Leonard Susskind on The World As Hologram
TVO Docs
Leonard Susskind of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics discusses the indestructability of information and the nature of black holes in a lecture entitled The World As Hologram.

" When you have elimiated all that is impossible, whatever remains must be the truth, no matter how improbable ...." Sherlock Holmes

 Dark Suits Rule the US and Its Puppet Presidents, Reveals Putin (Stating the Obvious)
Published 3 years ago on June 1, 2017
By Makia Freeman -Last Updated on July 22, 2019

Dark suits run the US
Dark suits run the US and whatever figurehead puppet president that gets installed in the White House. The same goes for many countries, including Russia, the home of President Vladimir Putin himself. However, there is something distinctly and extraordinarily entrenched about the Shadow Government, Parallel Government or Deep State in the USA, which is of course what Putin was referring to in the above video. The dark suits are the unelected bureaucracy or true ruling class that stays in office no matter which party on the spectrum is temporarily in power. The dark suits are the international bankers. The dark suits are the mighty MIC (Military Intelligence Complex), the sprawling collection of 16 agencies (including the nefarious NSA and CIA, lesser known but still massive agencies like the DIA and NGA, and ominous agencies like the NRO [whose mission patches proudly proclaim mottos like “We Own the Night”]). The diabolical influence of these dark suits can already be seen in the first 100 days of the Trump presidency, e.g. in the disgraceful ways Trump has flip-flopped more than a fish out of water on a multitude of issues. Those aware of how the game works can see that the dark suits have already got to Trump.
Putin Exposes the Reality of the Dark Suits

In a recent interview (May 30th 2017, embedded above) with French media outlet Le Figaro, Putin joked about those in dark suits telling every successive and incoming US presidential administration exactly what to do:

“You know, I’ve communicated with one US president, and with the second, and with the third … presidents come and go but the politics remains the same. Do you know why that is? Because the bureaucracy has a lot of power. So a person is elected, he comes with his ideas. Then people with briefcases come to visit him – well dressed, in dark suits, kind of like mine. Except instead of a red tie it’s black or navy. And then they explain what to do, and the whole rhetoric changes, you see? This happens from one administration to the next.”

The dark suits ensure the agenda – the New World Order agenda of a globalized central dictatorship with a world army, world bank, world carbon tax, world digital currency and a genetically modified and microchipped population – always stays on course no matter which puppet is in power.

NATO’s Internal Contradictions

Putin also remarked on NATO’s internal contradictions:

“What interested me, from the recent NATO summit, is that they stated that they wished to improve relations with Russia. Why then increase the defense budget? Who are you going to war against? There are some internal contradictions here – but it’s none of our business. You decide within NATO who should be paid and how much – we’re not worried about it. We look after our own defense capability, we do it well and with a vision for the future. We are assured in ourselves.”

Like Government in general, NATO needs an enemy in order to justify its own existence. Logically, that enemy has to be Russia, since NATO has already absorbed many Western and Atlantic nations into its organization. It just gobbled up Montenegro in the Balkans to ensure Russia doesn’t get too much of a foothold there.

In the beginning, NATO was set up to stop the spread of Soviet communism into the West via Europe. If Western leaders suddenly embraced Russia and begin to cooperate with it rather than demonize it, NATO would become irrelevant and, dare I say it … obsolete. Speaking of obsolete, remember what Trump said about NATO and “obsolete”?

The Mythical Russian Threat

So it suits the Western leaders of the world right now to continue propagating the myth of the grave “Russian threat”, both for foreign policy (justifies military spending, buildup and wars) and for domestic policy (justifies more draconian surveillance and laws in the name of stopping “Russian interference” in the election, as famously happened in the US but also cropped up in France). A constant theme of Putin’s message for over a decade now has been for the nations of the world to unite against terrorism:

“First you invent [the mythical Russian threat], then you scare yourselves on on this basis formulate policy. This kind of policy has no future – there is only a future in a policy of cooperation across all spheres, including security. The main security threat in the world today is what? Terrorism. They blow up Europe; in Paris, in Russia, in Belgium. There is a war in the Middle East. This is what we should be thinking about, but here we are debating the threat that Russia poses.”

Conclusion: We’ve Been Through this Before

History repeats itself, because we subconsciously and unconsciously create similar scenarios in the outer world based on our underlying inner psychological states. Paul Craig Roberts recently wrote about how other previous US and Russian presidents had to contend and struggle with their respective bureaucracies and military men who thrived on suspicion, fear and war, rather than cooperation, trust and peace. He writes:

“Khrushchev achieved the de-Stalinization of Russia and worked with US President John F. Kennedy to defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis. Their cooperation opened an end to the Cold War. However, hardliners in both countries removed both leaders from office, thus condemning the world to the ever present risk of nuclear armageddon … The Zionist neoconservatives and the military/security complex have succeeded in destroying the accomplishment of Reagan and Gorbachev, and have resurrected the prospect of nuclear armageddon.”

Presidents and prime ministers have a hard job in many ways. The hardest aspect may well be resisting the urge of the dark suits around them to constantly feed the fear, create new enemies, inject life into old enemies and play the game of separation politics. It seems in Putin there is a leader who is genuinely prepared and able to go beyond those childish games and strive for cooperation and peace. Is Trump mature and strong enough for that task? Being a bully shows weakness of character; building a relationship of mutual trust and cooperation requires strength.


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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.




The dark suits: they’ve sold their souls and (as Dutch whistleblower Ronald Bernard says) frozen their consciences at -100° to become devoid of humanity and empathy

Trump: “NATO is no longer obsolete” (after the dark suits spoke to him)

Trump: “NATO is obsolete” (before the dark suits spoke to him)

The ever eastwards-expanding NATO, who recently absorbed Montenegro into its ranks. But it’s purely for defense … right? Image credit: InspireToChangeWorld.com

Vladimir Putin states aloud what aware people have come to realize: the dark suits of the NWO make up the Deep State and rule the US & its puppet presidents.

Emergency Powers: Worldwide Governmental Power Grabs Reveal Scripted Agenda
Published  March 25, 2020
By Makia Freeman -March 26, 2020
The Freedom Articles Get a Dose of the Truth
Alternative Media- Independent News


Everywhere in the world, governments are using the coronavirus crisis to expand their control, claiming these are only temporary emergency powers.

Can we trust governments to reliquinish these powers afterwards? Are people so panicked and afraid they will allow their freedom and rights to be stolen due to an invisible virus?

The top range of these burden estimates are from the 2017-2018 flu season. These are preliminary and may change as data are finalized.
Deaths 12,000- 61,000
Hospitalizarions 140,000 - 810,000
Illnesses 9.300,000 - 45,000,000

Emergency powers
Emergency powers are the name of the game right now as governments around the world are collectively engaging in power grabs – all justified by the convenient coronavirus crisis (the same coronavirus crisis that various countries and groups were actively simulating for before it happened). Virtually every nation on Earth has a COVID-19 case and therefore an excuse to grab emergency powers by claiming they are only doing it for the sake of health, safety and security, which is the typical catchcry of tyrants. According to the latest BBC report, a staggering 1/4 (one quarter) of the world is on lockdown. Misleaders like US President Donald Trump and UK PM Boris Johnson were initially reluctant to respond to the coronavirus, that is before they were told by their dark-suited advisors in the shadows that they better get with the program. For all the hype, panic and fear you see around the world today, you would think we are in the midst of the most lethal killing agent ever, not something which so far has only killed around 20,000 people worldwide after months and months, when in the US alone the seasonal flu kills between 12,000 and 61,000 every year according to CDC stats for the last 10 years. Below is a short list of what governments are doing amidst this fake pandemic.
USA: Let’s Close the Courts and Permanently Detain People Without Trial During Emergencies

Attorney-General William Barr – the same guy who has been pathetically overseeing the Jeffery Epstein case and doing nothing about it, while having connections to Epstein himself – has as DOJ head shown his true tyrannical colors by asking for some extreme emergency powers. The Hill reports:

“The Department of Justice (DOJ) has asked Congress for a slew of new emergency powers … One of the proposed changes would give the attorney general the power to ask top district judges to stop court proceedings “whenever the district court is fully or partially closed by virtue of any natural disaster, civil disobedience, or other emergency situation.” These top judges would also gain the power to the stop court proceedings during a national emergency. In addition, the DOJ has asked for the ability to ask chief judges to permanently detain an individual without trial during emergencies. Another proposal would reportedly waive the statute of limitations for criminal investigations as well as civil trials during an emergency and could last up to “one year following the end of the national emergency.””

Zero Hedge reports:

“The proposed changes have raised concerns over the implications for habeas corpus – the right to appear before a judge and seek release. “Not only would it be a violation of that, but it says ‘affecting pre-arrest,” said Normal L. Reimer, who heads up the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. “So that means you could be arrested and never brought before a judge until they decide that the emergency or the civil disobedience is over. I find it absolutely terrifying. Especially in a time of emergency, we should be very careful about granting new powers to the government.” Reimer added that the notion of chief judges suspending court rules during an emergency indefinitely is deeply disturbing.”

We’re getting into highly dangerous territory here: the ability to detain someone without trial is a hallmark of tyranny. Also, if you thought the US was the land of the free where “it would never happen here”, look at what is happening now with paper being required to have their travel papers. Papers, please! Also, check out Whitney Webb’s piece on the long-standing US plans for COG (Continuity of Government) which goes back not to Bush Jr, not to Reagan but actually to Eisenhower and earlier. The idea has been to circumvent the Constitution and Congress/the Legislative Branch by declaring an emergency and installing a new government which vests all its power in the Executive Branch and the Military. COG plans include or included Operation Rex 84, Operation Garden Plot and Main Core (a database made with stolen PROMIS software which is list of Americans whose the USG considers enemies of the state):

“Though Main Core was reportedly in use after September 11 to target “unfriendly” individuals for increased domestic surveillance, concern that COG plans in the age of coronavirus could take a more drastic turn and involve the detention of Americans included in that database now seems more plausible than ever.”

Is COG about to be activated? This news is also just in, from Zero Hedge in another article:

“Earlier, Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva ordered all gun stores closed (fearing that too many first-time gun-owners were getting access to weapons), and now LA Mayor EricGarcetti lashed out at non-essential stores that refuse to close, making an ominous threat. After reflecting on the first COVID-19 death of a teenager in L.A. County, he went on to announce actions against nonessential businesses that don’t close. “This behavior is irresponsible and selfish,” he said of those that remain open. He said the Department of Water and Power will shut off water and power for the businesses that don’t comply with the “safer at home” ordinance.”

UK: Let’s Detain Someone for Mental Illness Based on 1 Opinion not 3, and Ban Couples who are Dating From Staying at Each Other’s House

The UK has just passed a massive emergency powers bill (Coronavirus Bill 2019-21) which puts into law further restrictions and requirements relating to the isolation of those suspected to be infected with coronavirus and for the detention of people in isolation where the authorities deem it necessary. It allows people to “attend” court using audio and video technology, allows the Government to suspend port operations, relaxes requirements on “cause of death” medical certificates and disapplies the requirement for a jury in relation to inquests into coronavirus deaths. This was after the UK Government already made changes to existing laws, e.g. a change in the mental health laws. It used to take the opinion of 3 unrelated mental health professionals to detain someone due to alleged mental illness, but now it only takes one. Couples are now banned from staying at each other’s houses!! The Daily Mail reports:

“Deputy chief medical officer Jenny Harries suggested couples needed to either decide to live together or to remain apart during the crisis as she said that ‘what we do not want is people switching in and out of households’.”

Israel: Let’s Grab Geolocation Data for Surveillance and Consider the Total Suspension of Individual Freedom

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, corrupt to his core, has naturally been using the coronavirus crisis to his advantage. The crisis has allowed him to postpone his corruption trial. As I reported earlier in the article The New War on Bioterror: Everyone is a Suspected or Asymptomatic Carrier, the Israeli Government has also decided to increase their surveillance powers by capturing geolocation data from people’s mobile phones to supposedly halt the spread of the virus. Recently, Israeli newspaper Haaretz revealed in their article ‘Total Suspension of Individual Freedom’: Inside Israel’s Secret Coronavirus Debate that “public health services chief tells Knesset intelligence panel that Israel needs to employ a total lockdown and personal monitoring in the struggle to contain the spread of the disease.”

India: Let’s Stamp Suspected Carriers with Indelible Ink

India is a massive country of over 1.3 billion people. A significant chunk of the nation is on lockdown. The Indian Government has decided to stamp the hands of people who are suspected – not even confirmed – carriers with indelible ink, as well as track them using their mobile phone and personal data to help enforce quarantines. This Al Jazeera article reports:

“In southern Kerala state, authorities have used telephone call records, CCTV footage and mobile phone GPS systems to track down primary and secondary contacts of coronavirus patients. Officials also published detailed time and date maps of the movement of people who tested positive …“People have been jumping quarantine and it has been a challenge to track them,” said Amar Fettle, who is heading the coronavirus control team in Kerala. “But we have formed hundreds of squads, including policemen to track and ensure people follow the norms.””

Canada: Let’s Fine and Imprison People Who Don’t Do Social Distancing

So you thought the social distancing thing was just a suggestion not a law? Think again. In Canada, they are thinking about fining and imprisoning people who don’t keep enough distance from each other. This article reports that Federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu said, “We will use every measure in our toolbox at the federal level to ensure compliance … for me, should we see a reluctance on behalf of the country to pull together, that would be a time when we would require additional measures.” It continues:

“Saskatchewan has used its emergency-broadcast system to reach people on cellphones, telling returning travellers that they can be fined $2,000 if they don’t self-isolate for 14 days. In Quebec City, a woman who was infected with the virus was arrested while out walking. Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil declared a state of emergency on Sunday. It bans gatherings of more than five people. Fines for such things as being at a beach or provincial park are up to $10,000 for individuals and $100,000 for corporations.”

Poland: Take a Selfie … Or Else

Poland is threatening people it has already quarantined that if they don’t download an app adn take selfies to send to the government, they will get a visit from the police plus fines! France24 reports:

“Poland on Friday launched a smartphone app allowing people under a mandatory 14-day quarantine for coronavirus to send selfies to let authorities know they are indeed staying home. “People in quarantine have a choice: either receive unexpected visits from the police, or download this app,” Karol Manys, digital ministry spokesman, told AFP … The app uses geolocation and facial recognition allowing quarantined users to check-in with authorities to confirm they are indeed staying at home as required … The app notifies police if users fail to respond within 20 minutes. Police said on Friday they had slapped a 500-zloty (111-euro, $118) fine on one person who had flouted the mandatory quarantine rules, adding that penalties run as high as 5,000 zlotys.”

Australia: Let’s Suspend State Parliament for 6 Months

The Australian Government has made sweeping changes, including a ban on any non-essential indoor gatherings of more than 100 people and an upgrade in official advice to an unprecedented “Level 4: Do Not Travel” to any country in the world (though this was advice not a ban). In the state of Queensland, more emergency powers were grabbed. The Leader of the House even suggested that Parliament be canceled for 6 months! ABC reports:

“Electoral laws were modified, giving the State Government the authority to suspend the upcoming council elections and state government by-elections if the situation deteriorates … Under the moves, the state’s chief health officer and senior hospital staff were given greater powers to force individuals into isolation and will likely result in large gatherings in pubs, clubs, restaurants and entertainment venues being curbed … During the late-night sitting, Leader of the House Yvette D’Ath moved a motion to suspend Parliament indefinitely for up to six months, giving the Speaker the discretion to reconvene a sitting beforehand if he sees fit.”

Spain: Get out of your Garden, Now!

In Spain, since Sunday March 14th 2020, there has been a curfew in place, enforced by the police and the military. Cyclists and joggers trying to keep fit have been fined. Spaniards are no longer even allowed to walk freely or simply be in the private gardens of their apartment blocks – even if families take turns in using them! People are actually no longer allowed to use their own gardens.

Emergency Powers: The Road to Hell and Tyranny

History has shown has time and time again that emergency powers given to governments during a time of crisis and fear are seldom returned. History has also shown that liberty normally dies to thunderous applause and the relief of people that they have found someone to ‘save them’ while they are busy relinquishing their hard-fought freedoms out of fear. As the wise philosopher Plato once wrote, when tyrants first arise, they appear as protectors.

As an important historical reminder, remember how Hitler gained so much power. On February 27th 1933, there was a mysterious fire at the Reichstag (German Parliament) which some say was a false flag operation. On February 28th 1933, President Hindenburg signed the “Emergency Decree for the Protection of the German People” which suspended the democratic aspects of the Weimar Republic, declared a state of emergency and removed basic personal freedoms (freedom of speech, the right to own property and the right to trial before imprisonment). The next year in 1934, Hitler further consolidated his power by merging the presidency and the chancellorship into one office, thereby becoming an absolute autocrat or dictator. Emergency powers are the tyrants’ gateway drug to total power trip intoxication.

Collective Governmental Emergency Powers are Indicative of a Coordinated Plan – A NWO Scripted Agenda

The similar measures being considered and enacted by governments around the world are not just random and coincidental. They are indicative of a global, deeply sinister and coordinating force in the shadows which engineered this crisis and is now reaping the benefits of the hysterical fear it has generated by consolidating its power. This is a scripted agenda. Welcome to the New World Order.

Think about the surveillance aspects alone. Governments are now claiming the right to track, monitor and trace people, with geolocation data, thermal imaging scans and much more – all the name of a very convenient virus that they were simulating and preparing for all along!

If you care about truth and freedom, now is the time to pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to what is happening.


Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com. Makia is on Steemit and FB.























Debate and investigations into the possible connection of the introduction of 5G Waves for fast Internet and the spread of the Coronavirus

Is there-a-real-Coronavirus_or_is_there-a-respiratory-illness-and-death-as-result-to-exposure-to-5G

Prime Minister Scott Morrison (right) and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg (left)
The Prime Minister and his Liberal deputy, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg (pictured), announced that from March 31, $750 payments would be going to 6.5million Australians

Live Exercise: Pompeo Lets Slip How He Sees the COVID-19 Pandemic
Published 12 hours ago on March 25, 2020
By Makia Freeman -  March 25, 2020

Live Exercise? US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calls the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic an exercise. Is this a script and a drill that went live?

We are in the midst of a live exercise
according to US Secretary of State and former CIA head Mike Pompeo, who only a year ago openly boasted that “we lied, cheat and stole.” Pompeo admitted on CNN that “we’re in a live exercise here” when referring to COVID-19 during a press conference. This is yet more evidence that the entire coronavirus crisis has been scripted, planned for and orchestrated. The language that Pompeo used – “live exercise” – is eerily reminiscent of language used in false flag operations when the exercise or drill “went live”, i.e. when the very scenario that the authorities were planning for actually happened (see 9/11, 7/7 and numerous US mass shootings) as they were in the middle of their exercise.

Pompeo Slips Up and Calls the Pandemic a Live Exercise
Here’s the clip. Watch it for yourself. Notice how Trump, who is right by Pompeo’s side, appears to chide his Secretary of State right there and then during the TV performance. Trump says: “You should have let us know.” Does this indicate that Trump was not read in until later, reinforcing the idea that presidents and prime ministers don’t really run their countries, but are rather told what the plan is, and that they’d better get on board?

Implications of Pompeo’s Comment

There are already various clues this whole pandemic – really a fake pandemic – was planned in advance. There is the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation paper which talked about it. There is the Illuminati insider who revealed secret plans to release a bioweapon on the Chinese by saying that “China will catch a cold.” There is the Bill Gates/Big Pharma/CDC Event 201 Simulation. There is possible Chinese Government foreknowledge. There is the simple fact that this pandemic is allowing the social engineers to simultaneously and rapidly roll out almost every conceivable NWO (New World Order) agenda, including censorship, surveillance, quarantine, martial law, the cashless agenda, governmental emergency powers, the 5G rollout, social isolation as the “new normal“, mandatory vaccinations and the human microchipping agenda.
On top of all of that, now we have Pompeo talking of a live exercise and essentially admitting that this is part of a script.
How much more proof will people require to see through this engineered crisis?
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com. Makia is on Steemit and FB.











Dr Norman Swan explains how Australia could beat COVID-19 Source:- ABC News | Duration: 3min 4sec. 
Australia is incrementally increasing it's measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus, but is it going far enough? Dr Norman Swan says we need to follow in the footsteps of countries like the UK and implement a near-full lockdown to get society back on track as soon as possible.

The battle for Los Angeles is LOST… LA County announces NO MORE TESTING for coronavirus, containment now impossible, 100,000+ may die in LA… prepare for chaos
Saturday, March 21, 2020 by: Mike Adams

Tags: chaos, Collapse, coronavirus, infections, LA County, Los Angeles, outbreak, pandemic, SHTF, testing
(Natural News) In a stunning admission that the speed of the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus has overwhelmed government officials and health care providers in California, Los Angeles County has now surrendered to the coronavirus. According to the LA Times, “Los Angeles County health officials advised doctors to give up on testing patients in the hope of containing the coronavirus outbreak, instructing them to test patients only if a positive result could change how they would be treated.”
The paper goes on to report the cause behind this catastrophic abandonment of any last hope of containment:
The guidance, sent by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to doctors on Thursday, was prompted by a crush of patients and shortage of tests, and could make it difficult to ever know precisely how many people in L.A. County contracted the virus.
As the LA Times openly says, the tipping point of containment has long since passed. That’s not even the goal anymore, and the number of infections being reported out of LA will no longer even come close to describing the real situation on the ground there:
The department “is shifting from a strategy of case containment to slowing disease transmission and averting excess morbidity and mortality,” according to the letter. Doctors should test symptomatic patients only when “a diagnostic result will change clinical management or inform public health response.”
The guidance sets in writing what has been a reality all along. The shortage of tests nationwide has meant that many patients suspected of having COVID-19 have not had the diagnosis confirmed by a laboratory.
We can thank the CDC for that shortage, of course, and the “Don’t test, don’t tell” policy that brought us to this catastrophe.
Expect 140,000+ deaths in LA County alone, over the next 18 months
There are over 10 million people in LA County. Thanks to this new policy of abandoning any attempt to test people or contain the virus, we can now expect the Wuhan coronavirus to burn though the greater Los Angeles area with incredible speed.
Sooner or later, the infections will likely reach something on the order of 70% of the population, even with attempted social distancing measures in place. That’s around 7 million people becoming infected. Here’s how this breaks down based on current conservative numbers:
For LA County alone:
7 million infected
1 million requiring hospitalization
140,000 – 420,000 dead (2% – 6% case fatality rate)
Widespread collapse of health care infrastructure
Collapse of law enforcement, emergency responders and anyone attempting to “police” the region (including National Guard troops)
Expect chaos. Expect looting and violence. It’s LA, after all, and the gangs are barely kept in check even during good times.
Oh, and on top of all that, it’s going to be difficult to get food, too, since food production is cratering and food supply lines have largely collapsed.
Now 24,000+ confirmed cases in the USA, with 288 deaths, increasing by the hour
Saturday, March 21, 2020 by: Mike Adams
Tags: coronavirus, deaths, infections, national security, outbreak, pandemic, President Trump, Public Health, USA
(Natural News) We can barely keep up with the numbers. According to Worldometers.info, there are now 24,000+ confirmed coronavirus infections in the USA, with 288 deaths. Things are moving at breakneck speed, and now the head of the NIH is predicting there will be 70,000 confirmed infections in the USA by the end of next week.

From InvestmentWatchBlog.com:
As many as 70,000 Americans could be confirmed as infected with coronavirus by the end of next week, marking a “pretty dramatic” increase in the number of confirmed cases, the director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, told his employees in an agency-wide conference call on Friday.
This doesn’t mean 70,000 people will get infected next week, it means the testing is finally starting to catch up to the reality of the situation, which is rather grim.
The top health official of the State of New Jersey is now telling us everyone will get the Wuhan coronavirus. Via NJ.com:
Persichilli, the state health commissioner, has become a familiar face in the state as the woman who calmly announces how many people have tested positive and died of COVID-19 disease each day. Behind the scenes, she is the health official who has been running the state’s day-to-day battle against the virus.
But at age 71, Persichilli is squarely in the age range that experts are warning to be most cautious.
“Are you worried,” I ask, “that you’ll get the coronavirus eventually?”
She smiles.
“I’m definitely going to get it. We all are,” Persichilli says matter-of-factly. “I’m just waiting.”
Gosh, that almost sounds like some sort of suicide cult talk. Prepare the Kool-Aid!
Here’s where the numbers are right now in terms of infections (actually the chart is already obsolete, it should say 24,000+)
And here’s the chart showing deaths. Notice that neither of these charts looks anywhere near “flattening.” In fact, this exponential trend has only just begun:
It’s not just old people who are dying, either. According to NY Gov. Cuomo, half the cases in the state are people under the age of 50.
Nearly 30% of the US population is now living under “lockdown” / quarantine conditions, and the virus is mostly spreading in high-density cities along the coasts.
Here’s the NYT map animation from yesterday. Notice that in reality, we are already at twice the number of infections shown in this animation:

For those living in LA, it’s too late to bug out, so hunker down and prepare to survive
For many years, we’ve been urging people to get out of the cities, which I have repeatedly characterized as “death traps” in a national emergency event. And now, Los Angeles County has surrendered to the virus, announcing there will be no more testing and no more containment. (Sheer insanity.) It’s just going to overrun the hospitals now, leading to mass death and regional collapse.
On the topic of collapsing cities, my staff wrote this story in 2017, more than two years ago: DEATH TRAPS: The Health Ranger explains why it’s impossible to evacuate large cities. The story contained a YouTube video which was banned under the censorship tyranny of Big Tech. Fortunately, we saved the video and it’s now posted on Brighteon.com.
As you listen to this, remember this was years ago that we issued this warning. From the podcast: “The big long-term plan for cities… like Los Angeles, the plan for the cities when the chaos really comes… when the economic collapse happens, the plan is not to go in and try to police those cities. But rather for law enforcement to stand off and simply contain the violence of the city. Law enforcement, they already know that they won’t be able to control the chaos in the cities… the murder, the violence, the arson…”
Just as I saw years ago what we’re all seeing right now, I know what’s coming next. I can see the next two years and how this plays out. I’ll be covering the collapse of society and the rebuilding of the “Next Society” in upcoming podcasts at Pandemic.news.

