story to your life. Bad dreams have the most important messages since they act as warnings of things that are probable but can be avoided by recognizing the message from the dream.
However, when a daydream occurs, we must ask why? How does it relate to you as seen from the position of an observer? The Seventh Insight says that fear images should be stopped as soon as they come. Then another image, one with a good outcome, should be willed through your mind. Your intuitions will be about positive things.
Soon, negative images will almost never happen. When they do occur thereafter, they could have particularly serious meanings, and their message should be dealt with accordingly.
I believe our Intuitive thoughts, night dreams, and daydreams are elemental to the process of downloading our higher, divine intelligence through an increased spiritual connection. Yes, we have free will, and we can exercise our reasons and preferences at every turn. But, recognizing our inner, spiritual intelligence opens us up to a life guidance. One that will address how we can break through old habits and distractions, and then find and evolve to our most exciting and prosperous, life purpose.
To avoid using a control drama, try to catch yourself as soon as possible. You may find you are manipulating others to get their attention, energy, or approval. Work on feeling inwardly secure by Connecting with the Divine Intelligence inside you. Remember, you must become intuitively giving to STAY connected. This works because when you ask how you might help others, you will get an intuitive thought of what to say, how to give a Synchronistic experience to them. When you open up to your intuitive guidance in this way, it will strengthen your Spiritually Connection.
To avoid being the victim of a control drama, stay alert for someone lowering your energy by seeking to control you (though guilt tripping you, being distant, criticizing you, or being intimidating.) Then just name the game by lovingly saying how you feel. The game can’t be played if it is brought into awareness. You will protect yourself. If the person argues with you, just say that’s how you feel, don’t argue back. It allows the conversation to become authentic.
Romantic Relationships:
We’ve always wondered what causes the bliss and euphoria of love to end and suddenly turn to conflict.
When love first happens, you give each other energy freely. You both feel buoyant and elated as the energy builds up, and you feel the incredible high of that we all call being “in love.” This is a real joining of minds. But soon one or both people wants to dominate the other to control this joint energy for themselves, and thus they stop giving energy, making their partner feel diminished and lowered. They fight back with their own control dramas, and you have a Power Struggle. For romantic relationships to work, both partners have to be secure in their own Spiritual Connection, so they are free to give energy all the time.
A Group Setting:
Interaction in a group is also discussed in the Eighth Insight. In such group meetings, some people feel self-conscious or shy and don’t participate as easily as others. As the group members talk, new ideas surface one at a time. This is optimized if all members of the group are giving energy to each other and not trying to dominate individually out of a need for attention. Each person can feel whether they are the one that is supposed to talk next, or the energy of the group should go to someone else.
Then each member can focus their attention on the person speaking as the group’s energy spontaneously flows. This attention energy helps the person to deliver their contribution with the greatest clarity and depth. This technique helps everyone in the group participate completely.
The idea is to add to the energy of each member of the group by projecting your own energy and not to become so addicted to the ‘rush’ of energy as to monopolize and dominate the group interaction. Each member must share and follow the energy movement of the group. If you concentrate on what is being said, you can feel when it is your turn. An idea will come into your mind. The key to this process is to speak up when it is your moment to do so, and to project energy when it is someone else’s time.
Relating with your Children
It is important to apply the Eighth Insight to children. Essentially, when you are dealing with a child, you should adopt the same approach as when you are dealing with adults. When you talk to children honestly and give them energy, it sets the groundwork for how they will eventually relate to others.
General Ideas for relating to children:
– As you discipline, be clear and explain to them why they must learn the intended lesson, and what they did wrong. Find a way to tell the child the truth in words they can understand.
– Send children your loving energy no matter what their behavior is and be consistent.
– You must be honest with yourself as you correct a child to make sure you are not using a control drama on them. Sometimes we use our means of gaining energy unconsciously, so it’s important to develop self-awareness. There should never be another agenda on your part when you are disciplining.
– Deepening your spiritual connection will automatically give you inner security, and your children will see and feel this security and copy what you are doing. When you provide this example, they will grow up secure and Connected, reducing many difficulties in their future adult relationships.
“One of the worst thing that can be done to children is to drain their energy while correcting them.”
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy
The Solution Lies With Each Of Us
The betterment of every life on this Earth begins with illuminating each personal conversation and finishes when we create a world that is Spiritually Connected and characterized by honest communication. As we all discover how to relate authentically, and we teach this to our children, we create a new generation of people who together can quickly and effectively transform the world.
Read my article: How Intuition Gave Me Confidence
See The Insight Experience Study Archives
In The Celestine Prophecy, the Ninth Insight is called, “The Emerging Culture.” It builds on the previous insight, “The Interpersonal Ethic,” which reveals how, when we communicate with others, we MUST enhance our attitude of giving as we communicate. We must “uplift” others by looking past their ego or defense mechanisms to see their spiritual […]
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