Who is Mike Pompeo? Trump's Former CIA Director Turned U.S. Secretary of State | NowThis
NowThis News
Mike Pompeo is loved by the Koch brothers, big oil, Islamophobes, people against marriage equality, and of course, Donald J. Trump. Narrated by Judy Gold. » Subscribe to NowThis: http://go.nowth.is/News_Subscribe With business ties to foreign governments, connections to the defense and oil industries, nonchalance towards torture, and hatreds of entire cultures, it’s no surprise Mike Pompeo’s run as Trump's CIA Director was short lived – but his time in the White House continues on as U.S. Secretary of State and head of all U.S. diplomatic relations. Connect with NowThis » Like us on Facebook: http://go.nowth.is/News_Facebook » Tweet us on Twitter: http://go.nowth.is/News_Twitter » Follow us on Instagram: http://go.nowth.is/News_Instagram » Find us on Snapchat Discover: http://go.nowth.is/News_Snapchat ‘Who Is’ is a weekly miniseries, narrated by celebrities, that explores the people behind the Trump administration, and their complicated often salacious histories. NowThis is your premier news outlet providing you with all the videos you need to stay up to date on all the latest in trending news. From entertainment to politics, to viral videos and breaking news stories, we’re delivering all you need to know straight to your social feeds. We live where you live. http://www.youtube.com/nowthisnews @nowthisnews
News & Politics 

Tasmania has announced a 120-day moratorium on evictions, and as Australia records over 2400 COVID-19 cases, the national cabinet has extended testing eligibility.
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MARCH 26, 2020


A harrowing story points to a potential spread of COVID-19 from the Ruby Princess cruise ship far beyond Australia's shores, with passengers heading on to a …
It's the news you need to know.
Chris Woods


Morrison is stubbornly allowing the economy to burn
The government has to urgently support business and jobs with direct payments, rather than hoping they’ll borrow their way to survival. But Scott Morrison is refusing to entertain the idea. Read more…
As entire industries are shuttered and hundreds of thousands of people find themselves out of a job, the government won't even think about a change in its economic strategy, for bureaucratic and -- seemingly -- ideological reasons.

Read more…

By the numbers
While it’s bad everywhere, New South Wales is continuing to have the most calamitous time with the coronavirus. Following the disastrous decision to allow infected Ruby Princess cruise passengers to disembark untested, it is once again reporting by far the most new cases of any state.

The biggest lockdown in the world
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has imposed a 21-day lockdown in an attempt to slow the coronavirus spread.
“There will be a total ban on venturing out of your homes,” Modi told the country, which represents nearly a fifth of the world’s population, in a televised address.
Crowds quickly swamped stores in cities across the country, stripping shelves bare before the lockdown took affect. The BBC reports it is not clear how people will now buy food and other essentials. India has a relatively low number of reported cases so far — just over 600 among its 1.3 billion people — but the combination of extremely high population density and a weak public health system makes a serious outbreak a real risk.
Further, the lockdown will be catastrophic for the millions of Indians who work in the informal sector and rely on a subsistence daily wage.

“The kind of devastation that is going to be faced by the bottom 50% of the workers in the informal sector is unimaginable,” professor Jayati Ghosh, an economist at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, told The New York Times.

But anyone desperate enough to leave their homes and seek work could face even worse consequences, with Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao warning that he may issue “shoot at site” orders if people failed to take the lockdown seriously.

Corona is Italian for crown
Prince Charles has joined the odd collection of celebrities whose shared diagnosis of COVID-19 will make a fun pub quiz question in 10 years (assuming pubs, quizzes, the concept of fun, or the human race survive that long).
Charles has been avoiding handshakes during the crisis using the “namaste” gesture, which is sort of sweet if you don’t think about it for more than a second.
Things get interesting when you realise what his last public engagement was: a charity dinner on March 12 at Mansion House for victims of Australian’s horrifying bushfire season, hobnobbing with, among others Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom George Brandis and middling observation maker Adam Hills.
While the palace “can’t rule out” that he caught it there, the corollary — whether he already had it and passed it on to any of the people with whom he shared a mike that night — also seems worth bringing up?

Tasmania’s House of Assembly overnight passed the Liberal government’s COVID-19 legislative package, which — on top of granting previously announced emergency powers to the premier, treasurer and attorney-general — also introduced a 120-day moratorium on evictions.
Agreeing to amendments first proposed by the Greens, Building Minister Elise Archer yesterday announced new measures that mean tenants cannot be evicted if they are unable to pay rent throughout the pandemic, as well as “common-sense amendments” to limit third entrances — i.e. only urgent repairs and inspections — so as to maintain social distancing.

WHAT ABOUT THE MAINLAND? The national cabinet discussed commercial rates last night and is preparing to sign off on new residential measures on Friday, while the Tenants’ Union of NSW has called for other governments to replicate Tasmania’s measures, the ABC reports.

As Australia records over 2400 cases and our ninth death — a 68-year-old Queensland man — the national cabinet has announced an extension of testing eligibility that covers anyone who has a fever or acute respiratory infection and meets one of the following criteria.
All health workers.
All aged/residential care workers.
In a geographically localised area where there is elevated risk of community transmission as defined by the local public health unit.

Located either where no community transmission is occurring, or in high-risk settings where there are two or more plausibly linked cases, such as:
Aged and residential care;
Rural and remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities;
Detention centres or correctional facilities;
Boarding schools; and
Military bases (including navy ships) that have live-in accommodation.
Hospitalised patients with fever and acute respiratory symptoms of unknown cause, at at the discretion of the treating clinicians
The cabinet also agreed to suspend all non-urgent elective surgery.


According to The Age, new University of Sydney modelling suggests Australia can flatten the curve if 80% of people stay home for three months.
OH ALSO: We need to stop calling 000 for non-emergencies, such as bat break-ins

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, NSW Police will be able to hand out $1000 on-the-spot fines to people — and $5000 fines to corporations — that defy public health orders about gatherings and places. These cover wedding and funeral restrictions, mass gathering rules and the ban on specific businesses and venues, such as casinos, bars and clubs.

PS: Victoria Police has launched its own 500-strong dedicated taskforce too.
PPS: The residents who can’t leave their driveaways without ‘state hopping’ have voiced concern about the Queensland border ban — however, as The Guardian reports, the ban is apparently not directed at people who need to cross the border to work, shop or attend medical appointment.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been denied bail after arguing a release on remand would lower his risk of catching the coronavirus. A UK judge ruled that “as matters stand today this global pandemic does not, of itself, yet provide grounds for Mr Assange’s release”, AAP reports.
His lawyer, Edward Fitzpatrick, has since argued that a May 18 hearing will need to be postponed as witnesses remain quarantined overseas and counsel may not be able to visit Assange in prison.

 According to The Sydney Morning Herald, Australia’s High Commissioner to the UK George Brandis has overnight urged all Australians living in the country to return home before commercial flights dry-up. Would that they could, we guess?

Across the pond, Republicans and Democrats have agreed on a $2 trillion stimulus deal that, after round-the-clock negotiations, will be passed through the Senate Wednesday local time.
While full measures are yet to be announced, CNN reports the following were announced prior:
$250 billion for direct payments to individuals and families;
$350 billion in small business loans;
$250 billion in unemployment insurance benefits; and
$500 billion in loans for distressed companies.


 While yes, it’s a historic day for the US Senate, the news comes only a week after The Daily Beast revealed that Republican Kelly Loeffler, a former CEO of Bitcoin exchange Bakkt, was the second senator after Richard Burr to dump millions of dollars in stock following a White House coronavirus briefing on January 24.
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That’s why we’ve launched a new, free newsletter: COVID-19 Watch.
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2On when to end shutdown measures:] So, I think Easter Sunday, and you’ll have packed churches all over our country. I think it would be a beautiful time. And it’s just about the timeline that I think is right…”— Donald Trump.
Choosing a Trump quote is like picking fruit so low hanging it’s rotten off the tree… however, him proposing to end America’s lockdown measures by April 12 — for the sake of the economy, by the way, the Easter thing is incidental — is notable in that his timeline would absolutely kill people.

Politicians can't have compliance and trust without accountability
Bernard Keane
“ … Last Thursday, in an act of negligence bordering on the criminal, 2700 passengers were waved off a cruise ship — despite their status as floating incubators of disease — and onto the streets of Sydney.”

Forget flattening, this is the curve we really need to watch
Juliette O'Brien
“We are hearing a lot about the curve these days. ‘Flatten the curve’ has become the catchcry of the coronavirus pandemic. Which curve are we aiming to flatten? We’re all familiar with that hockeystick line that shows confirmed COVID-19 cases in Australia rising into the sky.”
Ruby Princess debacle: just why were infected passengers allowed home?
David Hardaker and Georgia Wilkins
“As the scale of the Ruby Princess COVID-19 outbreak was dawning on NSW health authorities over the weekend, one Australian woman was blissfully unaware on a long-haul flight from Sydney to London. Her story, told in a series of tweets makes alarming reading … “

Know an early bird who doesn’t get the worm?
Show them what they’re missing and share this email with a friend and let them know they can get a free trial here.

Coronavirus: The world must stick together, says Scott Morrison ($)

‘No perfect answer to COVID-19’, says chair of panel which had advice rejected
Prince Charles tests positive for coronavirus, but ‘remains in good health’
Cruise ship passengers to be quarantined on Rottnest Island in Western Australia
Coronavirus jobs fallout: at least 35,000 workers stood down in three days as businesses reel

Labor ramps up criticism of govt’s handling of COVID-19
Kidney transplants halted due to coronavirus, organs to be discarded
‘Convoluted waffle’: Prime Minister lambasted over mixed messaging
Coronavirus restrictions tipped to send Australian house prices tumbling
Why Australia won’t follow UK on coronavirus wage subsidy
‘Game-changer’: Britain days away from releasing millions of coronavirus finger prick tests

Coronavirus: More than ever we’re seeking signposts to safety ($) — Niki Savva (The Australian): “History has mixed lessons for leaders who steer their countries through wars or times of great national trauma. They are not always rewarded in the recovery phase. In 1945, war-weary Britons turfed out Winston Churchill, voting Labor’s Clement Attlee into office in a landslide, partly out of fear the country would return to Depression-era conditions.”
The Australian welfare system has always been needlessly cruel. Now it’s punishing half the country — Tom Hawking (The Guardian): “Like a lot of people, I called Centrelink on Monday. After 11 attempts to get through, I was greeted with a message directing me to the MyGov website. Navigating that site eventually revealed that to register, I’d need a customer reference number, which could only be obtained … by phone. Welcome to the 12 Tasks of Centrelink.”
Can we put a price tag on a life? COVID-19 shutdown forces a new look — Eduardo Porter and Jim Tankersley (The New York Times): “Can we measure the cost of hundreds of thousands of dead? President Donald Trump and leading business figures are increasingly questioning the wisdom of a prolonged shutdown of the US economy — already putting millions out of work — to curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.”


Scott Morrison will connect with all G20 leaders tonight to discuss the global response to the coronavirus pandemic and, reportedly, urge countries to keep their supply chains functioning.
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The coronavirus outbreak is challenging governments, institutions and individuals around the world. It’s much more than a health crisis. Few areas of human activity are going to be left untouched.
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Our journalism usually sits behind a paywall, but we believe this is the time to make more of our content freely available to as many readers as possible.


Scott Morrison is stubbornly allowing the economy to burn
The government has to urgently support business and jobs with direct payments, rather than hoping they’ll borrow their way to survival. But Scott Morrison is refusing to entertain the idea. Read more…
The biggest lockdown in the world
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has imposed a 21-day lockdown in an attempt to slow the coronavirus spread.
“There will be a total ban on venturing out of your homes,” Modi told the country, which represents nearly a fifth of the world’s population, in a televised address.
Crowds quickly swamped stores in cities across the country, stripping shelves bare before the lockdown took affect. The BBC reports it is not clear how people will now buy food and other essentials. India has a relatively low number of reported cases so far — just over 600 among its 1.3 billion people — but the combination of extremely high population density and a weak public health system makes a serious outbreak a real risk.
Further, the lockdown will be catastrophic for the millions of Indians who work in the informal sector and rely on a subsistence daily wage.
“The kind of devastation that is going to be faced by the bottom 50% of the workers in the informal sector is unimaginable,” professor Jayati Ghosh, an economist at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, told The New York Times.
But anyone desperate enough to leave their homes and seek work could face even worse consequences, with Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao warning that he may issue “shoot at site” orders if people failed to take the lockdown seriously.

Corona is Italian for crown
Prince Charles has joined the odd collection of celebrities whose shared diagnosis of COVID-19 will make a fun pub quiz question in 10 years (assuming pubs, quizzes, the concept of fun, or the human race survive that long).
Charles has been avoiding handshakes during the crisis using the “namaste” gesture, which is sort of sweet if you don’t think about it for more than a second.
Things get interesting when you realise what his last public engagement was: a charity dinner on March 12 at Mansion House for victims of Australian’s horrifying bushfire season, hobnobbing with, among others Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom George Brandis and middling observation maker Adam Hills.
While the palace “can’t rule out” that he caught it there, the corollary — whether he already had it and passed it on to any of the people with whom he shared a mike that night — also seems worth bringing up?

What we do know about the Coronavirus is terrifying.

According to researchers from Nanki University in Tianjin China, Covid-19 contains a strange HIV-like mutation that may make it more contagious and give it properties not found in other coronaviruses. The Chinese study builds upon earlier research in India that concluded that the disease was unlikely to have originated in nature. This comes amid speculation that Covid-19 originated in a Chinese research lab located in Wuhan. While these theories remain unconfirmed, they should not be dismissed as conspiracies.


Dr Norman Swan explains how Australia could beat COVID-19
Posted Wed at 11:40pm
Australia is incrementally increasing it's measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus, but is it going far enough? Dr Norman Swan says we need to follow in the footsteps of countries like the UK and implement a near-full lockdown to get society back on track as soon as possible.
Source: ABC News | Duration: 3min 4sec

German Weekly magazine Der Spiegel titles its edition as "the fight has begun", questioning how well clinics are prepared for the pandemic.
At the time of writing, Germany had recorded 18,361 cases and 52 deaths.

Portugal- Portuguese daily newspaper, Público, headlines with the government decrees as confirmed cases in Portugal tip over the 1,000 mark. Portugal has become the latest European country to close all non-essential shops, urging people to work from home if possible.

Coronavirus global cases, 28 March 2020
This information is regularly updated but may not reflect the latest totals for each country.

                              Cases         Deaths
USA                      104,688        1,707
Italy                      86,498          9,134
China                  81,996           3,299
Spain                   72,248         5,690
Germany             53,340            399
Iran                    35,408           2,517
France                 32,964         1,995
UK                      17,089          1,019
Switzerland         13,259           241
South Korea         9,478           144
Belgium               9,134           353
Netherlands         8,603           546
Austria                  7,712            68
Turkey                  5,698            92
Canada                4,760             56
Portugal               4,268             76
Norway               3,807              20
Australia            3,635               14
Brazil                 3,477               93
Israel                3,460               12
Sweden            3,069             105
Czech Republic  2,422           9
Malaysia           2,320           27
Ireland              2,121            22
Denmark          2,046           52
Ecuador           1,627           41
Chile               1,610            5
Luxembourg   1,605           15
1,525            52
Romania         1,452           29
Poland             1,436           16
Pakistan         1,408            11
Russia           1,264              4
Thailand        1,245             6
South Africa   1,170            1
Finland          1,165             7
Indonesia       1,155          102
Saudi Arabia  1,104          3
Philippines     1,075       68
Greece             966        28
India               933         20
Iceland           890          2
Panama        786          14
Singapore     732          2
Mexico         717           12



ship           712           10
Argentina   690          17
Slovenia      684         9
Estonia        645       1
Croatia      635        4
Peru            635        11

Republic       581      20
Qatar           562
Colombia      539      6
Egypt          536      30
Serbia          528       1
Iraq             506      42
Bahrain       473     4

 Zealand        451
Lebanon        412      8
Algeria           409    26


Emirates         405      2
Lithuania       382     5
Armenia         372     1
Morocco         358    23
Hungary         343     11
Bulgaria         313      5
Ukraine          311     8
Latvia            305
Taiwan           283     2
Uruguay         274
Slovakia        269
Andorra         267      3
Costa Rica     263    2


Herzegovina    257    4
Kuwait            23
Jordan            235    1
Tunisia           227   7
San Marino     223    21

Macedonia     219    3
Kazakhstan    204    1
Moldova        199    2
Albania           186    8
Burkina Faso  180   9
Vietnam          169
Azerbaijan     165    3
Cyprus          162   5
Oman           152
Malta           149
Réunion        145
Faroe Islands 144
Ghana           137     4
Senegal        130
Brunei         120      1
Venezuela    113      2
Sri Lanka     110
Afghanistan  110    4
Uzbekistan   104    2
Ivory Coast   101
Cambodia     99

Territories     97       1
Honduras        95     1
Mauritius      94        2
Belarus         94
Martinique   93          1
Cameroon    91         2
Kosovo       88           1
Georgia       85
Montenegro      82      1
Nigeria            81        1
Cuba               80        2
Puerto Rico     79         3
Bolivia            74
Guadeloupe     73         1


Tobago           66         2
Kyrgyzstan    58
DR Congo       58         6
Liechtenstein  56
Paraguay        56        3
Gibraltar         55

Rwanda            54
Jersey              52          1
Guam              51            1
Mayotte           50
Bangladesh     48          5
Monaco           42
Guernsey         36
Aruba             33
Isle of Man    32
Guatemala     32      1
Kenya             31      1

Polynesia       30
Jamaica           30    1

Guiana           28
Barbados       26
Madagascar     26
Togo                 25      1
Uganda           23
Zambia            22
United States

Virgin Islands 19
El Salvador    19 
Bermuda       17
Ethiopia         16
Maldives        16

Caledonia      15
Tanzania       13
Mongolia        12
Djibouti          12

Guinea           12

Martin           11
Mali               11
Dominica        11
Niger   10        1
Greenland      10
Bahamas        10
Eswatini          9
Curaçao          8     1

Islands           8   1
Haiti             8
Suriname       8
Myanmar         8
Namibia           8
Guinea             8
Gabon             7   1
Zimbabwe       7     1
Mozambique   7


Barbuda          7
Seychelles          7
Grenada            7
Eritrea              6
Laos                 6
Benin                6
Fiji                 5

Barthelemy    5
Syria              5
Guyana        5      1
Montserrat   5
Sudan        5      1
Cape Verde  5     1
Angola     4
Vatican    4
Nicaragua  4    1


Republic         3
Somalia        3
Bhutan          3
Liberia             3
Sint Maarten     3
Chad                 3
Saint Lucia       3
Gambia            3   1
Turks and

Caicos Islands    2
Belize                2
Anguilla           2
MS Zaandam

cruise ship        2
British Virgin

Islands             2
Saint Kitts

and Nevis       2
Guinea-Bissau   2
Libya                 1
St Vincent

the Grenadines   
Papua New Guinea 1
Timor-Leste     1

What it’s like to have mild coronavirus symptoms
Roughly 80pc of people who contract coronavirus are believed to suffer from mild symptoms. Our writer describes her experience

By Harriet Barber - 28 March 2020

Harriet Barber suspects she suffered from mild coronavirus symptoms over four days
Before I start, I should say that during my illness, I wasn't tested for coronavirus – that was seemingly impossible, unless I had been in hospital or had £350 to spare. But my symptoms met the criteria we’re told to look out for, and they started within hours of my housemate Kitty’s and several other people in my life, so it seems pretty likely.
I should also add that I'm aware of what a serious disease Covid-19 can be. Clearly, it's horrendous for some – but according to emerging data, for about 80pc of people it amounts to only a 'mild' virus. 
Over four days, I believe that is what I've experienced. Symptoms change from person to person, but this is what it felt like for me…

What is coronavirus, how did it start and how big could it get?
The answers to all your questions on the disease outbreak spreading across the world
By Sarah Newey and Anne Gulland 
28 March 2020 


The new coronavirus (Covid-19) has spread to nearly every country in the world since it first emerged in China at the beginning of the year. More than 615,000 people are known to be infected and more than 28,000 deaths have been recorded - including 1,019 in the UK.
What the UK lockdown means for you
What is a coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause disease in animals. Seven, including the new virus, have made the jump to humans, but most just cause cold-like symptoms.
Covid-19 is closely related to severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) which swept around the world in 2002 to 2003. That virus infected around 8,000 people and killed about 800 but it soon ran itself out, largely because most of those infected were seriously ill so it was easier to control.
Another coronavirus is Middle East respiratory syndrome (Mers), cases of which have been occurring sporadically since it first emerged in 2012 - there have been around 2,500 cases and nearly 900 deaths. 
Covid-19 is different to these two other coronaviruses in that the spectrum of disease is broad, with around 80 per cent of cases leading to a mild infection. There may also be many people carrying the disease and displaying no symptoms, making it even harder to control. 
So far, around 20 per cent of Covid-19 cases have been classed as "severe" and the current death rate varies between 0.7 per cent and 3.4 per cent depending on the location and, crucially, access to good hospital care.

Scientists in China believe that Covid-19 has mutated into two strains, one more aggressive than the other, which could make developing a vaccine more complicated.

How did the outbreak start?

The source of the coronavirus is believed to be a "wet market" in Wuhan which sold both dead and live animals including fish and birds. 
Such markets pose a heightened risk of viruses jumping from animals to humans because hygiene standards are difficult to maintain if live animals are being kept and butchered on site. Typically, they are also densely packed allowing disease to spread from species to species.
The animal source of Covid-19 has not yet been identified, but the original host is thought to be bats. Bats were not sold at the Wuhan market but may have infected live chickens or other animals sold there. 
Bats are host to a wide range of zoonotic viruses including Ebola, HIV and rabies.

How big could the pandemic get?
The disease has already taken hold in Europe, the United States and south east Asia and is beginning to wreak havoc in Africa and South America. The World Health Organization is particularly concerned at the ability of the poorest countries in the world to control the disease. To find out more about what is likely to happen, click here. 

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
Initial symptoms include fever, dry cough, tiredness and a general feeling of being unwell. Other symptoms are emerging such as a lost of taste and smell and stomach problems.

Coronavirus pandemic: How will Britain and the NHS cope
As the virus spreads the world will move from containment to mitigation, say experts
24 February 2020

It looks increasingly likely that the coronavirus outbreak which started in China in December will become a global pandemic.
The disease is now spreading rapidly in South Korea, Italy and Iran and is likely to be present but as yet undetected in other populous countries across Asia and the Pacific. 
In several countries, including Italy, there is no obvious direct link back to China, which makes containing the spread of virus all the more difficult.  
Critics will say the lockdown imposed by the authorities on Wuhan and much of central China has not worked and that the World Health Organization's (WHO) strategy of containment has failed.
But there is little doubt China's crackdown has delayed the spread of the virus and bought the rest of the world considerable additional time to prepare.

The key question now, as the virus gains territory, is whether the NHS and other health authorities around the world have used that time wisely.
Here are some of the key things to expect if Covid-19 does now do a lap of the world.

If containment does not work, what’s the plan?
Mitigation follows containment in the public health response to major new outbreaks. While containment strategies aim to stop or hold back a disease, the goal of mitigation is to reduce its impact on society.
“The ultimate goal of [mitigation] measures is to reduce the intensity of an outbreak, flattening out the epidemic curve and therefore reducing strain on the health system, and on social economic well-being,” says Dr Josh Michaud, an associate director for global health policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation.
In simple terms planners will try to prevent sharp spikes in case numbers so the NHS and other services do not become overwhelmed.

What does that mean for the UK?
Mitigation efforts in the UK will be driven by the UK Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy 2011 and fall into four main areas:
Encouraging individual behaviour change - hand washing, staying at home if unwell, looking out for neighbours and relatives. 
Social distancing - encouragement of home working, discouraging public gatherings, possible school closures, international travel restrictions, online medical consultation and testing
Environmental hygiene - cleaning and spraying public surfaces, stepping up checks on restaurants and takeaways, ensuring good funeral practices
Building medical capacity - stockpiling of protective equipment and drugs, limiting non-essential hospital visits and operations, developing effective treatments and vaccines

What about quarantines?

Quarantines are about containment but expect to see such strategies run alongside mitigation measures if health authorities think they will buy more time. 
Italy, for instance, has followed China’s example and placed more than 50,000 people under quarantine in a series of villages in the north of the country.
The recently updated Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 affords the government similar powers here but whether they will be used is a moot point and is likely to hinge on the exact circumstances. 
The Prime Minister's official spokesman knocked the ball into the Department of Health’s court on Monday saying: "We will be led by the advice from public health and medical experts and will take steps which they feel are required to best protect the British public."
Public health officials would have to balance the impact of quarantines on people’s freedom with the wider impact on public health. They must also get approval from a local justice of the peace. 
While it is conceivable that quarantines could be placed on containable UK communities should an outbreak occur, large-scale quarantines or curfews seem unlikely unless the virus becomes more severe. Any action would have to be judged proportionate.

So how severe is the virus?
This remains the million dollar question. In Wuhan - the epicentre of the Covid-19 outbreak - the current death rate is between two and four per cent but is around 0.7 per cent in the rest of China and the world, says WHO. If it falls as low as the 0.026 per cent death rate for swine flu in 2009, it should be manageable even if it spreads throughout the UK.
But even with the extra time China’s shutdown has bought, experts are still far from sure about the clinical severity of the disease or how to treat it. The virus is more likely to affect the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. However, a not insignificant number of healthy young people have died too - and this is worrying doctors around the world.
Writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association doctors in Singapore, where there have been 89 cases of the disease to date, say the coronavirus presents in a similar way to severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars), although is much less lethal. 
The virus attacks the lungs with the disease progressing in distinct phases. CT scans of the lungs scans show “ground-glass” opacity and then “crazy paving” patterns, as they fill with mucus making it harder to breathe. 
“An interesting pattern is emerging in reports from China”, says Azra Ghani, professor of infectious disease epidemiology at Imperial College, London. “After the first week of infection there is a tipping point - where some patients go downhill but others remain more stable and then recover.”
What kills many patients is their own immune system going into overdrive, triggering septic shock. This is the body’s inflammatory response to microbial infection and it can lead to organ failure and death. Older people and those with underlying conditions are more vulnerable but the young are not immune.
“What’s different with this disease is that it’s a new virus and therefore the whole population is potentially susceptible. Everyone is immunologically naive and no one has been exposed to it before,” says Prof Ghani. 

How many people might need hospital treatment?
It is not just the overall death rates that doctors and public health planners are worried about. 

In China a study of the first 44,000 cases published last week by the country’s health authority found that nearly 14 per cent were “severe”, requiring hospital treatment. A further five per cent were “critical” - that is, they had respiratory failure, septic shock and/or multiple organ failure and required intensive care.
Another issue is the duration of the disease. According to one study in China of hospitalised patients who recovered, their pneumonia took a full 10 days to peak. This suggests demand on hospital beds will be high - hence the rapid construction of new hospitals in China.
The average hospital stay in China for Covid-19 patients is between 11 and 26 days. But the recovery period can be long - up to six weeks for some of the most severe cases. 
And while it is too early to say what the long-term prognosis is for those who recover from the disease, some of the patients who survived Sars did suffer long-term health effects such as lung damage.

Could the NHS cope if the virus gets a grip here?
This is another big question. If an outbreak in the UK can be delayed until the spring it would avoid the worst of the winter pressures - although many commentators say the NHS is now running at or close to capacity all year round.
The latest data from the NHS show that in the week ending February 16 average bed occupancy in the 132 NHS trusts in England was 94 per cent, with several hospitals reporting that they were at 100 per cent occupancy - that is, they had no free beds.
The ideal, say planners, is for hospitals to run at about 85 per cent occupancy to ensure there is enough slack in the system in case of a sudden surge in demand.
If a China-style outbreak were to occur the NHS would struggle to cope, says Jonathan Ball, professor of molecular virology at the University of Nottingham.
“As a population we have never seen this virus before and therefore none of us are immune to it. The attack rate will be quite high,” he said. “We know what happens with seasonal flu – the NHS cannot cope very well. So this could put further pressure on services”.

However, the government is more optimistic. 

"We are well prepared for UK cases, we are using tried and tested procedures to prevent further spread and the NHS is extremely well prepared and used to managing infections,” said a Number 10 spokesman

Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and how soon should you call the NHS?
This guide on coronavirus symptoms, underpinned with advice from leading health experts, is designed to protect you and your family

By Paul Nuki, GLOBAL HEALTH SECURITY EDITOR and Global Health Security Team - 28 March 2020

An illustration representing the coronavirus outbreak
March 28th 2020
Known UK cases: 17,089
Known UK deaths: 1,019

Country          Cases     Deaths
USA                116,057       1,937
Italy                 92,472      10,023
China             81,439         3,295
Spain              72,248         5,812
Germany        56,202      403
Iran               35,408      2,517
France           32,964      1,995
UK                 17,089     1,019
South Korea   9,478     144

Source: WHO, CDC, ECDC, NHC, DXY. Last updated: 28/03/2020. Japan total excludes 712 cases from the Diamond Princess 

How many coronavirus cases are in the UK - and where are they?
Since the first Covid-19 cases were detected in York, the disease has now spread across the UK - find out how many there are in your area
By Dominic Gilbert ; Ashley Kirk, DATA JOURNALISTS and Bruno Riddy, SENIOR DEVELOPER - 28 March 2020 


As the coronavirus pandemic continues to sweep across Europe, the UK has seen thousands of confirmed cases.
Covid-19 first reached our shores in late January, cases have been on the rise since late February and the first death was recorded on March 5.
Tens of thousands of people in the UK have been tested for coronavirus, and the government have now put in place a strict lockdown in an attempt to deal with the pandemic.
Every area of the UK has been affected, with London warned it will face the biggest peak.
The Telegraph's map below plots where all official cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the UK. It is sourced from Public Health England announcements and will be updated regularly based on trustworthy data.
The number of cases officially confirmed by daily government updates in the UK hit 17,089 on Saturday 28 March. 1,019 people have died.

How many coronavirus cases are there in your area?
Public Health England are now releasing a daily update on how many confirmed cases of coronavirus there are in each English county.

How the NHS will cope
Professor Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer for England, said the NHS would cope with a major spread of cases but could come under "very high pressure" in a large epidemic.
But he said if the UK sees a very large epidemic, "then it will put very high pressure on the NHS" and there could be "several weeks which could be very difficult" for the health service and wider society.
NHS staff have already taken to wearing bin bags because protective equipment is in short supply.
Earlier this week, the Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced the launch of a UK army of 250,000 volunteers in the fight against coronavirus.
Mr Hancock said 35,000 extra NHS staff, including medical students and retired doctors, have already joined the national effort to combat the spread of the virus.

What does that mean for the UK?
Boris Johnson has placed the UK on a police-enforced lockdown with drastic new measures in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak.
The Prime Minister ordered people only to leave their homes under a list of "very limited purposes", banned public gatherings of more than two people and ordered the closure of non-essential shops.
Every citizen must comply with these new measures and the relevant authorities, including the police, will be given the powers to enforce them through fines and dispersing gatherings.
These measures are effective immediately. The Government will look again at these measures after three weeks, and relax them if the evidence shows this is possible.

How did coronavirus spread?

At the end of December, the Chinese authorities sent out a public alert warning that a "pneumonia of unknown cause" had been identified in Wuhan, central China.
Some 10 days later, on Jan 7, scientists announced that a new coronavirus was the source of the outbreak – quickly adding that it did not appear to be spreading between humans. 
At that point, fewer than 60 cases had been found. But now the virus, which has since been named Covid-19, has spread to well over 100 countries, infecting more than 597,000 people and killing more than 27,000. Scientists believe that the virus has mutated into two strains: the older ‘S-type’ appears to be milder and less infectious, while the ‘L-type’ which emerged later, spreads quickly and currently accounts for around 70 per cent of cases. 
This map, which updates automatically, shows where the disease is now, how many cases there have been and how many people have died: 

 An illustration representing the coronavirus outbreak
March 28th 2020
Known UK cases: 17,089
Known UK deaths: 1,019

What is coronavirus, how did it start and how big could it get?
The answers to all your questions on the disease outbreak spreading across the worl
By Sarah Newey and Anne Gulland28 March 2020


Where coronavirus come from and where could it strike next? The answers to all your questions
The new coronavirus (Covid-19) has spread to nearly every country in the world since it first emerged in China at the beginning of the year. More than 615,000 people are known to be infected and more than 28,000 deaths have been recorded - including 1,019 in the UK.

What the UK lockdown means for you
What is a coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause disease in animals. Seven, including the new virus, have made the jump to humans, but most just cause cold-like symptoms.
Covid-19 is closely related to severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) which swept around the world in 2002 to 2003. That virus infected around 8,000 people and killed about 800 but it soon ran itself out, largely because most of those infected were seriously ill so it was easier to control.
Another coronavirus is Middle East respiratory syndrome (Mers), cases of which have been occurring sporadically since it first emerged in 2012 - there have been around 2,500 cases and nearly 900 deaths. 

Covid-19 is different to these two other coronaviruses in that the spectrum of disease is broad, with around 80 per cent of cases leading to a mild infection. There may also be many people carrying the disease and displaying no symptoms, making it even harder to control. 
So far, around 20 per cent of Covid-19 cases have been classed as "severe" and the current death rate varies between 0.7 per cent and 3.4 per cent depending on the location and, crucially, access to good hospital care.
Scientists in China believe that Covid-19 has mutated into two strains, one more aggressive than the other, which could make developing a vaccine more complicated.

Coronavirus has mutated into more aggressive disease, say scientists 
Coronavirus has evolved into two major lineages and it is possible to be infected with both, a new study shows
BySarah Knapton, SCIENCE EDITOR5 March 2020 

Coronavirus has mutated into two strains, one which appears to be far more aggressive, scientists have said, in a discovery which could hinder attempts to develop a vaccine.
Researchers at Peking University's School of Life Sciences and the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, discovered the virus has evolved into two major lineages - dubbed ‘L’ and ‘S’ types.
The older ‘S-type’ appears to be milder and less infectious, while the ‘L-type’ which emerged later, spreads quickly and currently accounts for around 70 per cent of cases. 
Genetic analysis of a man in the US who tested positive on January 21, also showed it is possible to be infected with both types.
The finding comes just days after government health experts warned that the virus could hit Britain in ‘multiple waves’, and led to fears that some vaccines might not work on mutated strains....

How did the outbreak start?
The source of the coronavirus is believed to be a "wet market" in Wuhan which sold both dead and live animals including fish and birds. 

Such markets pose a heightened risk of viruses jumping from animals to humans because hygiene standards are difficult to maintain if live animals are being kept and butchered on site. Typically, they are also densely packed allowing disease to spread from species to species.
The animal source of Covid-19 has not yet been identified, but the original host is thought to be bats. Bats were not sold at the Wuhan market but may have infected live chickens or other animals sold there. 

Bats are host to a wide range of zoonotic viruses including Ebola, HIV and rabies.

How big could the pandemic get?

The disease has already taken hold in Europe, the United States and south east Asia and is beginning to wreak havoc in Africa and South America. The World Health Organization is particularly concerned at the ability of the poorest countries in the world to control the disease.

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
Initial symptoms include fever, dry cough, tiredness and a general feeling of being unwell. Other symptoms are emerging such as a lost of taste and smell and stomach problems. For a full read-out of the symptoms and treatment of coronavirus, click here.

Read more: what's it like to have mild coronavirus symptoms

How many coronavirus cases are in your area?
By Ashley Kirk, SENIOR DATA JOURNALIST - 28 March 2020 


The coronavirus pandemic has now reached most corners of the country, with dozens of local authorities reporting a rise in cases.
So far, Hampshire and central London - including Southwark, Lambeth and Westminster - have seen the most recorded cases, as the number of cases in the UK enters the tens of thousands.
More than 120,000 people across the UK have been tested for Covid-19, with the Government releasing an emergency action plan to deal with the pandemic. It warned up to one in five workers in the UK could be off sick during a coronavirus peak. 
The region hit hardest by coronavirus so far, both in terms of absolute numbers and the per capita rate, is London. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that the capital was "a few weeks ahead" in the infection's spread that the rest of the country.
While they have lower total numbers, Wales and Scotland also have a similarly high rates per million.

How did coronavirus spread?
At the end of December, the Chinese authorities sent out a public alert warning that a "pneumonia of unknown cause" had been identified in Wuhan, central China.
Some 10 days later, on Jan 7, scientists announced that a new coronavirus was the source of the outbreak – quickly adding that it did not appear to be spreading between humans.
UK coronavirus lockdown: the new rules, and what they mean for daily life 
Government has closed schools, pubs, restaurants, cafes, gyms and other businesses
By Gareth Davies, BREAKING NEWS EDITOR and Tony Diver 

28 March 2020

Boris Johnson has placed the UK on a police-enforced lockdown with drastic new measures in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak.
The Prime Minister ordered people only to leave their homes under a list of "very limited purposes", banned public gatherings of more than two people and ordered the closure of non-essential shops.
Every citizen must comply with these new measures and the relevant authorities, including the police, will be given the powers to enforce them through fines and dispersing gatherings.
These measures are effective immediately. The Government will look again at these measures after three weeks, and relax them if the evidence shows this is possible.

What are the rules?
Mr Johnson has said you will only be able to leave your house for one of four reasons:...


Coronavirus travel: China bars foreign visitors as imported cases rise
27 March 2020

China has announced a temporary ban on all foreign visitors, even if they have visas or residence permits.
The country is also limiting Chinese and foreign airlines to one flight per week, and flights must not be more than 75% full.
Although China reported its first locally-transmitted coronavirus case for three days on Friday, almost all its new cases now come from abroad.
There were 55 new cases across China on Thursday - 54 of them from overseas.

What are the new rules?
The Chinese Foreign Ministry said it was "suspending the entry of foreign nationals" because of the "rapid spread of Covid-19 across the world".
The suspension applies to people with visas and residence passes, but not to diplomats or those with C visas (usually aircraft crew).
People with "emergency humanitarian needs" or those working in certain fields can apply for exceptions.

Wuhan to ease lockdown as world battles virus
US-China contagion: The battle behind the scenes
Although the rules seem dramatic, many foreign airlines had already stopped flying to China - and a number of cities already had restrictions for arrivals.
Last month, for example, Beijing ordered everyone returning to the city into a 14-day quarantine.

What is the coronavirus situation in China?
Although the virus emerged in China, it now has fewer cases than the US and fewer deaths than Italy and Spain.

There have been 81,340 confirmed cases in China and 3,292 deaths, the National Health Commission said on Friday.
In total, 565 of those confirmed cases were classed as "imported" - either foreigners coming into China, or returning Chinese nationals.
In Hubei - the province where the outbreak began - there were no new confirmed or suspected cases on Thursday.
The lockdown in provincial capital Wuhan, which began in January, will be eased on 8 April.
Have you been affected by the ban? Share your experiences by emailing haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk.
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 The New War on Bioterror: Everyone is a Suspected or Asymptomatic Carrier

 By Makia Freeman -  March 20, 2020


US President Donald Trump has just said the US is at war against a hidden enemy.

Other governments worldwide have said the same. Are we exiting the War on Terror and entering the War on Bioterror?

Under conditions of hype, panic, fear and war, rationality and normal human rights disappear. Is the government about to turn on everyone? Is everyone a guilty "suspect" (i.e. a suspected carrier) until proven innocent?

Although officials are not using this exact term, we are now in a War on Bioterror
as government after government has declared war on the new coronavirus strain COVID-19. These are truly life-changing times through which we are living. US President Trump just declared a war on the “Chinese virus” as he calls it. He also claimed he was now a “war-time president” as he invoked the Defense Production Act, an old Cold War law which allows the Executive Branch to control and redirect the production and distribution of scarce materials deemed “essential to the national defense.” In an executive order dated March 18th, 2020, Trump specifically cites personal protective equipment (presumably face masks) and ventilators as meeting the criteria in this provision. The entire planet is going into worldwide lockdown. Just as the 9/11 false flag operation yielded the War on Terror, will the coronavirus operation yield the new War on Bioterror?

Before, Government Got Away with Tyranny to Fight Terror; Now, Governments Get Away with Tyranny to Fight Bioterror

The political landscape in Western nations like the US and UK was changed forever by 9/11. Suddenly, terrorism was a “thing” that could be invoked to justify just about any kind of government power or overreach, regardless of its legality, constitutionality or morality. The USG spouted propaganda messages at its citizens that “We’re fighting the bad guys” and “You’re either with us or against us” to get people into line. Labeling foreigners as suspected terrorists allowed the USG to perpetrate all sorts of abuse and torture against whomever they wanted. If you were a labeled a “terrorist” whether proven or not you had no rights. Years later, the concept of terrorism was broadened to domestic terrorism and extremism so that ordinary citizens could be framed as domestic terrorists and extremists – thus made into enemies and stripped of their rights.

It appears the same thing is happening all over again, although this time the new invisible enemy is bioterror. In the old war on terror, the government had to try to frame you as a terrorist or extremist for your actions or views. Now, in the new war on bioterror, everyone is a potential suspect. Since viruses are so microscopically tiny, there’s no way to know if anyone is a carrier or not without being tested (and even then, the PCR test has some serious flaws). People not showing of signs of sickness could still be asymptomatic carriers. Do you see where this is going? What is to stop the government from making you a (public health) enemy and stripping your rights based on the assertion that you are a carrier? The psychological operation in play here is that they want you to submit to quarantine, accept less freedom and roll up your arm sleeve to get a mandatory vaccination with embedded Bill Gates digital ID2020 chips – all to play your part in the new war on bioterror.

China, Israel, South Korea and More: All Your Geolocation Data Can and Will Be Used to Monitor You

As usual, China is leading the way into a new world of technocratic totalitarianism by using the geolocation data (captured from its citizens’ phones) to track and monitor people. Newsweek reports:

“The most recent example that turned heads was Alipay Health Code—an app built by a sister company of tech giant Alibaba that assigns citizens a color code to automatically decide if they are free to move around a city, or face quarantine. It was analyzed by The New York Times, which reported it appeared to share user information with the police.
In another recent case, a mobile application was being pushed out to citizens that reportedly contained a “close contact detector” showing a map of COVID-19 infections.

The Global Times reported this week that authorities in Chengdu city, Sichuan Province, had started wearing “smart helmets” which had the ability to measure the temperatures of passengers-by when they enter a five-meter range. An alarm would ring out if a fever was detected.”

The color-coding app is a scary but predictable technological development from the country that introduced its now-famous social credit system known as Sesame Credit. Meanwhile, in another nation that is in its own way the headquarters of the New World Order, Israel has also announced it will be using cellphone geolocation data to help combat the coronavirus. Israel’s internal security agency Shin Bet will be allowed to use the data to retrace people’s movements who test positive for COVID-19 and identify others for quarantine. In South Korea, the government is using a GPS-enabled app to monitor citizens who are quarantined, and again from the Newsweek article “according to CNN, an alarm will ring out if the infected user leaves their “designated location.”” The government there is actually sending out texts detailing the movements of infected people which is predictably encouraging people to squeal and turn on each other, and encouraging social shaming. And yes, the USG is in talks with Big Tech (who happily censors just about everyone who isn’t an official) to see how they can start using geolocation data.

What are Authorities Secretly Doing During the Lockdown?
So, the fear of the virus is allowing all sorts of agendas to be pushed forward, as I covered in previous articles such as 5+ NWO Agendas Accompanying the Coronavirus Epidemic and Creating and Exploiting the Coronavirus Crisis. Since this phenomenon is rapidly changing, there is now a new element to consider – the worldwide lockdown. The question is: what are the authorities doing during curfew hours? Some have suggested that they are using this crisis as an opportunity to install 5G infrastructure throughout public spaces (here is a brief background to the weaponized technology that is 5G, plus the coronavirus-5G connection). This school teacher-turned-whistleblower claims for a fact that schools in her district are using the school shutdowns to install 5G in the classrooms!

Entering the New Fake Crisis: The War on Bioterror
When the USG declares war on something, it never goes well. The war on cancer didn’t stop cancer and the war on drugs just put more people (many of whom were either non-violent criminals or needed mental health help) behind bars. The USG may not use the exact phrase “war on bioterror” but it appears as if we have now stepped into a new world. Just like the Patriot Act was prepared well in advance and hurriedly rushed into law, is there a new bioterror act (which has secretly been prepared far in advance) about to sprung upon us with draconian new regulations? Is the mass population both in the West and around the world going to be taken in by the hype, fear and panic to allow governments to trample upon their rights? Will you fall for it when authorities argue that every single person is potentially a suspect (i.e. a suspected carrier)?

Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com. Makia is on Steemit and FB.



Holographic Disclosure 12 (The Black Sun)

Trump: “NATO is no longer obsolete” (after the dark suits spoke to him)

Secrets of the Stone Age (1/2) | DW Documentary
 DW Documentary

of farmers. A documentary on an important period of human history. Watch Part 2 here: https://youtu.be/XSGRd5Ve1zI Around 12,000 years ago, humans underwent a transition from nomads to settlers. That epoch, the Stone Age, produced monumental building works. Part 1 of this two-part documentary illuminates the cultural background of these structures and shows the difficulties Stone Age humans had to contend with. Until around 10,000 BC, humans lived as hunters and gatherers. Then an irreversible change began. Settlements formed. "For millions of years humans lived as foragers and suddenly their lives changed radically. This was far more radical than the start of the digital age or industrialization," says prehistorian Hermann Parzinger, president of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. For a long time, scholars believed that a sedentary lifestyle was a prerequisite for constructing large buildings. Then archaeologist Klaus Schmidt discovered Göbekli Tepe in southern Turkey, a 12,000-year-old complex of stone blocks weighing up to 20 tons. Its builders were still hunter- gatherers. They decorated the stone columns with ornate animal reliefs. How these structures were used and who was allowed access to them remains a mystery. But we now know that the site was abandoned and covered over once settlements took root. Human development continued its course. The discovery of agriculture and animal husbandry led to larger settlements, a changed diet and ultimately to dependence on material goods. This social upheaval in the late Neolithic period has influenced our lives up to the present day. But experts agree that the monuments of the Stone Age prove that humans have gigantomanic tendencies and a need to immortalize themselves. _______ DW Documentary gives you knowledge beyond the headlines. Watch high-class documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. Meet intriguing people, travel to distant lands, get a look behind the complexities of daily life and build a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events. Subscribe and explore the world around you with DW Documentary. Subscribe to DW Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW39... For more documentaries visit: http://www.dw.com/en/tv/docfilm/s-3610 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dwdocumentary/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dw.stories DW netiquette policy: http://www.dw.com/en/dws-netiquette-p...


Digital Dollar A-Coming: Draft Bills Mention New US Central Bank Digital Currency

More proof the coronavirus crisis is being used to futher the NWO agenda: US draft bills propose a digital dollar (Central Bank Digital Currency).Published 14 hours ago on March 24, 2020
By Makia Freeman

“And so it is to the printing press – to the recorder of man's deeds, the keeper of his conscience ...
confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.”
– John F. Kennedy  

Digital Dollar A-Coming: Draft Bills Mention New US Central Bank Digital Currency
The US House of Congress recently introduced 2 stimulus bills with a never-before-used provision: the creation of a digital dollar, overseen by the US central bank, the Federal Reserve.


A digital dollar or digital currency means every economic transaction will be recorded and visible. This gives the government massive powers to control its citizens.
The Digital Dollar is no longer  ust a concept 
The Digital Dollar is no longer  ust a concept that alternative reporters and conspiracy researchers have been warning about. It has taken a big step to becoming a reality. This is just more proof that the coronavirus crisis is being exploited to push forward all sorts of NWO (New World Order) agendas that have been waiting in the wings for the right moment to be rolled out. The US Congress floated a stimulus bill on Sunday March 22nd 2020 that specifically mentions the term digital dollar in reference to a new currency the USG wants launched. This new currency has been planned for a long time; recently, it has been referred to as a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). Although the provision for a digital dollar has been removed from the bill, the rulers have shown there hand. Is this another step to the elimination of cash and to a One World Currency where every single financial transaction will recorded and monitored?

House Stimulus Bills Contain Proposal of Digital Dollar – But Then Taken Out of One Bill
In an article last week Creating and Exploiting the Coronavirus Crisis, I talked about how the US authorities were preparing to possibly crash the economy (and blame it on the coronovirus) while feverishly preparing to launch an official digital currency. Right after this, there were 2 draft bills proposed, which were called the “Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act” and the “Financial Protections and Assistance for America’s Consumers, States, Businesses, and Vulnerable Populations Ac.” These 2 bills contained provisions for the Federal Reserve – the privately owned US central bank which is neither “federal” nor a “reserve” of anything – to use a digital dollar and digital wallets to send payments to qualified individuals consisting of $2000 to adults and $1000 to minors. Both bills employed identical language around the digital dollar suggestion. Yesterday (Monday March 23rd 2020), the digital dollar provision was taken out of the first bill (Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act), however this clearly goes to show where things are headed. In a crisis, with people in fear, anything is possible for a ruling class bent on consolidating and centralizing power.

Coindesk reports:
““The term ‘digital dollar’ shall mean a balance expressed as a dollar value consisting of digital ledger entries that are recorded as liabilities in the accounts of any Federal Reserve bank; or an electronic unit of value, redeemable by an eligible financial institution (as determined by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System),” the bills read.
“In the long term, the card infrastructure should be converted into a permanent, Treasury-administered digital public currency wallet system, to serve as a privacy-respecting ‘eCash’ complement to universal Fed Accounts and/or Postal Bank Accounts for All,” the bill reads.”

USG Digital Currency Spells the End of Financial Privacy
The proposed digital dollar is a continuation of the cashless agenda which seeks to eliminate cash completely. The coronavirus crisis has been used all over the world to promote this agenda. Both Chinese authorities and the WHO (World Health Organization) director claimed that using cash could spread the virus, a largely evidence-free and flimsy assertion whose motive is quite transparent. Although a digital dollar may sound appealing to many people, it is crucial to understand the power this would give to government.

Coronavirus: Newspaper round-up after COVID-19 epicentre shifts to Europe
WORLD  - By Seana Davis - 20/03/2020


One week ago, Europe was declared the epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Since then, the number of cases has soared outside of China, jumping by nearly 250%.
So, how are European and global papers reporting the on the pandemic?
Weekly magazine Der Spiegel titles its edition as "the fight has begun", questioning how well clinics are prepared for the pandemic.
At the time of writing, Germany had recorded 18,361 cases and 52 deaths.

Artwork on the front page of the weekly publication, The New Yorker, shows an empty Grand Central Station in New York City.

Queensland Government passes public health measures to bolster powers ahead of expected rise in coronavirus cases 
By state political reporter Josh Bavas
19 Mar 2020

[Someone pouring cocktails into glasses] PHOTO: Large gatherings in pubs, clubs, restaurants and entertainment venues are likely to be curbed. (Supplied: Unsplash)
 Queensland Parliament sat late into the night in an emergency sitting to bolster the state's laws in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, bringing in extensive public health control measures and the ability to suspend or postpone the upcoming council elections.

Electoral laws were modified, giving the State Government the authority to suspend the upcoming council elections and state government by-elections if the situation deteriorates.
Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said the postal vote return dates could also be extended, given the unprecedented 540,000 registrations.
"The Government is tonight taking urgent measures to maximise public safety, minimise public health risks and maintain our democratic processes for local government elections in the face of an evolving public health emergency," he said.

Almost 100 cases of the virus have been recorded in the state since the outbreak began, with eight believed to have recovered so far.
Powers to force individuals into isolation
Other laws rushed through on Wednesday included a $13,000 fine for anyone found flouting direct orders from Queensland's top health officials.
They come in addition to sweeping changes advised by the Federal Government earlier on Wednesday.

The state's constitution was altered to allow for ministers to convene with the Governor for the immediate ascension of bills via video conferencing, if needed.
Under the moves, the state's chief health officer and senior hospital staff were given greater powers to force individuals into isolation and will likely result in large gatherings in pubs, clubs, restaurants and entertainment venues being curbed.

Health Minister Steven Miles said supermarkets and chemists will now be able to remain open longer if required.

"An emergency officer may direct an owner or operator of any business or facility to open, close or limit visitor access to the facility for a specified period," he said.
"People may be directed to stay in their home, or another place decided by the emergency officer, for example, a hospital or other isolation area.
"Failure to adhere to directions under this legislation could incur a fine of up to $13,345.

"We need to be responsive and flexible and this means that measures to slow down this virus could be advertised at short notice."

The Queensland Council for Civil Liberties (QCCL) criticised the emergency health legislation as "concerning" saying if the State Government wants people to obey the laws, "people have to have the confidence that they are fair".
"The QCCL accepts that in a time of contagion the Government may need powers that trump individual rights," QCCL president Michael Cope said.
"But it is important to ensure that our civil liberties are protected by making sure that the Government does not get powers that are not needed.
"There appears to be good reason for thinking that this situation may last for at least 18 months. The Government needs to take the community with it. Rushing laws through Parliament and closing it down, is not the way to do that".
He said there was no reason why Parliament could not be given overnight to consider the legislation.

Opposition concerned over suspension of Parliament

During the late-night sitting, Leader of the House Yvette D'Ath moved a motion to suspend Parliament indefinitely for up to six months, giving the Speaker the discretion to reconvene a sitting beforehand if he sees fit.
"We are not in a position to make those decisions about what will come in the coming days, weeks or months," she said.

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"But if we do not provide a mechanism within the sessional orders, then despite us potentially being in a national or state lockdown, we still have to recall Parliament and go against everything that has actually been directed to protect the community and Queenslanders."
Opposition MP Jarrod Bleijie told Parliament an indefinite suspension could erase several crucial sitting weeks, including around the budget.
"I can't see how in two weeks, the health advice is going to be 'It's all better and now Parliament can now sit'," he said.
"The Government want to escape scrutiny and accountability for six months — colleagues, this could be your last sitting before the election.
"To dismiss this Parliament as their little plaything for the next six months is absolutely disgraceful."

What the experts are saying about coronavirus:

Coronavirus doesn't kill many people - but here's how it can
How to keep your home clean and free from coronavirus

Coronavirus doesn't kill many people - 
but here's how it can[Viral pneumonia graphic]
The virus can kill if the infection is so serious it triggers the immune system into over-reacting. 


Chances are if you get sick from the latest coronavirus you'll get a pretty mild illness. 
 About 80 per cent of people with COVID-19 will have a "mild to moderate illness that lasts about two weeks," said Sanjaya Senanyake, an infectious diseases specialist from the Australian National University
However, some people will develop more severe disease with COVID-19.
According to the World Health Organisation, 15 per cent of coronavirus cases are severe infections that require oxygen, and 5 per cent are critical infections, requiring ventilation.
"For COVID-19 at the moment, the global case fatality rate is over 3 per cent, although we think it's probably closer to 1 per cent," Dr Senanyake said.
But the true mortality rate will take some time to fully understand, as there are many mild cases likely not yet reported.

How the virus makes people sick
The first thing to know is that viruses work by hijacking the machinery inside your own body's cells to make more copies of themselves.
Infected cells then either die or are destroyed by your body's immune cells in a process called inflammation.
Some people will be symptom-free, others will get a fever, cough and other symptoms as the immune system kicks in to fight the virus.
But things get more serious when people start to experience fatigue and shortness of breath.

Immune system over-reaction
When people get a large dose of the virus this can overwhelm the immune system, which overcompensates with inflammation that spirals out of control.
This results in viral pneumonia, where air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs fill with fluid and it becomes difficult to breathe.
"If you have something like a boil you get a lot of fluid and if that's happening inside your lung ... then that clearly interrupts exchange of oxygen between the atmosphere and your blood," says medical virologist Professor William Rawlinson from the University of New South Wales.

The virus infection also damages the lining of the lung so bacteria can invade more easily. 
 And as with influenza this can lead to a secondary infection called bacterial pneumonia. While this can be treated with antibiotics this can also contribute to death.

On top of this, falling blood oxygen levels also put pressure on organs like the heart.
And in severe cases, the viral or secondary bacterial infection can go into the bloodstream and shut down other organs in the body, including the kidneys.
Serious infection can also cause a fall in blood pressure that can affect multiple organs.
And in the late stages of infection you can die from cardiac arrest from the virus directly attacking the heart.
On ABC's Coronacast recently, Dr Norman Swan, also pointed to evidence that the coronavirus that caused the 2003 SARS outbreak affected the respiratory centre in the brain which actually drives your breathing.

Vulnerable groups
The people in the community most at risk for COVID-19:
people who have recently been in a high risk country or region (mainland China, Iran, Italy or Korea),
people who have been in close contact with someone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19,
elderly people,
people with chronic medical conditions,
people who have compromised immune systems,
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (as they have higher rates of chronic illness).
Epidemiologist Professor Robert Booy of the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) says while most people infected will have a mild illness, the older you are the greater the risk of it killing you.
"The other thing that loads the risk on top of being old is those chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, hypertension. If you have [these conditions], and you're elderly, you're in trouble," he says.

But some younger people in their 30s, 40s and 50s are still dying from the virus.

But health experts have warned younger adults shouldn't be complacent about their risk, as it's not impossible for them to have a severe form of the disease or even die from it.
While children are key drivers of influenza transmission in the community, initial data from the COVID-19 pandemic suggests children are far less affected than adults.
Professor Rawlinson says when people get life-threatening infections the aim is to support them intensive care — this involves using a ventilator to help them breathe, and if needs be later a heart-lung machine.
But he says older people — especially those with existing heart and lung disease — are often too frail for such interventions to avoid death.
Even if they are not too frail, older people might miss out on life-saving care if we get to the stage where there are not enough hospital beds to go around.[Viral pneumonia graphic]The virus can kill if the infection is so serious it triggers the immune system into over-reacting. 

How to keep your home clean and free from coronavirusABC Radio Sydney 
By Matt Bamford


Key points:
Households are a new frontier in the fight against coronavirus
Experts advise detergent and disinfectant are needed to clean surfaces
They say to target high traffic areas like doorknobs, handles and benchesAs households prepare to bunker down across Australia, attention has turned to the best ways of protecting homes from coronavirus. 
Health experts have recommended a series of practical steps for maintaining good hygiene at home.  
 UNSW virologist Dr Sacha Stelzer-Braid is confident households can minimise their exposure if the right procedures are followed.

How do I stop COVID-19 spreading to my home?
Take off your shoes at the front door.
"We just need to be really quite vigilant and strict," she said.
"It's not a bad idea to take your shoes off before you enter the house, especially for children who like to jump on beds," she said.
"Definitely don't put your shoes anywhere you would touch with your hands like your coffee table." 
Wipe down items brought into the house.
Non-porous items like takeaway containers can be wiped down with detergent or soapy water and fresh produce should be washed.

What the experts are saying about coronavirus:

Coronavirus doesn't kill many people - but here's how it can
How to keep your home clean and free from coronavirus

Wash your hands, thoroughly.
Once inside, a thorough hand wash with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds is essential.
"While the risk of transmission from anything you buy at the shops is low it's still a good idea. We can't hand-wash enough right now," Dr Stelzer-Braid said.

What cleaning products work best?
Hand sanitisers and disinfectants are not enough.
Scientists have shown that COVID-19 can survive outside the body on plastic and stainless steel surfaces for up to 72 hours.
Professor Brett Mitchell told ABC Radio Sydney that highly sought after products like hand sanitiser and disinfectant sprays were not enough to kill the virus on their own.
"Disinfectants don't work by just splashing them about," Professor Mitchell said.
"They can't break through dirt and organic material that's left on surfaces, so you need to clean that first and then use the disinfectant."
Detergents are the key to breaking down the layers of dirt and dust to allow disinfectants to work.

Target 'high-touch' surfaces
Wipe down doorknobs, switches, and mobile phones twice a day with detergent.
As the virus is commonly transferred by hand-to-face touching, experts recommend wiping down all surfaces that are regularly handled.
Dr Stelzer-Braid said those in a healthy household should be wiping down high-touch surfaces at least twice a day.
Diluted bleach and products with an alcohol content above 70 per cent are also effective products.

What if someone falls ill?

Quarantine sick house members for 14 days, increase cleaning.
If a member of the house is feeling unwell, Professor Mitchell said cleaning around areas they frequented needed to be more thorough.
"Think about cleaning the area within their room a little more often, using disinfectant after washing hands, and giving the taps a clean," he said.
Should a member of the household show symptoms of COVID-19, Dr Stelzer-Braid said they should be quarantined to one room, preferably with their own bathroom.
Contact with others should be at a minimum for a fortnight and cleaning should increase to several times a day.
If possible, clothes and bed sheets — handled with gloves and surgical masks — should be washed more frequently to minimise the risk of transmission.
"It's also always a good idea to try to flush clean air through the house so open the windows and doors," Dr Stelzer-Braid said.

Keep clothing, cutlery separate
The clothing and cutlery used by an infected person can also spread the virus so they should be kept separate.
"A dishwasher is great, it will kill the virus. But if you don't have one use hot water — as hot as you can handle it," she said.

Technique matters
Wiping in an 'S' shaped pattern prevents re-contamination and will ensure the surface area is well-covered.
Cleaning techniques can also make a difference to the risk of infection.
Disposable gloves should also be worn.
Dr Stelzer-Braid said the key was not waiting until it was too late to implement good habits.
"Getting on top of it early and having a good routine is really important," she said.
"If [infection] does happen, and it probably will happen to someone in the household, then it's an easier transition."
While these measures might not guarantee freedom from infection, Dr Stelzer-Braid said they help ensure the chances of the virus entering a home are minimised.
Your questions on coronavirus answered:
Can I put my mortgage payments on hold?

'Is that it?': Chinese report into death of doctor who raised coronavirus alarm underwhelms
 BY BRENDA GOH- Thompson Reuters -  Mar 19th 2020 


SHANGHAI, March 19 (Reuters) - A Chinese report into the coronavirus death of a young doctor reprimanded by police for "spreading rumors" when he tried to raise the alarm about the disease drew quick criticism online after it merely suggested that the reprimand be withdrawn.
The investigative team also denounced the "anti-establishment" labels of "hero" and "awakener" that some had given to Dr Li Wenliang, who became one of the crisis's most visible figures in the early days of the outbreak when he tried to sound the alarm in the central city of Wuhan.

News of his death at 34 in early February triggered an outpouring of outrage and sadness in China.
The report, issued by China's top anti-corruption agency, the National Supervisory Commission, said a team sent to Wuhan looked into how he found out about the virus, how he had been summoned to a police station and how he was treated when ill.
Their key recommendation, according to the report published by state broadcaster CCTV, was to say that Wuhan authorities needed to find the police who had reprimanded Li and hold them responsible for not following correct procedures.
It said the reprimand by police should be withdrawn.
"Is that it?" said one user on China's Twitter-like Weibo, where news of the report was the top read topic, with over 160 million views on Thursday evening.
"It's like they might as well have not said anything," said another.
Li's treatment by police prompted public calls for the Wuhan government to apologize, especially as the city's authorities were accused of covering up the outbreak in its early days.
Since then, the virus has spread globally to 172 nations, infecting nearly 220,000, killing more than 8,900 people and crippling the global economy.
The investigative team said that Li had not disrupted public order with his actions, describing him as a professional who had fought bravely and made sacrifices. His family had received workplace injury and funeral subsidies, it said.

The investigating team, in a question and answer session published by state news agency Xinhua, said some hostile forces, for the purpose of attacking the ruling Communist Party and Chinese government, gave Li the "anti-establishment" labels of "hero" and "awakener."
"This is completely untrue," it said. "Li was a Communist Party member, not a so-called 'person who was against the system'. Those who have ulterior motives to fan flames, confuse and poison people's minds, to agitate society's emotions are doomed to fail." (Reporting by Brenda Goh; Additional Reporting by Huizhong Wu in Beijing Editing by Tony Munroe and Nick Macfie)

Coronavirus is biggest challenge for Germany since WW2, says Angela Merkel
By Orlando Crowcroft  & AP - 19/03/2020


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that the coronavirus outbreak is the country's biggest challenge since World War Two.
In a rare direct address to the nation, Merkel urged Germans to take the virus seriously and said that every citizen would need to play their part in preventing it from spreading.
"Let me say that this is serious. Take it seriously. Since German unification. No, since the Second World War, there has not been a challenge for our country which was so dependent, on our joint, solidary action," she said.
Germany had 11,973 confirmed virus cases as of Wednesday evening, the fifth-highest number in the world, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. Among all the people with the virus in the country, 28 have died, the university's tally said.

Merkel said that despite Germany having one of the best healthcare systems in the world, it would be overwhelmed by a surge of patients in the short period of time.
She called on everyone in the country of 83 million to stay home and to practice social distancing during the times they must go out, despite the natural instinct to want to come together during times of worry.
“I appeal to you: Please obey the rules, which will now be valid for the coming times,” she said.
“We as a government will constantly check what needs to be corrected but also, what perhaps still needs to be done.”

Emergency Powers: Worldwide Governmental Power Grabs Reveal Scripted Agenda

The Freedon Articles -Get a dose  of the TruthAlternative Media - Independent News

Emergency Powers: Worldwide Governmental Power Grabs Reveal Scripted Agenda
Emergency powers are the name of the game right now as governments around the world are collectively engaging in power grabs – all justified by the convenient coronavirus crisis (the same coronavirus crisis that various countries and groups were actively simulating for before it happened). Virtually every nation on Earth has a COVID-19 case and […] The post Emergency Powers: Worldwide Governmental Power Grabs Reveal Scripted Agenda appeared first on The Freedom Articles.

“And so it is to the printing press – to the recorder of man's deeds, the keeper of his conscience ...
confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.”
– John F. Kennedy  


USA: Let’s Close the Courts and Permanently Detain People Without Trial During Emergencies
Attorney-General William Barr – the same guy who has been pathetically overseeing the Jeffery Epstein case and doing nothing about it, while having connections to Epstein himself – has as DOJ head shown his true tyrannical colors by asking for some extreme emergency powers. The Hill reports:
“The Department of Justice (DOJ) has asked Congress for a slew of new emergency powers … One of the proposed changes would give the attorney general the power to ask top district judges to stop court proceedings “whenever the district court is fully or partially closed by virtue of any natural disaster, civil disobedience, or other emergency situation.” These top judges would also gain the power to the stop court proceedings during a national emergency. In addition, the DOJ has asked for the ability to ask chief judges to permanently detain an individual without trial during emergencies. Another proposal would reportedly waive the statute of limitations for criminal investigations as well as civil trials during an emergency and could last up to “one year following the end of the national emergency.””

Worldwide Governmental Power Grabs Reveal Scripted Agenda
Published  March 25, 2020
By Makia Freeman

Everywhere in the world, governments are using the coronavirus crisis to expand their control, claiming these are only temporary emergency powers.
Can we trust governments to reliquinish these powers afterwards? Are people so panicked and afraid they will allow their freedom and rights to be stolen due to an invisible virus?

Emergency powers
Emergency powers are the name of the game right now as governments around the world are collectively engaging in power grabs – all justified by the convenient coronavirus crisis (the same coronavirus crisis that various countries and groups were actively simulating for before it happened). Virtually every nation on Earth has a COVID-19 case and therefore an excuse to grab emergency powers by claiming they are only doing it for the sake of health, safety and security, which is the typical catchcry of tyrants. According to the latest BBC report, a staggering 1/4 (one quarter) of the world is on lockdown. Misleaders like US President Donald Trump and UK PM Boris Johnson were initially reluctant to respond to the coronavirus, that is before they were told by their dark-suited advisors in the shadows that they better get with the program. For all the hype, panic and fear you see around the world today, you would think we are in the midst of the most lethal killing agent ever, not something which so far has only killed around 20,000 people worldwide after months and months, when in the US alone the seasonal flu kills between 12,000 and 60,000 every year according to CDC stats for the last 10 years. Below is a short list of what governments are doing amidst this fake pandemic.

USA: Let’s Close the Courts and Permanently Detain People Without Trial During Emergencies
Attorney-General William Barr – the same guy who has been pathetically overseeing the Jeffery Epstein case and doing nothing about it, while having connections to Epstein himself – has as DOJ head shown his true tyrannical colors by asking for some extreme emergency powers. The Hill reports:
“The Department of Justice (DOJ) has asked Congress for a slew of new emergency powers … One of the proposed changes would give the attorney general the power to ask top district judges to stop court proceedings “whenever the district court is fully or partially closed by virtue of any natural disaster, civil disobedience, or other emergency situation.” These top judges would also gain the power to the stop court proceedings during a national emergency. In addition, the DOJ has asked for the ability to ask chief judges to permanently detain an individual without trial during emergencies. Another proposal would reportedly waive the statute of limitations for criminal investigations as well as civil trials during an emergency and could last up to “one year following the end of the national emergency.””

Zero Hedge reports:
“The proposed changes have raised concerns over the implications for habeas corpus – the right to appear before a judge and seek release. “Not only would it be a violation of that, but it says ‘affecting pre-arrest,” said Normal L. Reimer, who heads up the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. “So that means you could be arrested and never brought before a judge until they decide that the emergency or the civil disobedience is over. I find it absolutely terrifying. Especially in a time of emergency, we should be very careful about granting new powers to the government.” Reimer added that the notion of chief judges suspending court rules during an emergency indefinitely is deeply disturbing.”
We’re getting into highly dangerous territory here: the ability to detain someone without trial is a hallmark of tyranny. Also, if you thought the US was the land of the free where “it would never happen here”, look at what is happening now with paper being required to have their travel papers. Papers, please! Also, check out Whitney Webb’s piece on the long-standing US plans for COG (Continuity of Government) which goes back not to Bush Jr, not to Reagan but actually to Eisenhower and earlier. The idea has been to circumvent the Constitution and Congress/the Legislative Branch by declaring an emergency and installing a new government which vests all its power in the Executive Branch and the Military. COG plans include or included Operation Rex 84, Operation Garden Plot and Main Core (a database made with stolen PROMIS software which is list of Americans whose the USG considers enemies of the state):
“Though Main Core was reportedly in use after September 11 to target “unfriendly” individuals for increased domestic surveillance, concern that COG plans in the age of coronavirus could take a more drastic turn and involve the detention of Americans included in that database now seems more plausible than ever.”

Is COG about to be activated? This news is also just in, from Zero Hedge in another article:
“Earlier, Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva ordered all gun stores closed (fearing that too many first-time gun-owners were getting access to weapons), and now LA Mayor EricGarcetti lashed out at non-essential stores that refuse to close, making an ominous threat. After reflecting on the first COVID-19 death of a teenager in L.A. County, he went on to announce actions against nonessential businesses that don’t close. “This behavior is irresponsible and selfish,” he said of those that remain open. He said the Department of Water and Power will shut off water and power for the businesses that don’t comply with the “safer at home” ordinance.”

UK: Let’s Detain Someone for Mental Illness Based on 1 Opinion not 3, and Ban Couples who are Dating From Staying at Each Other’s House
The UK has just passed a massive emergency powers bill (Coronavirus Bill 2019-21) which puts into law further restrictions and requirements relating to the isolation of those suspected to be infected with coronavirus and for the detention of people in isolation where the authorities deem it necessary. It allows people to “attend” court using audio and video technology, allows the Government to suspend port operations, relaxes requirements on “cause of death” medical certificates and disapplies the requirement for a jury in relation to inquests into coronavirus deaths. This was after the UK Government already made changes to existing laws, e.g. a change in the mental health laws. It used to take the opinion of 3 unrelated mental health professionals to detain someone due to alleged mental illness, but now it only takes one. Couples are now banned from staying at each other’s houses!! The Daily Mail reports:

“Deputy chief medical officer Jenny Harries suggested couples needed to either decide to live together or to remain apart during the crisis as she said that ‘what we do not want is people switching in and out of households’.”

Israel: Let’s Grab Geolocation Data for Surveillance and Consider the Total Suspension of Individual Freedom
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, corrupt to his core, has naturally been using the coronavirus crisis to his advantage. The crisis has allowed him to postpone his corruption trial. As I reported earlier in the article The New War on Bioterror: Everyone is a Suspected or Asymptomatic Carrier, the Israeli Government has also decided to increase their surveillance powers by capturing geolocation data from people’s mobile phones to supposedly halt the spread of the virus. Recently, Israeli newspaper Haaretz revealed in their article ‘Total Suspension of Individual Freedom’: Inside Israel’s Secret Coronavirus Debate that “public health services chief tells Knesset intelligence panel that Israel needs to employ a total lockdown and personal monitoring in the struggle to contain the spread of the disease.”

India: Let’s Stamp Suspected Carriers with Indelible Ink
India is a massive country of over 1.3 billion people. A significant chunk of the nation is on lockdown. The Indian Government has decided to stamp the hands of people who are suspected – not even confirmed – carriers with indelible ink, as well as track them using their mobile phone and personal data to help enforce quarantines. This Al Jazeera article reports:
“In southern Kerala state, authorities have used telephone call records, CCTV footage and mobile phone GPS systems to track down primary and secondary contacts of coronavirus patients. Officials also published detailed time and date maps of the movement of people who tested positive …“People have been jumping quarantine and it has been a challenge to track them,” said Amar Fettle, who is heading the coronavirus control team in Kerala. “But we have formed hundreds of squads, including policemen to track and ensure people follow the norms.””

Canada: Let’s Fine and Imprison People Who Don’t Do Social Distancing
So you thought the social distancing thing was just a suggestion not a law? Think again. In Canada, they are thinking about fining and imprisoning people who don’t keep enough distance from each other. This article reports that Federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu said, “We will use every measure in our toolbox at the federal level to ensure compliance … for me, should we see a reluctance on behalf of the country to pull together, that would be a time when we would require additional measures.” It continues:
“Saskatchewan has used its emergency-broadcast system to reach people on cellphones, telling returning travellers that they can be fined $2,000 if they don’t self-isolate for 14 days. In Quebec City, a woman who was infected with the virus was arrested while out walking. Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil declared a state of emergency on Sunday. It bans gatherings of more than five people. Fines for such things as being at a beach or provincial park are up to $10,000 for individuals and $100,000 for corporations.”

Poland: Take a Selfie … Or Else
Poland is threatening people it has already quarantined that if they don’t download an app adn take selfies to send to the government, they will get a visit from the police plus fines! France24 reports:
“Poland on Friday launched a smartphone app allowing people under a mandatory 14-day quarantine for coronavirus to send selfies to let authorities know they are indeed staying home. “People in quarantine have a choice: either receive unexpected visits from the police, or download this app,” Karol Manys, digital ministry spokesman, told AFP … The app uses geolocation and facial recognition allowing quarantined users to check-in with authorities to confirm they are indeed staying at home as required … The app notifies police if users fail to respond within 20 minutes. Police said on Friday they had slapped a 500-zloty (111-euro, $118) fine on one person who had flouted the mandatory quarantine rules, adding that penalties run as high as 5,000 zlotys.”

Australia: Let’s Suspend State Parliament for 6 Months
The Australian Government has made sweeping changes, including a ban on any non-essential indoor gatherings of more than 100 people and an upgrade in official advice to an unprecedented
“Level 4: Do Not Travel” to any country in the world (though this was advice not a ban). In the state of Queensland, more emergency powers were grabbed. The Leader of the House even suggested that Parliament be canceled for 6 months! ABC reports:
“Electoral laws were modified, giving the State Government the authority to suspend the upcoming council elections and state government by-elections if the situation deteriorates … Under the moves, the state’s chief health officer and senior hospital staff were given greater powers to force individuals into isolation and will likely result in large gatherings in pubs, clubs, restaurants and entertainment venues being curbed … During the late-night sitting, Leader of the House Yvette D’Ath moved a motion to suspend Parliament indefinitely for up to six months, giving the Speaker the discretion to reconvene a sitting beforehand if he sees fit.”

Spain: Get out of your Garden, Now!
In Spain, since Sunday March 14th 2020, there has been a curfew in place, enforced by the police and the military. Cyclists and joggers trying to keep fit have been fined. Spaniards are no longer even allowed to walk freely or simply be in the private gardens of their apartment blocks – even if families take turns in using them! People are actually no longer allowed to use their own gardens.

Emergency Powers: The Road to Hell and Tyranny
History has shown has time and time again that emergency powers given to governments during a time of crisis and fear are seldom returned. History has also shown that liberty normally dies to thunderous applause and the relief of people that they have found someone to ‘save them’ while they are busy relinquishing their hard-fought freedoms out of fear. As the wise philosopher Plato once wrote, when tyrants first arise, they appear as protectors.
As an important historical reminder, remember how Hitler gained so much power. On February 27th 1933, there was a mysterious fire at the Reichstag (German Parliament) which some say was a false flag operation. On February 28th 1933, President Hindenburg signed the “Emergency Decree for the Protection of the German People” which suspended the democratic aspects of the Weimar Republic, declared a state of emergency and removed basic personal freedoms (freedom of speech, the right to own property and the right to trial before imprisonment). The next year in 1934, Hitler further consolidated his power by merging the presidency and the chancellorship into one office, thereby becoming an absolute autocrat or dictator. Emergency powers are the tyrants’ gateway drug to total power trip intoxication.

Collective Governmental Emergency Powers are Indicative of a Coordinated Plan – A NWO Scripted Agenda
The similar measures being considered and enacted by governments around the world are not just random and coincidental. They are indicative of a global, deeply sinister and coordinating force in the shadows which engineered this crisis and is now reaping the benefits of the hysterical fear it has generated by consolidating its power. This is a scripted agenda. Welcome to the New World Order.
Think about the surveillance aspects alone. Governments are now claiming the right to track, monitor and trace people, with geolocation data, thermal imaging scans and much more – all the name of a very convenient virus that they were simulating and preparing for all along!
If you care about truth and freedom, now is the time to pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to what is happening.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com. Makia is on Steemit and FB.






















DOJ seeks new emergency powers amid coronavirus pandemic
One of the requests to Congress would allow the department to petition a judge to indefinitely detain someone during an emergency.

Click here for Video on what is it like to actually have coronavirus?

Victim in Queensland goes to Hospital and speaks out 
 19 Mar 2020, 


One of the first people diagnosed with coronavirus in Australia talks about her experience.
Grace Tobin
Source: 7.30 | Duration: 6min 3sec
Topics: respiratory-diseases, health, infectious-diseases-other, epidemics-and-pandemics, healthcare-facilities, doctors-and-medical-professionals, australia, brisbane-4000, surfers-paradise-4217

More than a third of the Australians receiving the payments are elderly, with 2.4million aged pensioners to benefit

Here's what’s in the massive $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus deal for businesses[Yahoo Finance]
BEN WERSCHKUL - Mar 25th 2020 - Yahoo News

Early Wednesday morning, Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer announced a massive $2 trillion dollar stimulus deal that is set to be the largest economic stimulus package in modern American history.

"This is a wartime level of investment into our nation" McConnell said.
The deal is set to includes a range of far-reaching provisions. Everything from $1,200 government checks to individuals to hundreds of billions of dollars to fight the crisis are included.
But the most contentious part of the negotiations were clearly provisions to send over half a trillion dollars directly to impacted businesses.
The initial proposal from Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell was repeatedly slammed as a ‘$500 billion slush fund’ by Democrats who held up the bill until changes were made. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and fellow Republicans, in the end, agreed to a range of oversight measures over how companies will be able to spend all that money. 
"Like all compromises, this bill is far from perfect but we believe the legislation has improved significantly," Senate Minority Leader Schumer said after the deal was announced.
Both the Republican and Democratic leaders predict that the bill will be passed quickly in the Senate.
As of early Wednesday, parts of the final bill were still being written by legislators but here’s a rundown of what we do know about what’s in the deal aimed specifically at the businesses community.

For the airlines a ‘special provision’
“We're going to back the airlines 100%,” President Trump said last week about one of the industries hit hardest by the ongoing crisis.
The deal reportedly includes $50 billion specifically for passenger airlines, $8 billion for cargo airlines, and $17 billion “for firms that are deemed important to national security.”
Airlines CEO recently promised to stop stock buybacks and paying dividends in exchange for help from the federal government.
On Tuesday, Reuters reported that the final negotiations on a package included a mix of grants and loans to these companies while President Trump signaled Tuesday evening that the money would come in the forms of loans.
“We'll be helping Boeing, we'll be helping the airlines” he said. “We'll be doing a lot of things and the money will all come back to us, and it will come back to us in a very strong form.”
Either way, the airlines were singled out for special treatment because “airlines do provide significant resources and national security issues” as Secretary Mnuchin said Monday adding “I believe that's something that's very important to Americans.”

Hundred of billions more for all types of businesses
Other impacted industries, from the cruise industry to hotels to restaurants, have a range of ways to get government cash.
Previous stimulus efforts put $50 billion aside for the Small Business Administration. That “money's already starting to be approved,” an SBA official told Yahoo Finance last Friday.
This deal ramps things up aggressively with hundreds of billions of dollars in loans now expected to be available in the coming weeks and months.
Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fl.), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, was one of the leaders pushing the small business provisions. 

“This is not a program where you are going to the SBA, you are not going to a tent somewhere in a disaster area or some government office or some government website” he said on the Senate floor over the weekend “you are going to a bank, to a financial institution.” 
The banks will then - according to the plan - be able to process cash assistance quickly either through the SBA or through a new program that will be set up specifically to administer some of this money. The deal reportedly includes a $367 billion for the small business loan program as well as the $500 billion fund for a new lending agency.

What is still a bit of a mystery is exactly how this new lending agency will work. Senator Pat Toomey (R.-Pa) has been a central negotiator on this portion of the package and gave some insight into how this “big credit facility” will work on Sunday on NBC. 
He says the facility will have two components. One will be administered by the Treasury Secretary with direct loans for a short list of “seriously distressed and absolutely essential companies” likely including airlines.
The second component will be much bigger and be “a broad-based credit facility that will be available across categories, across sectors and industries.” Toomey says that the money this new facility gives out will be loans that, in the end, have to be repaid. “None of this is grant money” he said.
Businesses of all sizes - many of whom are currently facing the prospect of mass bankruptcies - will be able to participate in the different programs. 
This idea of a separate lending program - outside of the SBA - was also championed by Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.). In a recent Yahoo Finance interview he noted that a second loan authority would allow more businesses to participate. In the past, he says, "there were all these well-intentioned programs but there was so much funding bureaucracy and underwriting that there was no take up rate."
There is also expected to be a crucial change in how at least some of these loans will work. Some of these loans appear set to eventually be forgiven and effectively become grants.
“They are going to be able to take an SBA loan that will give them two months of payroll and some overhead” Treasury Secretary Mnuchin said on Fox Business on Monday, adding  “And if they hire the workers back or they keep their workers hired, the government will forgive that loan.”
Provisions to ban stock buybacks
A lot of that cash - especially that from the new lending facility - will find its way into a range of publicly-traded companies. The deal includes provisions to stop these companies from using that cash for stock buybacks or executive bonuses.
"Every loan document will be public and made available to Congress very quickly so we can see where the money is going," Senator Schumer said Wednesday morning on the Senate floor.
A condition for receiving a government loan from the bill will be that a company cannot make stock buybacks for a year.

The oversight provisions include a new inspector general position focused on oversight of these funds along with a 5-person congressional panel. The structure is similar to what was done for the Troubled Asset Relief Program of a decade ago.
Neil Barofsky, who was the special inspector general for TARP, noted in a Yahoo Finance interview Tuesday that “putting the entity in place, is a first step” he said adding “but then there has to actually be real oversight, real transparency.”
Schumer office added that the deal will “prohibit businesses controlled by the President, Vice President, Members of Congress, and heads of Executive Departments from receiving loans or investments from Treasury programs.”

A range of other stimulative measures
Hundreds of billions more dollars in the deal will also indirectly flow to businesses. First and foremost, lawmakers hope that the $1,200 dollar checks will be spent across a range of industries.
The deal also includes a massive expansion of unemployment insurance for 4 months. Schumer calls the agreement "unemployment compensation on steroids" and says that the federal government will pay the full salary of workers who are laid off as a result of the crisis.
The plan also includes a massive infusion of cash into the health-care industry.  Health care providers, community health centers, and hospitals are set to receive over $130 billion dollars to fight the virus while states and localities are set to receive another $150 billion.
Overall, Washington is hoping that the deal will set the stage for a robust economic recovery. “If we get this package, we'll be setting the stage for a good rebound in the second half of the year” said Larry Kudlow, the White House’s top economic adviser, told reporters Tuesday before the deal was finalized “that's our thinking.”

Ben Werschkul is a producer for Yahoo Finance in Washington, DC.

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Coronavirus crisis sparks race for inventive solutions
By Mark Armstrong - 21/03/2020
Amy Hall@ajhcatoncomm


Fantastic news report coming out of Italy. 3D printing company, Issinova, came to the aid of a hospital in Brescia, located near one of the most impacted areas in Italy, who was unable to get a crucial replacement valves for reanim…https://lnkd.in/eg2Fs4f  https://lnkd.in/e3xD_Ky
Coronavirus and 3D printing - 3D Printing Media Network
The relationship between coronavirus and 3D printing is not yet clear but an Italian hospital showed that 3D printing can fix a broken the supply chain
11:22 PM - Mar 16, 2020
Colin Keogh @ColinJ_Keogh
So tomorrow we will launch @OSVentilator in response to #COVID19 in Ireland, with the goal of devloping open source ventilators in Ireland. Web soon!
Want to help! Expression of Interest Form: http://bit.ly/OSVentilatorIRL  #covidー19uk #COVID19 #COVID19ireland #CoronavirusOutbreak
9:19 PM - Mar 16, 2020

History has shown us that in times of crisis, people get inventive. The coronavirus pandemic has led to a flurry of initiatives across Europe.
In northern Italy, a small company is fast-tracking the production of respiratory valves with a 3D printer.
COVID-19 often leads to pneumonia and the Venturi valves, as they are known, help patients to breathe and can therefore save lives.
Further north in the Republic of Ireland, Colin Keogh is using his apartment in County Wicklow as a workshop for low-cost ventilators for coronavirus sufferers.
The project began a little over a week ago and has quickly expanded to more than 600 members.
It hopes to produce prototypes for testing and validating in a medical environment next week.
In Spain, residents in the small village of Sentmenat in Catalonia have taken matters into their own hands in an effort to help with a shortage of protective masks.
They have started sewing the face wear using fabrics donated by nearby factories.
With only a small workshop and a few sewing machines, the locals prepare dozens of masks everyday for door-to-door distribution.

1st_Map-of-Reported-Cororavirus-cases-in-United States

​​​​How Worried Should You Be About the Health Risks of 5G?
DAVE JOHNSON  @davejoh

G, the next generation of cellular technology for the next generation of smartphones, is imminent. And with it, there’s concern about the health risk of this new, more powerful network. How worried should you be about the coming 5G healthpocalypse?
By now, you may have seen articles on Facebook or alternative health websites. The gist: 5G is a dangerous escalation of traditional cellular technology, one packed with higher energy radiation that delivers potential damaging effects on human beings. Some 5G pundits contend that the new network generates radiofrequency radiation that can damage DNA and lead to cancer; cause oxidative damage that can cause premature aging; disrupt cell metabolism; and potentially lead to other diseases through the generation of stress proteins. Some articles cite research studies and opinions by reputable organizations like the World Health Organization.
It sounds worrisome, but let’s take a look at the actual science.
What Is 5G?
5G has been hyped for a few years, but this is the year that carriers begin the process of rolling out the new wireless standard. AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint have all started to deploy their networks in the first half of the year, though widespread availability is still a year or more away. 5G will get a foothold in little more than a handful of cities this year.
Update: With the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, a number of viral social media conspiracy theories have speculated that 5G is the cause of the world’s current problems. Simply put, these claims are factually false. 5G does not cause Coronavirus.
RELATED: No, 5G Does Not Cause Coronavirus
That isn’t keeping device manufacturers and service providers from jumping onto the 5G bandwagon. Samsung’s new Galaxy S10 and Galaxy Fold (the phone that unfurls into a tablet), for example, are both 5G-ready, along with models from LG, Huawei, Motorola, ZTE, and more.
5G offers at least a tenfold improvement in network performance. The last major network upgrade was 4G, which debuted in 2009 (the year of the Colorado balloon boy hoax), with a peak speed of about 10 Mbps. In comparison, 5G is poised to deliver peak speeds between 10 and 20 Gbps. And network latency will drop from 30ms to about 1ms, ideal for video game streaming, online video, and the Internet of Things, which is anticipating 5G to connect sensors, computers, and other devices with ultra-low latency.
RELATED: What Is 5G, and How Fast Will It Be?
An Evolution of Concerns
Before we address 5G, it’s worth pointing out that the latest health fears about radiation aren’t happening in a vacuum (there’s some physics joke in there, no doubt). Concerns about 5G are the latest iteration of decades of headlines about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. We’ve seen controversies about everything from the health risks of Wi-Fi to smart meters.
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, for example, is a hypothetical disease in which certain people experience debilitating symptoms in the presence of radiation like cell phones and Wi-Fi—so yes, Michael McKean’s bizarre behavior on “Better Call Saul” is a real thing. But despite people claiming such sensitivities for at least 30 years, systematic scientific reviews have found that “blinded” victims can’t tell when they’re in the presence of an electromagnetic field, and the World Health Organization now recommends psychological evaluation for people so afflicted.
Likewise, decades of studies have found no link between cell phones and cancers like brain tumors, though that hasn’t kept municipalities like San Francisco from passing laws requiring stores to display the radiation emitted by handsets—which implies, in the minds of consumers, risk.

How Dangerous Is Radiofrequency Radiation?
At the root of all concerns about cell phone networks is radiofrequency radiation (RFR). RFR is anything emitted in the electromagnetic spectrum, from microwaves to x-rays to radio waves to light from your monitor or light from the sun. Clearly, RFR isn’t inherently dangerous, so the problem becomes discovering under what circumstances it might be.
Scientists say that the most important criterion about whether any particular RFR is dangerous is whether it falls into the category of ionizing or non-ionizing radiation. Simply put, any radiation that’s non-ionizing is too weak to break chemical bonds. That includes ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, and everything with a lower frequency, like radio waves. Everyday technologies like power lines, FM radio, and Wi-Fi also fall into this range. (Microwaves are the lone exception: non-ionizing but able to damage tissue, they’re precisely and intentionally tuned to resonate with water molecules.) Frequencies above UV, like x-rays and gamma rays, are ionizing.
Dr. Steve Novella, an assistant professor of neurology at Yale and the editor of Science-Based Medicine, understands that people generally get concerned about radiation. “Using the term radiation is misleading because people think of nuclear weapons—they think of ionizing radiation that absolutely can cause damage. It can kill cells. It can cause DNA mutations.” But since non-ionizing radiation doesn’t cause DNA damage or tissue damage, Novella says that most concern about cell phone RFR is misplaced. “There’s no known mechanism for most forms of non-ionizing radiation to even have a biological effect,” he says.
Or, in the less refined but more visceral words of author C. Stuart Hardwick, “radiation isn’t magic death cooties.”

Studies Aren’t Clearcut
Of course, just because there’s no known mechanism for non-ionizing radiation to have a biological effect, that doesn’t’ mean it’s safe or that no effect exists. Indeed, researchers continue to conduct studies. One recent study was released by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), an agency run by the Department of Health and Human Services. In this widely quoted study about cell phone radio frequency radiation, scientists found that high exposure to 3G RFR led to some cases of cancerous heart tumors, brain tumors, and tumors in the adrenal glands of male rats.
The study is a good object lesson in how hard it is to do science like this. As RealClearScience points out, the number of tumors detected were so small that they statistically could have occurred by chance (which may be more likely since they were only detected in male subjects). Moreover, the level and duration of the RFR exposure were well in excess of what any actual human would ever be exposed to, and in fact, the irradiated test rats lived longer than the unexposed control rats. Says Dr. Novella, “Experienced researchers look at a study like that and say that doesn’t really tell us anything.”

Sizing Up 5G’s Risks

Ongoing studies aside, 5G is coming, and as mentioned, there are concerns about this new technology.
A common complaint about 5G is that, due to the lower power of 5G transmitters, there will be more of them. The Environmental Health Trust contends that “5G will require the buildout of literally hundreds of thousands of new wireless antennas in neighborhoods, cities, and towns. A cellular small cell or another transmitter will be placed every two to ten homes according to estimates.”
Says Dr. Novella, “What they’re really saying is the dose is going to be higher. Theoretically, this is a reasonable question to ask.” But skeptics caution you shouldn’t conflate asking the question with merely asserting that there’s a risk. As Novella points out, “We’re still talking about power and frequency less than light. You go out in the sun, and you’re bathed in electromagnetic radiation that’s far greater than these 5G cell towers.”
It’s easy to find claims online that the greater frequency of 5G alone constitutes a risk. RadiationHealthRisks.com observes that “1G, 2G, 3G and 4G use between 1 to 5 gigahertz frequency. 5G uses between 24 to 90 gigahertz frequency,” and then asserts that “Within the RF Radiation portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher the frequency, the more dangerous it is to living organisms.”
But asserting that the higher frequency is more dangerous is just that—an assertion, and there’s little real science to stand behind it. 5G remains non-ionizing in nature.
The FCC—responsible for licensing the spectrum for public use—weighs in as well. Says Neil Derek Grace, a communications officer at the FCC, “For 5G equipment, the signals from commercial wireless transmitters are typically far below the RF exposure limits at any location that is accessible to the public.” The FCC defers to the FDA for actual health risk assessments, which takes a direct, but low-key approach to addressing the risks: “The weight of scientific evidence has not linked cell phones with any health problems.”
In 2011, the World Health Organization weighed in, classifying RF Radiation as a Group 2B agent, which is defined as “Possibly carcinogenic to humans.” This, too, is nuanced. Says Novella, “you have to look at all the other things they classify as a possible carcinogen. They put it in the same class as things like caffeine. That is such a weak standard that it basically means nothing. It’s like saying ‘everything causes cancer.’”
Part of the problem with the WHO declaration is that it’s focused on hazard, not risk—a subtle distinction often lost on non-scientists, not unlike the rigorous distinction between “precision” and “accuracy.” (Precision refers to how tightly clustered your data is; accuracy refers to how close that data is to the real value. You might have a dozen miscalibrated thermometers that all tell you the wrong temperature with a very high degree of precision.) When the WHO classifies coffee or nickel or pickles as a possible carcinogen, it’s asserting hazard without regard for real-world risk. Explains Novella, “A loaded pistol is a hazard because theoretically, it can cause damage. But if you lock it in a safe, the risk is negligible.”
Scientists will continue to test new networks as technology evolves, to make sure the technology we use every day remains safe. As recently as February, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal critiqued the FCC and FDA for insufficient research into the potential risks of 5G. As the NTP study shows, research into radiation risks is difficult and often inconclusive, meaning it can take a long time to make real progress.
But for now, everything we know about 5G networks tells us that there’s no reason to be alarmed. After all, there are many technologies we use every day with a substantially higher measurable risk. And as Dr. Novella says, “With 5G the hazard is low—but non-zero—and the actual risk appears to be zero. We’ve picked up no signal in the real world.”

Insider Exposes COVID-19 Coronavirus Scam

Published March 28, 2020
By Makia Freeman

The Freedom Articles
A does of the truth
Independent media
Alternative Media
Saturday, March 28, 2020  


The COVID-19 coronavirus scam

The COVID-19 coronavirus scam has been exposed. Massive hat tip to activist Julian Rose, whose work I have followed for years. Julian’s account was just posted here at DavidIcke.com. I will reproduce it in full below. I believe it explains much of how the numbers were inflated and how this whole coronavirus crisis – make that coronavirus psy op – was pulled off. As someone wrote on a YouTube video comment recently, coronavirus = crowning achievement of the government’s psychological warfare operation (corona = crown). Make no mistake – this is a massive psychological operation. The entire alternative media and conspiracy research community – and the whole world – owe deep respect and gratitude to those have seen this coronavirus scam for what it is: people such as Jamie Lee (A Plane Truth), Jon Rappaport (NoMoreFakeNews.com), David Icke (DavidIcke.com) and others.

Now the job remains to inform and alert people as much as possible so together we can end this ridiculous shutdown and lockdown fiasco. Meanwhile, it remains as important as ever to watch Bill Gates (and all the other NWO manipulators who pulled this outrageous stunt) very, very closely.

The Insider Account from Julian Rose

[Some minor spelling changes made – Ed.]

“The below was sent to me by a widely respected professional scientist in USA. While we may know it’s a scam – this insider evidence on the methodology of the madness is second to none. Please use!! The following is from a medical forum. The writer prefers to stay anonymous, because presenting any narrative different than the official one can cause you a lot of stress in the toxic environment caused by the scam which surrounds COVID-19 these days.

I work in the healthcare field. Here’s the problem, we are testing people for any strain of a Coronavirus. Not specifically for COVID-19. There are no reliable tests for a specific COVID-19 virus. There are no reliable agencies or media outlets for reporting numbers of actual COVID-19 virus cases. This needs to be addressed first and foremost. Every action and reaction to COVID-19 is based on totally flawed data and we simply can not make accurate assessments.

This is why you’re hearing that most people with COVID-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. That’s because most Coronavirus strains are nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. The few actual novel Coronavirus cases do have some worse respiratory responses, but still have a very promising recovery rate, especially for those without prior issues.

The ‘gold standard’ in testing for COVID-19 is laboratory isolated/purified coronavirus particles free from any contaminants and particles that look like viruses but are not, that have been proven to be the cause of the syndrome known as COVID-19 and obtained by using proper viral isolation methods and controls (not the PCR that is currently being used or serology/antibody tests which do not detect virus as such). PCR basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome.

The problem is the test is known not to work.

It uses ‘amplification’ which means taking a very very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analyzed. Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified leading to potentially gross errors of discovery. Additionally, it’s only looking for partial viral sequences, not whole genomes, so identifying a single pathogen is next to impossible even if you ignore the other issues.

The Mickey Mouse test kits being sent out to hospitals, at best, tell analysts you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. It may tell you the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus – say the huge family of coronavirus. But that’s all. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense.
And that’s not even getting into the other issue – viral load.

If you remember the PCR works by amplifying minute amounts of DNA. It therefore is useless at telling you how much virus you may have. And that’s the only question that really matters when it comes to diagnosing illness. Everyone will have a few virus(es) kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. For a virus to sicken you need a lot of it, a massive amount of it. But PCR does not test viral load and therefore can’t determine if a(n) osteogenesis is present in sufficient quantities to sicken you.

If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis. And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen.
Do you see where this is going yet? If you want to create a totally false panic about a totally false pandemic – pick a coronavirus.

They are incredibly common and there’s tons of them. A very high percentage of people who have become sick by other means (flu, bacterial pneumonia, anything) will have a positive PCR test for covi even if you’re doing them properly and ruling out contamination, simply because covis are so common. There are hundreds of thousands of flu and pneumonia victims in hospitals throughout the world at any one time.

All you need to do is select the sickest of these in a single location – say Wuhan – administer PCR tests to them and claim anyone showing viral sequences similar to a coronavirus (which will inevitably be quite a few) is suffering from a ‘new’ disease. Since you already selected the sickest flu cases a fairly high proportion of your sample will go on to die.
You can then say this ‘new’ virus has a CFR higher than the flu and use this to infuse more concern and do more tests which will of course produce more ‘cases’, which expands the testing, which produces yet more ‘cases’ and so on and so on. Before long you have your ‘pandemic’, and all you have done is use a simple test kit trick to convert the worst flu and pneumonia cases into something new that doesn’t actually exist.

Now just run the same scam in other countries. Making sure to keep the fear message running high so that people will feel panicky and less able to think critically. Your only problem is going to be that – due to the fact there is no actual new deadly pathogen but just regular sick people, you are mislabeling your case numbers, and especially your deaths, are going to be way too low for a real new deadly virus pandemic.

But you can stop people pointing this out in several ways.

1. You can claim this is just the beginning and more deaths are imminent. Use this as an excuse to quarantine everyone and then claim the quarantine prevented the expected millions of dead.
2. You can tell people that ‘minimizing’ the dangers is irresponsible and bully them into not talking about numbers.
3. You can talk crap about made up numbers hoping to blind people with pseudoscience.
4. You can start testing well people (who, of course, will also likely have shreds of coronavirus DNA in them) and thus inflate your ‘case figures’ with ‘asymptomatic carriers’ (you will of course have to spin that to sound deadly even though any virologist knows the more symptom-less cases you have the less deadly is your pathogen).

Take these 4 simple steps and you can have your own entirely manufactured pandemic up and running in weeks.

They can not “confirm” something for which there is no accurate test.”



Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com. Makia is on Steemit and FB.



5+ NWO Agendas Accompanying the Coronavirus Epidemic
Published 1 month ago on February 20, 2020
By Makia Freeman - March 17, 2020


While the debate continues as to the true count of infected people due to the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, several sinister agendas are being pushed out.
Is the coronavirus an opportunity or excuse for the authorities to roll out long-desired schemes of control and manipulation?
Whatever you believe about the coronavirus epidemic, it is providing the chaos necessary for new (world) order. Learn the 5+ NWO agendas being pushed.

While the coronavirus epidemic continues,
with people debating on both sides whether it is being overplayed or underplayed, it is worthwhile pausing to consider what agendas – and I mean which NWO agendas – are being rolled out using the epidemic as a cover or pretext. As I covered in my last article The Coronavirus 5G Connection and Coverup, with these kind of outbreaks, there is always a dual motivation for authorities: the motivation to hype and the motivation to downplay because both approaches serve the ruling class in different ways. Deception is a hallmark of government (including Chinese government foreknowledge), and clearly all the more so in an emergency, so it is always going to be hard to trust whatever news or stats are coming from official sources. Regardless of the virus’ true origins and virulence, we can say for sure that there are several agendas being pushed as you read these words. It’s the same old Hegelian dialectic strategy of problem-reaction-solution, and whatever the reality is on a microbial level, the world’s population has the perception of a problem, so the ruling class has another opportunity to make their order out of chaos. Below are 5+ NWO agendas being carried out due to the coronavirus epidemic.

1. Centralized Control of Information, i.e. Censorship and Narrative Control
Quite a few of the speakers at the Event 201 simulation (hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center in partnership with World Economic Forum [WEF] and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) spoke of the need for the centralized control of information during a pandemic, including one speaker Lavan Thiru (described as a Monetary Authority of Singapore) who mentioned “a step up from the part of the government on enforcement actions against fake news.” There were some who said Big Tech is a no longer a platform but a broadcaster and must be made to combat fake news. Another speaker in typical fashion demonized conspiracy theories. Here is a quote directly from the simulation/make-believe event (which came true 6 weeks later):
“Disinformation and misinformation are wreaking havoc … pharmaceutical companies are being accused of introducing the … virus so they can make money on drugs and vaccines, and have seen public faith in their products plummet. Unrest due to false rumors and divisive messaging is rising, and is exacerbating spread of the disease as levels of trust fall, and people stop cooperating with response efforts. This is a massive problem, one that threatens governments and trusted institutions.
National governments are considering or have already implemented a range of interventions to combat misinformation. Some governments have taken control of national access to the internet; others are censoring websites and social media content, and a small number have shut down internet access completely to prevent the flow of misinformation. Penalties have been put in place for spreading harmful falsehoods, including arrests.”
The plan is to continue the censorship which Big Tech has been spearheading for years now, using the excuse of harmful “fake news” by claiming that the dissemination of false information during an emergency is a bigger problem than usual and must be stopped. Here are some other quotes from the event:
“I do think that there needs to be sort-of an honest broker, a centralized command-and-control organization that really brings together the public-private sector, both on a global approach and also on a local approach …”
“Yes, I agree, and I wanted to speak to the point about having the honest broker, and I think in this regard the United Nations fits the bill … “
“It’s important that the UN and WHO remain very clear, but when they challenge governments directly, they often get into this issue of sovereignty, and so I think it’s really important not to have that as the only response … it’s really critical to remember soft power influence …”
That last statement reveals yet again a dominant NWO agenda in so many arenas of life: narrative control.

2. The Cashless Agenda
The cashless agenda is a long-term NWO scheme that goes hand in hand with transhumanism, i.e. the digitization of everything in society, including things like money, information and life itself. Power-hungry control freaks – the types of people that gravitate towards government – love the idea of a cashless society because then every single economic transaction can be traced, which allows authorities to build an even more complete picture of who you are so as stop any possible disobedience or revolution before it happens. It also increases governmental revenue via taxation. As this Activist Post article highlights, China has jumped on the opportunity to forward the cashless agenda by claiming that paper money must now be taken out of circulation due to the possibility that it could contain traces of COVID-19 and therefore contribute to the spreading of the coronavirus.

3. Martial Law Quarantines
Governments love martial law scenarios, because normal human rights are suspended. Authoritarian China has been lauded by many globalists such as the late David Rockefeller as a model for the New World Order. Some of the photos and videos coming out of China showing the police state there have been horrific. Another crisis, another opportunity for the government to see how much they can get away with under the banner of fighting the virus.

4. Mandatory Vaccination
The coronavirus epidemic has provided a good excuse for governments round the world to introduce one of their favorite NWO agendas – mandatory vaccination. The reason why this agenda is particularly so well liked is that it allows authorities access to the human body – and not just the citizen’s body, but his or her bloodstream too. truthfully, we have no idea what is in that needle when it gets injected, so all sorts of things could be implanted in our bodies without our knowledge or consent.
Coincidentally (or not), China passed a law on June 29th 2019 that rolled out a national mandatory vaccination program. Coincidentally (or not), the law went into effect on December 1st 2019, just weeks before the coronavirus epidemic became a worldwide news story. Here is the article:
“On June 29, 2019, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee of the People’s Republic of China (PRC or China) adopted the PRC Law on Vaccine Administration (Vaccine Law). The official Xinhua news agency states that the Law provides for the “strictest” vaccine management with tough penalties in order to ensure the country’s vaccine safety … The Law mandates the launching of a national vaccine electronic tracking platform that integrates tracking information throughout the whole process of vaccine production, distribution, and use to ensure all vaccine products can be tracked and verified (art. 10). According to the Law, China is to implement a state immunization program, and residents living within the territory of China are legally obligated to be vaccinated with immunization program vaccines, which are provided by the government free of charge. Local governments and parents or other guardians of children must ensure that children be vaccinated with the immunization program vaccines … The Law will take effect on December 1, 2019.”
I also have to wonder about the implications when we have so-called experts like Ralph Baric who are pointing out that this coronavirus epidemic may include asymptomatic carriers (as in this story of the 10-year-old Chinese boy who had no symptoms but allegedly tested positive for COVID-19). This may be helpful information, but it also adds fuel to the mandatory vaccine fire so to speak, because then the authorities claim that they have to vaccinate everyone to protect society due to all these possible hidden asymptomatic carriers that could pop up and infect everyone. By extension, mandatory vaccination may also include DNA vaccines and microchipping (see next)

5. Bill Gates’ ID2020: Digital Identification via Microchipping
As David Icke says, if Bill Gates is involved in it, it’s bad for humanity. NWO point-man Gates has been heavily pushing GMOs and vaccines for years (including slipping up and admitting that vaccines contribute to population control); he was part of Event 201 that simulated the coronavirus epidemic before it happened; he “didn’t have any business relationship or friendship with” Jeffrey Epstein; so now we have to ask how else this sold-out NWO frontman is benefiting from the virus. Turns out the answer may be found in yet another globalist project Gates has been promoting: ID 2020. This is the human microchipping agenda, repackaged. It sells itself as “a trusted and reliable way” to fulfill a “fundamental and universal human right” – safeguarding your identity both online and in the physical world. This article reports:
“The ID2020 Alliance, as it’s being called, is a digital identity program that aims to “leverage immunization” as a means of inserting tiny microchips into people’s bodies. In collaboration with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, also known as GAVI, the government of Bangladesh and various other “partners in government, academia, and humanitarian relief,” the ID2020 Alliance  … wants all humans to be “vaccinated” with digital tracking chips that will create a seamless monitoring system for the New World Order to manage the populations of the world with ease.“
“While the ID2020 program’s testing grounds are primarily in the Third World, the group says it’s also now working with governments here in the United States to start microchipping people through vaccination. In Austin, Texas, for example, the homeless population is now being exploited as a collective guinea pig for ID2020’s microchip vaccination program, which the group claims will help to “empower” homeless people by supposedly giving them “control” over their personal identity data. “The City of Austin, ID2020, and several other partners are working together with homeless people and the service providers who engage with them to develop a blockchain-enabled digital identity platform called MyPass to empower homeless people with their own identity data,” writes Chris Burt for BiometricUpdate.com.​ ID2020 is also jabbing refugees with its microchip vaccinations through two inaugural pilot programs known as iRespond and Everest.”
Since Gates was obviously intimately involved in planning this outbreak and ensuring his companies have the patents and vaccines for the newly released virus, is he also planning on using the coronavirus epidemic to further promote ID2020?

6. Agenda 2030: Wuhan Slated to be one of China’s Smart Cities
A massive agenda involved in the coronavirus epidemic is the agenda of all agendas – UN Agenda 2030, which involves Smart Cities. Guess what? Before the outbreak China had already planned which of its cities were going to be the ones slated to become the pilot Smart Cities. Wuhan was one of them (which makes sense why it was also the site of China’s 5G rollout as covered in my previous article). See here:
“Wuhan Future City, located in eastern East Lake High-Tech Development Zone, is one of the four concentrated talent bases for major State-owned enterprises and the only “future science and technology town” approved by the State Council for central and western regions.”

7. Is the Coronavirus Epidemic a Race-Based Bioweapon?

I don’t know if I would exactly classify this as a NWO agenda, but a race-based bioweapon is certainly a likely possibility here. Consider that virtually all known deaths from the coronavirus epidemic thus far have been in China. Only around 4 deaths outside of China have been reported – 1 in the Philippines on February 1st, 1 in Japan on February 13th and 2 in Iran on February 20th. Lance Walton (VDare.com) has written several articles asking why no one is talking about it. He points out how WHO (World Health Organization) Director-General Tedros Ahanom Ghebreyesus declared that he opposed travel bans. ZeroHedge.com quoted him as saying that “We reiterate our call to all countries not to impose restrictions that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade. Such restrictions can have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit.” If the virus doesn’t discriminate based on race, and just weakens or kills anyone, then the public health benefits of banning people would be great. However, if the virus does indeed discriminate on race, and only targets East Asians, then the WHO head’s comments make sense. This raises yet more questions: if the COVID-19 is a race-based bioweapon, who created it? The US? Israel? How did they sneak it into China and release it?

Conclusion: Coronavirus Epidemic Being Used to Push NWO Agendas
Interestingly, the opening ceremony of the Wuhan Military Games declared a “New World” (see image of a screenshot from the opening ceremony) which suggests the phrase New World Order and also suggests societal transformation – yet another clue that this entire event was pre-planned. Whatever the truth turns out to be about the origin of the virus itself, who created it, how it was released and whether it is really as dangerous as is hyped, there can be no doubt that the entire coronavirus epidemic phenomenon is being used to accelerate several NWO agendas in typical problem-reaction-solution style.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com. Makia is on Steemit and FB.

Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development


​The Rockelfeller Foundation GBN Global Business Network- A member of the Monitor Group

This report was produced by The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network.

May 2010

Letter from Judith Rodin

President The Rockefeller Foundation



​For decades, technology has been dramatically changing not just the lives of individuals in developed countries, but increasingly the lives and livelihoods of people throughout the developing world. Whether it is a community mobile phone, a solar panel, a new farming practice, or a cuttingedge medical device, technology is altering the landscape of possibility in places where possibilities used to be scarce.


During this project’s scenario creation workshop, participants—who represented a range of regional and international perspectives—selected the two critical uncertainties that would form the basis of the scenario framework. They chose these two uncertainties from a longer list of potential uncertainties that might shape the broader contextual environment of the scenarios, including social, technology, economic, environmental, and political trends. The uncertainties that were considered included, for example, the pervasiveness of conflict in the developing world; the frequency and severity of shocks like economic and political crises, disease, and natural disasters; and the locus of innovation for crucial technologies for development. (A full list of the critical uncertainties identified during the project, as well as a list of project participants, can be found in the Appendix.) The two chosen uncertainties, introduced below, together define a set of four scenarios for the future of technology and international development that are divergent, challenging, internally consistent, and plausible. Each of the two uncertainties is expressed as an axis that represents a continuum of possibilities ranging between two endpoints.Once crossed, these axes create a matrix of four very different futures: 

Scenario Narratives


A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian eadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback


A world in which highly coordinated and successful strategies emerge for addressing both urgent and entrenched worldwide issues 

An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge 

An economically depressed world in which individuals and communities develop localized, makeshift solutions to a growing set of problems




Quarantine Restricts In-Person Contact; Cellular Networks Overloaded (2013)

​Intercontinental Trade Hit by Strict Pathogen Controls (2015)

​Italy Addresses 'Immigrant Caregiver' Gap with Robots (2017)

​Will Africa’s Embrace of Authoritarian Capitalism a la China Continue? (2018)

​Vietnam to Require ‘A Solar Panel on Every Home’ (2022)

​Proliferating Trade Networks in Eastern and Southern Africa Strengthen Regional Ties (2023)

​African Leaders Fear Repeat of Nigeria's 2026 Government Collapse (2028)


​Philanthropic organizations will face hard choices in this world. Given the strong role of governments, doing philanthropy will require heightened diplomacy skills and the ability to operate effectively in extremely divergent environments. Philanthropy grantee and civil society relationships will be strongly moderated by government, and some foundations might choose to align themselves more closely with national official development assistance (ODA) strategies and government objectives. Larger philanthropies will retain an outsized share of influence, and many smaller philanthropies may find value in merging financial, human, and operational resources.

​Philanthropic organizations interested in promoting universal rights and freedoms will get blocked at many nations’ borders. Developing smart, flexible, and wide-ranging relationships in this world will be key; some philanthropies may choose to work only in places where their skills and services don’t meet resistance. Many governments will place severe restrictions on the program areas and geographies that international philanthropies can work in, leading to a narrower and stronger geographic focus or grant-making in their home country only.


​While there is no way of accurately predicting what the important technological advancements will be in the future, the scenario narratives point to areas where conditions may enable or accelerate the development of certain kinds of technologies. Thus for each scenario we offer a sense of the context for technological innovation, taking into consideration the pace, geography, and key creators. We also suggest a few technology trends and applications that could flourish in each scenario. Technological innovation in “Lock Step” is largely driven by government and is focused on issues of national security and health and safety. Most technological improvements are created by and for developed countries, shaped by governments’ dual desire to control and to monitor their citizens. In states with poor governance, large-scale projects that fail to progress abound. Technology trends and applications we might see:

• Scanners using advanced functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology become the norm at airports and other public areas to detect abnormal behavior that may indicate “antisocial intent.”

• In the aftermath of pandemic scares, smarter packaging for food and beverages is applied first by big companies and producers in a business-to-business environment, and then adopted for individual products and consumers.

• New diagnostics are developed to detect communicable diseases. The application of health screening also changes; screening becomes a prerequisite for release from a hospital or prison, successfully slowing the spread of many diseases.

• Tele-presence technologies respond to the demand for less expensive, lowerbandwidth, sophisticated communications systems for populations whose travel is restricted.

• Driven by protectionism and national security concerns, nations create their own independent, regionally defined IT networks, mimicking China’s firewalls. Governments have varying degrees of success in policing internet traffic, but these efforts nevertheless fracture the “World Wide” Web.


Manisha gazed out on the Ganges River, mesmerized by what she saw. Back in 2010, when she was 12 years old, her parents had brought her to this river so that she could bathe in its holy waters. But standing at the edge, Manisha had been afraid. It wasn’t the depth of the river or its currents that had scared her, but the water itself: it was murky and brown and smelled pungently of trash and dead things. Manisha had balked, but her mother had pushed her forward, shouting that this river flowed from the lotus feet of Vishnu and she should be honored to enter it. Along with millions of Hindus, her mother believed the Ganges’s water could cleanse a person’s soul of all sins and even cure the sick. So Manisha had grudgingly dunked herself in the river, accidentally swallowing water in the process and receiving a bad case of giardia, and months of diarrhea, as a result.

Remembering that experience is what made today so remarkable. It was now 2025. Manisha was 27 years old and a manager for the Indian government’s Ganges Purification Initiative (GPI). Until recently, the Ganges was still one of the most polluted rivers in the world, its coliform bacteria levels astronomical due to the frequent disposal of human and animal corpses and of sewage (back in 2010, 89 million liters per day) directly into the river. Dozens of organized attempts to clean the Ganges over the years had failed. In 2009, the World Bank even loaned India $1 billion to support the government’s multi-billion dollar cleanup initiative. But then the pandemic hit, and that funding dried up. But what didn’t dry up was the government’s commitment to cleaning the Ganges—now not just an issue of public health but increasingly one of national pride.

​​Manisha had joined the GPI in 2020, in part because she was so impressed by the government’s strong stance on restoring the ecological health of India’s most treasured resource. Many lives in her home city of Jaipur had been saved by the government’s quarantines during the pandemic, and that experience, thought Manisha, had given the government the confidence to be so strict about river usage  now: how else could they get millions of Indian citizens to completely shift their cultural practices in relationship to a holy site? Discarding ritually burned bodies in the Ganges was now illegal, punishable by years of jail time. Companies found to be dumping waste of any kind in the river were immediately shut down by the government. There were also severe restrictions on where people could bathe and where they could wash clothing. Every 20 meters along the river was marked by a sign outlining the repercussions of “disrespecting India’s most treasured natural resource.” Of course, not everyone liked it; protests flared every so often. But no one could deny that the Ganges was looking more beautiful and healthier than ever.

​Manisha watched as an engineering team began unloading equipment on the banks. Many top Indian scientists and engineers had been recruited by the government to develop tools and strategies for cleaning the Ganges in more high-tech ways. Her favorite were the submersible bots that continuously “swam” the river to detect, through sensors, the presence of chemical pathogens. New riverside filtration systems that sucked in dirty river water and spit out far cleaner water were also impressive—especially because on the outside they were designed to look like mini-temples. In fact, that’s why Manisha was at the river today, to oversee the installation of a filtration system located not even 100 feet from where she first stepped into the Ganges as a girl. The water looked so much cleaner now, and recent tests suggested that it might even meet drinkability standards by 2035. Manisha was tempted to kick off her shoe and dip her toe in, but this was a restricted area now—and she, of all people, would never break that law.

A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian eadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback

In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain—originating from wild geese—was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults. The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.

The pandemic blanketed the planet—though disproportionate numbers died in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central America, where the virus spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols. But even in developed countries, containment was a challenge. The United States’s initial policy of “strongly discouraging” citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.S. but across borders. However, a few countries did fare better—China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter postpandemic recovery.

China’s government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure. During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems—from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty—leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power

At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty—and their privacy—to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests. In many developed countries, enforced cooperation with a suite of new regulations and agreements slowly but steadily restored both order and, importantly, economic growth.

Across the developing world, however, the story was different—and much more variable. Top-down authority took different forms in different countries, hinging largely on the capacity, caliber, and intentions of their leaders. In countries with strong and thoughtful leaders, citizens’ overall economic status and quality of life increased. In India, for example, air quality drastically improved after 2016, when the government outlawed highemitting vehicles. In Ghana, the introduction of ambitious government programs to improve basic infrastructure and ensure the availability of clean water for all her people led to a sharp decline in water-borne diseases. But more authoritarian leadership worked less well—and in some cases tragically—in countries run by irresponsible elites who used their increased power to pursue their own interests at the expense of their citizens. 

There were other downsides, as the rise of virulent nationalism created new hazards: spectators at the 2018 World Cup, for example, wore bulletproof vests that sported a patch of their national flag. Strong technology regulations stifled innovation, kept costs high, and curbed adoption. In the developing world, access to “approved” technologies increased but beyond that remained limited: the locus of technology innovation was largely in the developed world, leaving many developing countries on the receiving end of technologies that others consider “best” for them. Some governments found this patronizing and refused to distribute computers and other technologies that they scoffed at as “second hand.” Meanwhile, developing countries with more resources and better capacity began to innovate internally to fill these gaps on their own.

Meanwhile, in the developed world, the presence of so many top-down rules and norms greatly inhibited entrepreneurial activity. Scientists and innovators were often told by governments what research lines to pursue and were guided mostly toward projects that would make money (e.g., market-driven product development) or were “sure bets” (e.g., fundamental research), leaving more risky or innovative research areas largely untapped. Well-off countries and monopolistic companies with big research and development budgets still made significant advances, but the IP behind their breakthroughs remained locked behind strict national or corporate protection. Russia and India imposed stringent domestic standards for supervising and certifying encryption-related products and their suppliers—a category that in reality meant all IT innovations. The U.S. and EU struck back with retaliatory national standards, throwing a wrench in the development and diffusion of technology globally

Especially in the developing world, acting in one’s national self-interest often meant seeking practical alliances that fit with those

interests—whether it was gaining access to needed resources or banding together in order to achieve economic growth. In South America and Africa, regional and sub-regional alliances became more structured. Kenya doubled its trade with southern and eastern Africa, as new partnerships grew within the continent. China’s investment in Africa expanded as the bargain of new jobs and infrastructure in exchange for access to key minerals or food exports proved agreeable to many governments. Cross-border ties proliferated in the form of official security aid. While the deployment of foreign security teams was welcomed in some of the most dire failed states, one-size-fits-all solutions yielded few positive results.

By 2025, people seemed to be growing weary of so much top-down control and letting leaders and authorities make choices for them. 

Wherever national interests clashed with individual interests, there was conflict. Sporadic pushback became increasingly organized and coordinated, as disaffected youth and people who had seen their status and opportunities slip away—largely in developing countries—incited civil unrest. In 2026, protestors in Nigeria brought down the government, fed up with the entrenched cronyism and corruption. Even those who liked the greater stability and predictability of this world began to grow uncomfortable and constrained by so many tight rules and by the strictness of national boundaries. The feeling lingered that sooner or later, something would inevitably upset the neat order that the world’s governments had worked so hard to establish. • 

CLEVER TOGETHER – A world in which highly coordinated and successful strategies emerge for addressing both urgent and entrenched worldwide issues



​Global Economy Turns the Corner (2011)

Radical U.S. and China Emission Targets Signal New Era in Climate Change Negotiations (2015)

​'Info Cruncher' Is Grads' Job of Choice as Data Era Dawns (2016)

​Green Infrastructure Reshapes Economic Landscape (2018)

Transparency International Reports 10th Consecutive Year of Improved Governance (2025)

​Consortium of Foundations Launches Third Green Revolution as Food Shortages Loom (2027)


​​In this world, philanthropic organizations focus their attention on the needs of the bottom billion, collaborating with governments, businesses, and local NGOs to improve standards of living around the globe. Operationally, this is a “virtual model” world in which philanthropies use all of the tools at their disposal to reinforce and bolster their work. With partnerships and networks increasingly key, philanthropies work in a more virtual way, characterized by lots of wikis, blogs, workspaces, video conferences, and virtual convenings. Smaller philanthropies proliferate, with a growing number of major donors emerging from the developing world.

​Systems thinking and knowledge management prove to be critical skills, as philanthropic organizations seek to share and spread best practices, identify leapfrog opportunities, and better spot problems in failed or weak states. There are considerable flows of talent between the for-profit and nonprofit sectors, and the lines between these types of organizations become increasingly blurred.


​In “Clever Together,” strong global cooperation on a range of issues drives technological breakthroughs that combat disease, climate change, and energy shortages. Trade and foreign direct investment spread technologies in all directions and make products cheaper for people in the developing world, thereby widening access to a range of technologies. The atmosphere of cooperation and transparency allows states and regions to glean insights from massive datasets to vastly improve the management and allocation of financial and environmental resources.

​Technology trends and applications we might see:

​  The cost of capturing data through nanosensors and smart networks falls precipitously. In many developing countries, this leads to a proliferation of new and useful services, including “sousveillance” mechanisms that improve governance and enable more efficient use of government resources.

• Intelligent electricity, water distribution, and transportation systems develop in urban areas. In these “smart cities,” internet access is seen as a basic right by the late 2010s.

• A malaria vaccine is developed and deployed broadly—saving millions of lives in the developing world.

• Advances in low-cost mind-controlled prosthetics aid the 80 percent of global amputees who live in developing countries.

• Solar power is made vastly more efficient through advances in materials, including polymers and nanoparticles. An effective combination of government subsidies and microfinance means solar is used for everything from desalination for agriculture to wi-fi networks.

• Flexible and rapid mobile payment systems drive dynamic economic growth in the developing world, while the developed world is hampered by entrenched banking interests and regulation.


​Standing next to his desk at the World Meat Science Lab in Zurich, Alec took another bite of the steak that his lab assistants had just presented to him and chewed it rather thoughtfully. This wasn’t just any steak. It was research. Alec and his research team had been working for months to fabricate a new meat product—one that tasted just like beef yet actually contained only 50 percent meat; the remaining half was a combination of synthetic meat, fortified grains, and nano-flavoring. Finding the “right” formula for that combo had kept the lab’s employees working around the clock in recent weeks. And judging from the look on Alec’s face, their work wasn’t over. “The flavor is still a few degrees off,” he told them. “And Kofi and Alana—see what we can do about enhancing this texture.” 

As Alec watched his team scramble back to their lab benches, he felt confident that it wouldn’t be long before they would announce the invention of an exciting new meat product that would be served at dinner tables everywhere. And, in truth, Alec’s confidence was very well founded. For one, he had the world’s best and brightest minds in food science from all over the world working together right here in his lab. He also had access to seemingly infinite amounts of data and information on everything from global taste preferences to meat distribution patterns—and just a few touches on his lab’s research screens (so much easier than the clunky computers and keyboards of the old days) gave him instant access to every piece of research ever done in meat science or related fields from the 1800s up through the present (literally the present—access to posted scientific research was nearly instantaneous, delayed by a mere 1.3 seconds). 

​​Alec also had strong motivation. There was no doubt that meat science—indeed, all science—was much more exciting, challenging, and rewarding in 2023 than it was a few decades ago. The shift from “lone wolf” science to globally coordinated and open-platform research had greatly accelerated the speed and spread of breakthrough ideas and developments in all fields. As a result, scientists were making real progress in addressing planet-wide problems that had previously seemed so intractable: people were no longer dying as frequently from preventable diseases, for example, and alternative fuels were now mainstream. 

But other trends were troubling—especially to a scientist who had spent his whole career researching food. In cities and villages around the world where children used to be hungry, access to higher-calorie meals had produced alarming increases in the incidence of obesity and diabetes. The demand for meat, in particular, was rising, but adding more animals to the planet created its own set of problems, such as more methane and spiking water demand. And that’s where Alec saw both need and opportunity: why not make the planet’s meat supply go further by creating a healthier alternative that contained less real meat? 

“Alec, we have a new version for you to try,” yelled Kofi from across the lab. That was fast, thought Alec, as he searched around his desk for the fork. 



​Millennium Development Goals Pushed Back to 2020 (2012)

​​Violence Against Minorities and Immigrants Spikes Across Asia (2014)

​Islamic Terror Networks Thrive in Latin America (2016)

​Congo Death Toll Hits 10,000 in Malaria Drug Scandal (2018)

Doctors Without Borders Confined Within Borders (2020)

​Nations Struggling with Resource Constraints Race to Scale Synthetic Biology (2021)

India-Pakistan Water War Rages (2027)

​Warlords Dispense Vital Medicines to Southeast Asian Communities (2028)


​​Philanthropy is less about affecting change than about promoting stability and addressing basic survival needs. Philanthropic organizations move to support urgent humanitarian efforts at the grassroots level, doing “guerrilla philanthropy” by identifying the “hackers” and innovators who are catalysts of change in local settings. Yet identifying pro-social entrepreneurs is a challenge, because verification is difficult amid so much scamming and deception. 

​The operational model in this world is a “fortress model” in which philanthropic organizations coalesce into a strong, single unit to combat fraud and lack of trust. Philanthropies’ biggest assets are their reputation, brand, and legal/financial capacity to ward off threats and attempts at destabilization. They also pursue a less global approach, retreating to doing work in their home countries or a few countries that they know well and perceive as being safe.


​Mounting obstacles to market access and to knowledge creation and sharing slow the pace of technological innovation. Creative repurposing of existing technologies—for good and bad—is widespread, as counterfeiting and IP theft lower incentives for original innovation. In a world of trade disputes and resource scarcities, much effort focuses on finding replacements for what is no longer available. Pervasive insecurity means that tools of aggression and protection—virtual as well as corporeal—are in high demand, as are technologies that will allow hedonistic escapes from the stresses of life. 

​Technology trends and applications we might see:

​​• Echoing the rise of synthetic chemicals in the nineteenth century, synthetic biology, often state-funded, is used to “grow” resources and foodstuffs that have become scarce. • New threats like weaponized biological pathogens and destructive botnets dominate public attention, but enduring technologies, like the AK-47, also remain weapons of choice for global guerrillas. • The internet is overrun with spam and security threats and becomes strongly associated with illicit activity—especially on “dark webs” where no government can monitor, identify, or restrict activities. • Identity-verification technologies become a staple of daily life, with some hitches—a database of retina recordings stolen by hackers in 2017 is used to create numerous false identities still “at large” in the mid-2020s. • With the cost of cosmetic surgery dropping, procedures like the lunchtime facelift become routine among emerging middle classes.


​Trent never thought that his past experience as a government intelligence officer would convert into something…philanthropic. But in a world full of deceit and scamming, his skills at discerning fact from fiction and developing quick yet deep local knowledge were highly prized. For three months now he had been working for a development organization, hired to find out what was happening in the “grey” areas in Botswana—a country that was once praised for its good governance but whose laws and institutions had begun to falter in the last few years, with corruption on the rise. His instructions were simple: focus not on the dysfunctional (which, Trent could see, was everywhere) but rather look through the chaos to see what was actually working. Find local innovations and practices that were smart and good and might be adopted or implemented elsewhere. “Guerrilla philanthropy” was what they called it, a turn of phrase that he liked quite a bit. 

​His trip into Botswana had been eventful—to put it mildly. On-time flights were rare these days, and the plane got diverted three times because of landing authorization snafus. At the Gaborone airport, it took Trent six hours to clear customs and immigration. The airport was bereft of personnel, and those on duty took their time scrutinizing and re-scrutinizing his visa. Botswana had none of the high-tech biometric scanning checkpoints—technology that could literally see right through you—that most developed nations had in abundance in their airports, along their borders, and in government buildings. Once out of the airport Trent was shocked by how many guns he saw—not just slung on the shoulders of police, but carried by regular people. He even saw a mother with a baby in one arm and an AK-47 in the other. This wasn’t the Botswana he remembered way back when he was stationed here 20 years ago as an embassy employee. 

​The organization that hired him was probably more right than it realized in calling it guerrilla philanthropy. After many weeks spent chasing down leads in Gaborone, then an unfortunate stint that had him hiking for miles alone through the Kalahari Desert, Trent found himself traveling deep into the Chobe Forest (a nice reprieve, he thought, from inhaling all that sand). One of his informants had told him about a group of smart youngsters who had set up their own biotechnology lab on the banks of the Chobe River, which ran along the forest’s northern boundary. He’d been outfitted with ample funds for grant-making, not the forest bribes he had heard so much about; regardless of what was taking place in the world around him, he was under strict orders to behave ethically. Trent was also careful to cover his tracks to avoid being kidnapped by international crime syndicates—including the Russian mafia and the Chinese triads—that had become very active and influential in Botswana. But he’d made it through, finally, to the lab, which he later learned was under the protection of the local gun lord. As expected, counterfeit vaccines were being manufactured. But so were GMO seeds. And synthetic proteins. And a host of other innovations that the people who hired him would love to know about.

An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge

​​Devastating shocks like September 11, the Southeast Asian tsunami of 2004, and the 2010 Haiti earthquake had certainly primed the world for sudden disasters. But no one was prepared for a world in which large-scale catastrophes would occur with such breathtaking frequency. The years 2010 to 2020 were dubbed the “doom decade” for good reason: the 2012 Olympic bombing, which killed 13,000, was followed closely by an earthquake in Indonesia killing 40,000, a tsunami that almost wiped out Nicaragua, and the onset of the West China Famine, caused by a once-in-a-millennium drought linked to climate change.

​​Not surprisingly, this opening series of deadly asynchronous catastrophes (there were more) put enormous pressure on an already overstressed global economy that had entered the decade still in recession. Massive humanitarian relief efforts cost vast sums of money, but the primary sources—from aid agencies to developed-world governments—had run out of funds to offer. Most nation-states could no longer afford their locked-in costs, let alone respond to increased citizen demands for more security, more healthcare coverage, more social programs and services, and more infrastructure repair. In 2014, when mudslides in Lima buried thousands, only minimal help trickled in, prompting the Economist headline: “Is the Planet Finally Bankrupt?”

​These dire circumstances forced tough tradeoffs. In 2015, the U.S. reallocated a large share of its defense spending to domestic concerns, pulling out of Afghanistan—where the resurgent Taliban seized power once again. In Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa, more and more nationstates lost control of their public finances, along with the capacity to help their citizens and retain stability and order. Resource scarcities and trade disputes, together with severe economic and climate stresses, pushed many alliances and partnerships to the breaking point; they also sparked proxy wars and low-level conflict in resource-rich parts of the developing world. Nations raised trade barriers in order to protect their domestic sectors against imports and—in the face of global food and resource shortages—to reduce exports of agricultural produce and other commodities. By 2016, the global coordination and interconnectedness that had marked the post-Berlin Wall world was tenuous at best.

​With government power weakened, order rapidly disintegrating, and safety nets evaporating, violence and crime grew more rampant. Countries with ethnic, religious, or class divisions saw especially sharp spikes in hostility: Naxalite separatists dramatically expanded their guerrilla campaign in East India; IsraeliPalestinian bloodshed escalated; and across Africa, fights over resources erupted along ethnic or tribal lines. Meanwhile, overtaxed militaries and police forces could do little to stop growing communities of criminals and terrorists from gaining power. Technology-enabled gangs and networked criminal enterprises exploited both the weakness of states and the desperation of individuals. With increasing ease, these “global guerillas” moved illicit products through underground channels from poor producer countries to markets in the developed world. Using retired 727s and other rogue aircraft, they crisscrossed the Atlantic, from South America to Africa, transporting cocaine, weapons, and operatives. Drug and gun money became a common recruiting tool for the desperately poor. 

​​Criminal networks also grew highly skilled at counterfeiting licit goods through reverse engineering. Many of these “rip-offs” and copycats were of poor quality or downright dangerous. In the context of weak health systems, corruption, and inattention to standards—either within countries or from global bodies like the World Health Organization—tainted vaccines entered the public health systems of several African countries. In 2021, 600 children in Cote d’Ivoire died from a bogus Hepatitis B vaccine, which paled in comparison to the scandal sparked by mass deaths from a tainted anti-malarial drug years later. The deaths and resulting scandals sharply affected public confidence in vaccine delivery; parents not just in Africa but elsewhere began to avoid vaccinating their children, and it wasn’t long before infant and child mortality rates rose to levels not seen since the 1970s. 

​Technology hackers were also hard at work. Internet scams and pyramid schemes plagued inboxes. Meanwhile, more sophisticated hackers attempted to take down corporations, government systems, and banks via phishing scams and database information heists, and their many successes generated billions of dollars in losses. Desperate to protect themselves and their intellectual property, the few multinationals still thriving enacted strong, increasingly complex defensive measures. Patent applications skyrocketed and patent thickets proliferated, as companies fought to claim and control even the tiniest innovations. Security measures and screenings tightened. 

​This “wild west” environment had a profound impact on innovation. The threat of being hacked and the presence of so many thefts and fakes lowered the incentives to create “me first” rather than “me too” technologies. And so many patent thickets made the cross-pollination of ideas and research difficult at best. Blockbuster pharmaceuticals quickly became artifacts of the past, replaced by increased production of generics. Breakthrough innovations still happened in various industries, but they were focused more on technologies that could not be easily replicated or re-engineered. And once created, they were vigorously guarded by their inventors—or even by their nations. In 2022, a biofuel breakthrough in Brazil was protected as a national treasure and used as a bargaining chip in trade with other countries. 

​Verifying the authenticity of anything was increasingly difficult. The heroic efforts of several companies and NGOs to create recognized seals of safety and approval proved ineffective when even those seals were hacked. The positive effects of the mobile and internet revolutions were tempered by their increasing fragility as scamming and viruses proliferated, preventing these networks from achieving the reliability required to become the backbone of developing economies—or a source of trustworthy information for anybody.

Interestingly, not all of the “hacking” was bad. Genetically modified crops (GMOs) and do-ityourself (DIY) biotech became backyard and garage activities, producing important advances. In 2017, a network of renegade African scientists who had returned to their home countries after working in Western multinationals unveiled the first of a range of new GMOs that boosted agricultural productivity on the continent.

But despite such efforts, the global have/havenot gap grew wider than ever. The very rich still had the financial means to protect themselves; gated communities sprung up from New York to Lagos, providing safe havens surrounded by slums. In 2025, it was de rigueur to build not a house but a high-walled fortress, guarded by armed personnel. The wealthy also capitalized on the loose regulatory environment to experiment with advanced medical treatments and other under-the-radar activities.

Those who couldn’t buy their way out of chaos—which was most people—retreated to whatever “safety” they could find. With opportunity frozen and global mobility at a near standstill—no place wanted more people, especially more poor people—it was often a retreat to the familiar: family ties, religious beliefs, or even national allegiance. Trust was afforded to those who guaranteed safety and survival—whether it was a warlord, an evangelical preacher, or a mother. In some places, the collapse of state capacity led to a resurgence of feudalism. In other areas, people managed to create more resilient communities operating as isolated micro versions of formerly large-scale systems. The weakening of national governments also enabled grassroots movements to form and grow, creating rays of hope amid the bleakness. By 2030, the distinction between “developed” and “developing” nations no longer seemed particularly descriptive or relevant.


An economically depressed world in which individuals and communities develop localized, makeshift solutions to a growing set of problems


– Jose Gomez-Marquez, Program Director for the Innovations in International Health initiative (IIH), MIT


​National Medical Labs in Southeast Asia Herald New Diagnostics for Native Diseases (2013)

​Low-Cost Water Purification Device Halves Diarrhea Deaths in India (2015)

​Chinese Government Pressured as Protests Spread to 250 Cities (2017)

​'Returnee' Innovators Struggle to Expand Sales Beyond Home Markets (2020)

Famine Haunts Ethiopia—Again (2022)

​VC Spending Within Sub-Saharan Africa Triples (2025)

​Maker Faire Ghana Partners with ‘Idol’ Franchise to Spotlight Young Innovators (2027)


​Philanthropic organizations look to fund at the grassroots level, in order to reach people more quickly and solve short-term problems. The meta-goal in this world is to scale up: to identify and build capacity from the individual through the institutional, because without global coordination, innovation cannot scale on its own. Philanthropy requires a keen screening capacity to identify highly localized solutions, with specialized pockets of expertise that make partnerships more challenging and transitions between sectors and issues harder to achieve.

​Philanthropy operations are decentralized; headquarters are less important, and the ability to quickly access different parts of the world and reconfigure teams on short notice is key. Office space is rented by the day or week, not the month or year, because more people are in the field—testing, evaluating, and reporting on myriad pilot projects.


​​Economic and political instability fracture societies in the developed world, resources for technology development diminish, and talented immigrants are forced to return to their countries of origin. As a result, capacity and knowledge are distributed more widely, allowing many small pockets of do-it-yourself innovation to emerge. Low-tech, “good enough” solutions abound, cobbled together with whatever materials and designs can be found. However, the transfer of cutting-edge technology through foreign direct investment is rare. Structural deficiencies in the broader innovation ecosystem — in accessing capital, markets, and a stable internet—and in the proliferation of local standards limit wider growth and development. 

Technology trends and applications we might see:

​• Energy technology improvements are geared more toward efficiency—getting more from existing sources of power—than new-generation technologies, though some local improvements in generating and distributing wind and geothermal energy do occur. • Breakdowns in the global medicine supply chain accelerate the emergence of locally bioengineered super-strength homeopathic remedies, which replace antibiotics in the dispensaries of many developing-world hospitals. • Widespread micro-manufacturing, using 3D printers, enables the fabrication of replacement components for engines and machines, allowing “perpetual maintenance” to compensate for broken trade links. • Garden allotments proliferate in mega-cities as new urban-dwellers seek to supplement a scarce food supply and maintain their agricultural heritage. • Technically advanced communities use mesh networks to ensure high-speed internet access, but most rural poor remain cut off from access.


​The beat-up six-seater plane in which Lidi was the lone passenger lurched suddenly. She groaned, grabbed the armrests, and held on as the plane dipped sharply before finally settling into a smooth flight path. Lidi hated small planes. But with very few commercial jets crisscrossing Africa these days, she didn’t have much choice. Lidi—an Eritrean by birth—was a social entrepreneur on a mission that she deemed critical to the future of her home continent, and enduring these plane flights was an unfortunate but necessary sacrifice. Working together with a small team of technologists, Lidi’s goal was to help the good ideas and innovations that were emerging across Africa to spread faster—or, really, spread at all. 

​In this, Lidi had her work cut out for her. Accelerating and scaling the impact of local solutions developed for very local markets was far from easy—especially given the patchiness of internet access across Africa and the myopic perspective that was now, in 2025, a widespread phenomenon. She used to worry about how to scale good ideas from continent to continent; these days she’d consider it a great success to extend them 20 miles. And the creative redundancy was shocking! Just last week, in Mali, Lidi had spent time with a farmer whose co-op was developing a drought-resistant cassava. They were extremely proud of their efforts, and for good reason. Lidi didn’t have the heart to tell them that, while their work was indeed brilliant, it had already been done. Several times, in several different places.

​​During her many flights, Lidi had spent hours looking out the window, gazing down on the villages and cities below. She wished there were an easier way to let the innovators in those places know that they might not be inventing, but rather independently reinventing, tools, goods, processes, and practices that were already in use. What Africa lacked wasn’t great ideas and talent: both were abundant. The missing piece was finding a way to connect those dots. And that’s why she was back on this rickety plane again and heading to Tunisia. She and her team were now concentrating on promoting mesh networks across Africa, so that places lacking internet access could share nodes, get connected, and maybe even share and scale their best innovations.

​​The global recession that started in 2008 did not trail off in 2010 but dragged onward. Vigorous attempts to jumpstart markets and economies didn’t work, or at least not fast enough to reverse the steady downward pull. The combined private and public debt burden hanging over the developed world continued to depress economic activity, both there and in developing countries with economies dependent on exporting to (formerly) rich markets. Without the ability to boost economic activity, many countries saw their debts deepen and civil unrest and crime rates climb. The United States, too, lost much of its presence and credibility on the international stage due to deepening debt, debilitated markets, and a distracted government. This, in turn, led to the fracturing or decoupling of many international collaborations started by or reliant on the U.S.’s continued strength. 

​​Also in trouble was China, where social stability grew more precarious. Depressed economic activity, combined with the ecological consequences of China’s rapid growth, started to take their toll, causing the shaky balance that had held since 1989 to finally break down. With their focus trained on managing the serious political and economic instability at home, the Chinese sharply curtailed their investments in Africa and other parts of the developing world. Indeed, nearly all foreign investment in Africa—as well as formal, institutional flows of aid and other support for the poorest countries—was cut back except in the gravest 42 humanitarian emergencies. Overall, economic  stability felt so shaky that the occurrence of a sudden climate shock or other disaster would likely send the world into a tailspin. Luckily, those big shocks didn’t occur, though there was a lingering concern that they could in the future.

​Not that anyone had time to think about the future—present challenges were too pressing. In the developed world, unemployment rates skyrocketed. So did xenophobia, as companies and industries gave the few available jobs to native-born citizens, shunning foreign-born applicants. Great numbers of immigrants who had resettled in the developed world suddenly found that the economic opportunities that had drawn them were now paltry at best. By 2018, London had been drained of immigrants, as they headed back to their home countries, taking their education and skills with them. Reverse migration left holes in the communities of departure—both socially and literally—as stores formerly owned by immigrants stood empty.

​​And their homelands needed them. Across the developing world and especially in Africa, economic survival was now firmly in local hands. With little help or aid coming through “official” and organized channels—and in the absence of strong trade and foreign currency earnings—most people and communities had no  choice but to help themselves and, increasingly, one another. Yet “survival” and “success” varied greatly by location—not just by country, but by city and by community. Communities inside failed states suffered the most, their poor growing still poorer. In many places, the failures of political leadership and the stresses of economic weakness and social conflict stifled the ability of people to rise above their dire circumstances. 

​Not surprisingly, across much of the developing world the rural-urban divide gaped wider, as more limited availability and access to resources like IT and trade made survival and self-sufficiency much more challenging for non-urban dwellers. Communications and interactions that formerly served to bridge one family or one village or one student with their counterparts in other places—from emailing to phone calls to web postings—became less reliable. Internet access had not progressed far beyond its 2010 status, in part because the investment dollars needed to build out the necessary infrastructure simply weren’t there. When cellphone towers or fiber optic cables broke down, repairs were often delayed by months or even years. As a result, only people in certain geographies had access to the latest communication and internet gadgets, while others became more isolated for lack of such connections. 

​But there were silver linings. Government capacity improved in more advanced parts of the developing world where economies had already begun to generate a self-sustaining dynamic before the 2008-2010 crisis, such as Indonesia, Rwanda, Turkey, and Vietnam. Areas with good access to natural resources, diverse skill sets, and a stronger set of overlapping institutions did far better than others; so did cities and communities where large numbers of “returnees” helped drive change and improvement. Most innovation in these better-off places involved modifying existing devices and technologies to be more adaptive to a specific context. But people also found or invented new ways—technological and non-technological—to improve their capacity to survive and, in some cases, to raise their overall living standards. In Accra, a returning Ghanaian MIT professor, working with resettled pharma researchers, helped invent a cheap edible vaccine against tuberculosis that dramatically reduced childhood mortality across the continent. In Nairobi, returnees launched a local “vocational education for all” project that proved wildly successful and was soon replicated in other parts of sub-Saharan Africa.​​

​Makeshift, “good enough” technology solutions—addressing everything from water purification and harnessing energy to improved crop yield and disease control—emerged to fill the gaps. Communities grew tighter. Micromanufacturing, communal gardens, and patchwork energy grids were created at the local level for local purposes. Many communities took on the aura of co-ops, some even launching currencies designed to boost local trade and bring communities closer together. Nowhere was this more true than in India, where localized experiments proliferated, and succeeded or failed, with little connection to or impact on other parts of the country—or the world.

​​These developments were encouraging, but also frustrating. In the absence of enduring trade and FDI channels, local experiments and innovations could neither scale nor boost overall growth. For those looking, it was difficult to find or access creative solutions. Scaling was further inhibited by the lack of compatible technology standards, making innovations difficult to replicate. Apps developed in rural China simply didn’t work in urban India.

High-speed internet access—which gradually emerged in some areas despite weak government or philanthropic support—did help, enabling students in isolated pockets in the developing world to access knowledge and instruction through the written word and other media like video. But the development of tangible devices, products, and innovations continued to lag in places where local manufacturing skills and capacities had not yet scaled. More complex engineering solutions proved even more difficult to develop and diffuse By 2025, collaboration was finally improving, with ecosystems of research and sharing—many of them “virtual”—beginning to emerge. Yet without major progress in global economic integration and collaboration, many worried that good ideas would stay isolated, and survival and success would remain a local—not a global or national—phenomenon. •


The recession of 2008-10 did not turn into the decades-long global economic slide that many had feared. In fact, quite the opposite: strong global growth returned in force, with the world headed once again toward the demographic and economic projections forecasted before the downturn. India and China were on track to see their middle classes explode to 1 billion by 2020. Mega-cities like Sao Paulo and Jakarta expanded at a blistering pace as millions poured in from rural areas. Countries raced to industrialize by whatever means necessary; the global marketplace bustled.

But two big problems loomed. First, not all people and places benefited equally from this return to globalized growth: all boats were rising, but some were clearly rising more. Second, those hell-bent on development and expansion largely ignored the very real environmental consequences of their unrestricted growth. Undeniably, the planet’s climate was becoming increasingly unstable. Sea levels were rising fast, even as countries continued to build-out coastal mega-cities. In 2014, the Hudson River overflowed into New York City during a storm surge, turning the World Trade Center site into a three-foot-deep lake. The image of motorboats navigating through lower Manhattan jarred the world’s most powerful nations into realizing that climate change was not just a developing-world problem. That same year, new measurements showing that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were climbing precipitously created new urgency and pressure for governments (really, for everyone) to do something fast.

In such an interconnected world, where the behaviors of one country, company, or individual had potentially high-impact effects on all others, piecemeal attempts by one nation here, one small collective of environmental organizations there, would not be enough to stave off a climate disaster—or, for that matter, to effectively address a host of other planetary-scale problems. But highly coordinated worldwide strategies for addressing such urgent issues just might. What was needed was systems thinking—and systems acting—on a global scale. 

International coordination started slowly, then accelerated faster than anyone had imagined. In 2015, a critical mass of middle income and developed countries with strong economic growth publicly committed to leveraging their resources against global-scale problems, beginning with climate change. Together, their governments hashed out plans for monitoring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the short term and improving the absorptive capacity of the natural environment over the long term. In 2017, an international agreement was reached on carbon sequestration (by then, most multinational corporations had a chief carbon officer) and intellectual and financial resources were pooled to build out carbon capture processes that would best support the global ecosystem. A functioning global cap and trade system was also established. Worldwide, the pressure to reduce waste and increase efficiency in planet-friendly ways was enormous. New globally coordinated systems for monitoring energy use capacity—including smart grids and bottom-up pattern recognition technologies—were rolled out. These efforts produced real results: by 2022, new projections showed a significant slowing in the rise of atmospheric carbon levels.

Inspired by the success of this experiment in collective global action, large-scale coordinated initiatives intensified. Centralized global oversight and governance structures sprang up, not just for energy use but also for disease and technology standards. Such systems and structures required far greater levels of transparency, which in turn required more tech-enabled data collection, processing, and feedback. Enormous, benign “sousveillance” systems allowed citizens to access data—all publically available—in real time and react. Nation-states lost some of their power and importance as global architecture strengthened and regional governance structures emerged. International oversight entities like the UN took on new levels of authority, as did regional systems like the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The worldwide spirit of collaboration also fostered new alliances and alignments among corporations, NGOs, and communities. 

These strong alliances laid the groundwork for more global and participatory attempts to solve big problems and raise the standard of living of everyone. Coordinated efforts to tackle longentrenched problems like hunger, disease, and access to basic needs took hold. New inexpensive technologies like better medical diagnostics and more effective vaccines improved healthcare delivery and health outcomes. Companies, NGOs, and governments—often acting together—launched pilot programs and learning labs to figure out how to best meet the needs of particular communities, increasing the knowledge base of what worked and what didn’t. Pharmaceuticals giants released thousands of drug compounds shown to be effective against diseases like malaria into the public domain as part of an “open innovation” agenda; they also opened their archives of R&D on neglected diseases deemed not commercially viable, offering seed funding to scientists who wanted to carry the research forward.

There was a push for major innovations in energy and water for the developing world, as those areas were thought to be the key to improving equity. Better food distribution was also high on the agenda, and more open markets and south-south trade helped make this a reality. In 2022, a consortium of nations, NGOs, and companies established the Global Technology Assessment Office, providing easily accessible, real-time information about the costs and benefits of various technology applications to developing and developed countries alike. All of these efforts translated into real progress on real problems, opening up new opportunities to address the needs of the bottom billion—and enabling developing countries to become engines of growth in their own right. 

In many parts of the developing world, economic growth rates increased due to a host of factors. Improved infrastructure accelerated the greater mobility of both people and goods, and urban and rural areas got better connected. In Africa, growth that started on the coasts spread inward along new transportation corridors. Increased trade drove the specialization of individual firms and the overall diversification of economies. In many places, traditional social barriers to overcoming poverty grew less relevant as more people gained access to a spectrum of useful technologies—from disposable computers to doit-yourself (DIY) windmills.

Given the circumstances that forced these new heights of global cooperation and responsibility, it was no surprise that much of the growth in the developing world was achieved more cleanly and more “greenly.” In Africa, there was a big push for solar energy, as the physical geography and low population density of much of the continent enabled the proliferation of solar farms. The Desertec initiative to create massive thermal electricity plants to supply both North Africa and, via undersea cable lines, Southern Europe was a huge success. By 2025, a majority of electricity in the Maghreb was coming from solar, with exports of that power earning valuable foreign currency. The switch to solar created new “sun” jobs, drastically cut CO2 emissions, and earned governments billions annually. India exploited its geography to create similar “solar valleys” while decentralized solarpowered drip irrigation systems became popular in sub-Saharan Africa.

Reduced energy dependency enabled all of these countries and regions to better control and manage their own resources. In Africa, political architecture above the nation-state level, like the African Union, strengthened and contributed to a “good governance” drive. Regional integration through COMESA (the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) and other institutions allowed member nations to better organize to meet their collective needs as consumers and increasingly as producers.

Over the course of two decades, enormous strides were made to make the world less wasteful, more efficient, and more inclusive. But the world was far from perfect. There were still failed states and places with few resources. Moreover, such rapid progress had created new problems. Rising consumption standards unexpectedly ushered in a new set of pressures: the improved food distribution system, for example, generated a food production crisis due to greater demand. Indeed, demand for everything was growing exponentially. By 2028, despite ongoing efforts to guide “smart growth,” it was becoming clear that the world could not support such rapid growth forever. • 

Secrets of the Stone Age (2/2) | DW Documentary


Fulton Street in Brooklyn on Tuesday. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo of New York said that as many as 140,000 people might need urgent care in the state in the next few weeks. Credit...Demetrius Freeman for The New York Times

Coronavirus to impact low-wage, black workers the most
Yahoo News - KRISTIN MYERS - Mar 12th 2020


Low-income and low-wage earners will likely bear the brunt of the economic impact of coronavirus, experts warn, as coronavirus continues to slam industries like travel, leisure, and hospitality. Workers in these industries also have the lowest amount of access to sick leave, forcing many employees to choose between their health and their paycheck. 
Only a third of the workforce in the country is able to work from home, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Nationwide, more than 32 million workers don’t have access to paid sick leave. According to the BLS, 92% of higher-wage earners receive paid sick time compared to their lower-income counterparts — only 31% of workers with salaries in the bottom 10% have this benefit.

Paid sick leave also impacts some sectors more than others. According to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), only 48% of workers in the leisure and hospitality industry have access to paid sick leave.
Elise Gould, senior economist at EPI, says that due to the amount of time these workers spend interfacing with the public, they are particularly at risk not just for getting sick, but for spreading the illness as they are “less likely to stay home if they are experiencing symptoms.” 

Economically, Elise says, these workers are the most likely to suffer the most, particularly as many face work hour reductions.
“It’s a little bit of a snowball effect for that population,” she said. “They are more likely to be living paycheck to paycheck, and will have a harder time because they have limited resources.”
As fewer people go to restaurants, travel and spend money at hotels, workers in those industries suffer from reduced business and dollars that can translate into tips.
“This is highlighting the vast inequality in this country,” Gould said. “And some people are going to get hurt so much more than others. That hurt could be long lasting. We don’t know. We don’t know what’s going to happen over the course of this virus.”

Among the working poor, black workers will be harmed the most.
According to BLS, black, and Hispanic workers are more than twice as likely to earn poverty-level wages compared to their white counterparts. 
Roughly 8% of black and Hispanic workers earn wages below poverty level, compared to just 4% of white workers. Women of color struggle in particular: 10% of black women and 9% of Hispanic women are classified as the working poor, compared to 3.5% of white men.
“There’s a lot of occupational segregation in this country,” said Gould. “So when we think of those low-wage workers they’re more likely to be women, black and Hispanic workers. This could hit some communities more than others.”
And it’s unclear how badly hit these vulnerable populations will be as COVID-19 continues to batter the American economy. 
“We don’t know what will happen when people can’t pay their rent or their mortgage,” she continued. “Will we see the economic devastation spread? Will the government step up?”
On Capitol Hill, both Democrats and the White House proposed economic relief measures. President Trump unveiled a proposal for payroll tax cuts through the election and into the end of the year, providing relief for many working Americans. 
Wednesday night, Democrats released the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, a bill that would provide food assistance, paid sick leave, and extra funds for unemployment insurance benefits.
“This bill is a critical down payment on ensuring that families and communities in the direct path of this crisis do not have to choose between following the advice of public health experts and risking their livelihood,” said Fatima Goss Graves, president and CEO of the National Women's Law Center. 
“The investments in nutrition assistance and Medicaid will help families better weather this storm and mitigate the economic ripple effects. But this crisis is already exposing and worsening every inequality in our country right now,” said Graves.

Trump slammed the Democrats on Twitter for not supporting his payroll tax cut. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) also criticized Democrats, calling their plan “completely partisan” and “unworkable.”
Gould said that while a payroll tax cut “makes a lot of sense,” it relies on people continuing to stay in the workplace. 

U.S. airlines seek billions in aid from federal government


U.S. airlines are asking the federal government for grants, loans and tax relief that could easily top $50 billion to help them recover from a sharp downturn in travel due to the new coronavirus.
Airlines for America, the trade group representing the carriers, posted its request for financial help on Monday, just as more airlines around the world were announcing ever-deeper cuts in service and, in some cases, layoffs.
The trade group is asking for $29 billion in federal grants, with $25 billion for passenger airlines and $4 billion for cargo carriers. The airlines are also seeking up to $29 billion in low-interest loans or loan guarantees, and they want federal excise taxes on fuel, cargo and airline tickets to be suspended through the end of next year.
Airlines have been reducing flights since January, starting with the suspension of flights to mainland China, where the virus outbreak began. The downward spiral in travel has picked up speed in recent days, however, prompting airlines to announce a succession of increasingly dramatic measures.
Since Friday, United, American and Delta have all announced deeper cuts in flying than they were contemplating just a few days earlier. 

Meanwhile, the headline on the daily newspaper Libération features the situation faced by front-line medical professionals, amid a shortage of key equipment. Its headline thanks medical staff at the forefront of the crisis.

La Razón is a daily newspaper based in the capital, Madrid. It reports the number of infected could reach 2.5 million in 10 days.

Emergency Powers: Worldwide Governmental Power Grabs Reveal Scripted Agenda

The people always have some champion whom they set over them and nursde into greatness ..... This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector...

The international edition of the New York Times headlines China's "shift in focus", saying that as domestic cases dwindle

"Beijing mounts a blitz" to help world fight the pandemic.

No, 5G Does Not Cause Coronavirus
JUSTIN DUINO  @jaduino - MARCH 15, 2020

COVID-19, better known as the Coronavirus, is a respiratory disease that has spread to over 100 countries and has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). But if you spend more than five minutes online, you’ll find someone shouting that 5G is the real cause of people’s illnesses. Simply put, these claims are factually false.
What is 5G, and Can It Cause a Virus?
5G represents the fifth-generation of the wireless telecom technology that smartphones and other devices use for communication and connecting to the internet. As with 4G LTE, 3G, and everything before it, the wireless network is transmitted over radio waves, a non-harmful part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Most claims you will read online stems from the fact that radio waves are technically radiation. Although that word tends to be viewed as negative, not all radiation is bad. As radio is non-ionizing and does not excite electrons and knock them out of orbit, 5G can’t cause DNA damage, cause cancer, or develop Coronavirus. Every study that claims otherwise has been proven false and inaccurate.
RELATED: How Worried Should You Be About the Health Risks of 5G?
What Are the 5G Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories?
As mentioned, conspiracy theories around 5G and other new technologies aren’t new. Unfortunately, people don’t seem to remember that others online made the same claims about Wi-Fi, 4G, and other radio waves as they are now about 5G.
Look no further than most Facebook comment threads like the one pictured below. You will find many that include claims that they found information online that “proves” that the respiratory illness that many with Coronavirus are suffering from is caused by being around 5G.
Note: We have not linked any of the posts that include the false claims made in the below images. We do not want to help spread the fake messages that are being used to scare people.
Medlife Crisis (Rohin)@MedCrisis
Mar 15, 2020
Replying to @MedCrisis
It wasn't of relevance to the chat but on the note of antivaxxers, Australia has led the way with public policy, restricting certain benefits to parents who do not vaccinate their children.
Antoni Stojak@AntoniStojak
My FB feed this morning. This unfortunately is not trolling…
9:42 AM - Mar 15, 2020

The theories that involve multiple maps that claim to show a correlation between 5G development and the rise of Coronavirus cases are the easiest to disprove.
In the example below, AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and others decided to deploy 5G in major cities with large populations. Doing so allows the carriers to reach as many customers as possible before moving to the countryside where the community is more spread out.
What else do major cities have? International airports and larger populations per square mile. We already know that the Coronavirus started overseas and made its way stateside because of travelers that were previously infected. Once the virus is in the city, it is very easy to transmit it to others throughout the area accidentally.
And, finally, we have this claim that was shared thousands of times on Facebook and other social media platforms. There’s a lot to break down here, but let’s start with the claim that the Coronavirus started in China because it was the first to build over 100,000 5G towers.
First, yes, China has built over 100,000 5G towers. Even if this magic number had something to do with the spread of the symptoms felt by thousands of people, there’s currently no proof that the country was the first to reach 100,000.
Second, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have contributed money towards the research of the Coronavirus in the hopes of finding treatments and possibly a vaccine. Where this person is getting their information about Gates developing the virus or the outlandish claim that the vaccine will include microchips is a mystery to all.
Finally, claiming that the thousands of people who have already died from the Coronavirus are all actors should be a serious moral-code violation for anyone that considers sharing this type of false information.
RELATED: What's the Deal with "Social Distancing," and Is It Actually Effective?
Update: As if on cue, a verified celebrity took to Twitter and posted their own 5G conspiracy theory. In it, they claim that the next-gen telecom infrastructure causes people to drop dead. As with other viral posts, this tweet has been shared by thousands of people and Twitter has yet to take the dangerous message down.
Unfortunately, one of the Google Search snippets that Hilson took a screenshot of includes a line from our “How Worried Should You Be About the Health Risks of 5G?” article. Instead of addressing the question at hand, the snippet provided a line from the post that describes the misconceptions as to why some are afraid of 5G instead of answering that the technology isn’t dangerous. We have reached out to Google and requested that it gets fixed immediately.

What You Can Do to Help Combat Misinformation

If you come across similar conspiracy theories, you should report the posts to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or whatever other platforms you see these types of dangerous messages on. The continued spread of false and harmful information could lead to people not taking proper health precautions, not believing their doctors if they do contract the Coronavirus, and much more.
In a time where fake news can spread across the internet in a blink of an eye, it’s important to fact check anything (especially outlandish claims) you read online.

5G Isn’t Making You Sick

Coronavirus is a virus. There is no questioning that. Doctors and scientists around the world have been researching the disease since its first appearance on the global stage and are hurridly looking for treatments and to help stop its spread. Any claim that 5G cause the health issues being reported are all false and ultimately harmful in themselves.
RELATED: Everything Sucks, So Here's Some Cute Positive Junk to Brighten Your Day
Remember, if you want to help protect the health of you, your family, and those in your community, wash your hands (and smart devices) regularly, spend some time at home with your family, and don’t visit highly-populated areas if it’s not required. Also, don’t be this person.

Justin Duino is the Managing Editor at How-To Geek. He has spent the last decade writing about Android, smartphones, and other mobile technology. In addition to his written work, he has also been a regular guest commentator on CBS News and BBC World News and Radio to discuss current events in the technology industry.

La Stampa, another Italian daily newspaper, headlines with Pope Francis calling on people "not to be afraid" amid the pandemic, while reporting on the Italian government evaluating an extension of the quarantine measures until the end of April.

Whatever you believe about the coronavirus epidemic, it is providing the chaos necessary for new (world) order. 
Learn the 5+ NWO agendas being pushed.


Hopefully the Senate gets in gear and passes some help on to these affected workers. They're surely going to need some help for a while. Maybe a long while.
If Bernie doesn't get what he wants....socialism, he is going to stop the stimulus program.
The Senate has been ready. Its just the dems want funding for future programs. That's what is ridiculous.
1st amendmentLeader
Front-line workers making 1998 inflation adjusted wages over the last 10-years get screwed, again!
1st amendment
Obama made sure that front line workers lost purchasing power every year for 8 of those 10 years. He created poverty out of a recession.
Jim on the CoastLeader
1st amendment
For many, any work is better than no work, at least for the moment. So, once this has passed, there will be opportunities to get out of the “front line” positions, if people so choose. Those opportunities have always existed.
Travel and leisure are non-essential. Should not be bailed out
Actually, these industries are essential. We're snowbirds currently in Arizona (since the end of January). We live in Washington State. Because of the virus, we plan to stay in Arizona until late May. But, we drive. We're elderly. I truly don't look forward to sleeping in our car for three nights!
But how much does this industry employ? The profit margin in vary wide.
Jim on the CoastLeader
I think we will get through this just fine, if the drama queens would just give it a rest. Stop panicking the easily misled.
Jane GoodallLeader
Jim on the Coast
Good shill good shill that's it sit sit sit boy good
Trump again breaks with experts by calling for people to go back to work, claims seniors 'will be watched over protectively & lovingly' IF YOU BELIEVE THIS YOU ARE BEYOND A SPECIAL KIND OF STUPID WHICH IS WHY YOU ARE A TRUMPET
Jane GoodallLeader
We'd not be in this mess had you not pushed diversity at any cost.. Look at the virus map it shows areas hardest hit are the most diverse/ sanctuary cities … a world wide map coincides with the virus and Chinese immigration.. Truth is not hate or racism.. Its common sense.. Why import the problems of the world.. If they had anything to offer why are they fleeing their countries ?
Well, it's a double-edged sword, is it not? An economic collapse would be even more catastrophic than the virus!!
The USA is being held hostage by the Democrats who are adding pork to the bill. If it doesnt get passed, they dont care because they will use the Economic failure which was caused by oil prices and the virus to attack Trump.
It just seems to me, the dems can't wait to call this situation a recession.
What a liar. Pork being that they don't want the big businesses to take the money and use it for stock buyback. That was one of the big holdups because there were not enough restrictions put in by the Republicans.
Mr. Trump, please don't give bad advice to your people. Don't go against the advice of your medical experts. Please listen and save American lives don't destroy American lives. Please this is not about you.
Jane GoodallLeader
More danger from those entering American than Trump...
Research indicates that for every 1% uncrease in the unemployment rate, suicides increase by 1 per 100,000 citizens. So a 5% increase in the unemployment rate would result in 16,500 more US suicides. Yet, where the greatest success combatting COVID-19 has been acheived (places like Taiwan and South Korea), the economy has not been shutdown, the general citizenry is not under any lockdown, and I could out go to the gym, followed by dinner in my favorite restaurant tonight.
America in the last 6 weeks the toxic tangerine has proven beyond any doubt NOT just reasonable doubt that he is: America's worst president ever America's biggest mistake ever America's greatest threat ever...See more
Jane GoodallLeader
Compared to what? Lyndon Johnson and Viet Nam? Jimmy Carter and Iran? America's biggest mistake was not picking our own cotton followed by taking away shame from bums being bums and allowing the gender confused a voice in politics
How left sided blind are you??????????????????
Jane GoodallLeader
Take a good look at the map .. it shows the places hardest hit which coincides with a large Asian population.. Now google this: number of Asian pharmacists 20% of them number of Asian doctors USA 17% Location of masks and gloves manufactured? CHINA tell me again about that diversity thing
Coronavirus recession to hit over 24 million workers hardest: study TRUMPETS NOW AREN'T YOU GLAD THAT THE DEMS DEMANDED A BIGLY INCREASE IN UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE
Jane GoodallLeader
The virus is here because of people like YOU.... Look at a map see how virus hots spots line up with Chinese immigration Not hate just fact
I am more interested in trying to save the jobs because most know unemployment benefits end. Short term thinking will bring on long term problems.

The dark suits: they’ve sold their souls and (as Dutch whistleblower Ronald Bernard says) frozen their consciences at -100° to become devoid of humanity and empathy.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Get the latest information from the Health Service Executive about COVID-19.
HSE - Mike Pompeo calls Coronavirus pandemic a Exercise live on CNNMar 20, 2020

Why have there only been 3,000 deaths in China from Corornavirus out of 1.5 billion people when China is meant to be where Coronavirus started

Coronavirus Cases in China-30th March 2020 : 81,470 - Deaths:3,304- Recovered: 75,700out of 1.5 billion people  https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/china/

Tips to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus

El País, a Spanish daily newspaper, headlines with the economic consequences of the pandemic - saying that half of all Spaniards fear that they may lose their job due to the crisis.
It also reports on a plan by the Spanish Ministry of Health to hire students and retirees in the medical profession in order to boost numbers by 50,000. A similar plan was launched in Ireland, with 40,000 volunteering to date.

Coronavirus lockdown guide: Tips for survival, shopping, and self-care
By Seana Davis - 20/03/2020


"These are the critical weeks," says Ciara Kelly, a doctor and radio presenter. "While we don't have the antivirals, while we don't have the vaccines, these are the weeks that count".
With COVID-19 cases soaring across the continent, a number of countries including France, Spain and Italy, have entered a state of lock down.
Euronews asked experts across numerous fields, from psychology to immunology, for tips amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Minding your Mental Health: Psychologist

"People are having to do a lot of things that are out of the ordinary for them," Dr. Christopher Hand, lecturer in psychology at Glasgow Caledonian University told Euronews.
"It is a very difficult time, particularly for people that have young families, or vulnerable adults to care for, and the uncertainty around the situation is certainly not helping".

With that in mind, Dr. Hand has several recommendations:
1. Build a routine:
It is being hailed as unprecedented times, but Dr. Hand says that building a 'new normal' or a routine, is key. "Although it might be tempting to have endless pyjama days, getting up, washing, having breakfast, building a timeframe and schedule for the day is really, really crucial".

2. Mental health support is available:
When looking for help during the pandemic, support lines remain available, Dr. Hand reminds us. "It's very important that people don't lose sight that support systems are available to them".
When looking for mental health advice online, it is crucial to know where to look. "It is really important that people get their information from relatable sources, so particularly things like the World Health Organization (WHO) is providing really good guidance on how people can self-care and how they can responsibly care for their loved ones".

3. Avoid an information overload:
Having a level of "detachment" from updates can be helpful, Dr. Hand suggests.
"It is maybe a good idea to set yourself a schedule for when you are going to actually engage with updates, or when you're going to watch the news - almost going back to the traditional style of watching the 6 o'clock news rather than engaging with the 24-hour news cycle."
It's about balance, Dr. Hand says, between your day-to-day routine and protecting yourself. In order to avoid unregulated information on social media feeds, Dr. Hand suggests using the messaging function on apps to maintain social contact while limiting time on news feeds.

4. Don't skip exercise:
Dr. Hand suggests sticking with your exercise routine, adding that it is "very, very important for mental health".
"It is very important that people keep a close eye on what they are allowed to do as well as what they may have been prohibited from doing. So, for instance, if people are still able to take regular exercise, albeit safely".
For the jurisdictions that are allowed to go jogging, or for a walk safely, Dr. Hand recommends doing so. Alternatively, "if people have a garden, make use of it or to find ways to incorporate exercise around the house".

5. Keep up contact:
"Whether it be through using WhatsApp, Skype or FaceTime," keeping in contact is "hugely important". "Keeping in contact with your social network, particularly those closest to you and indeed anyone who you're concerned about who might be vulnerable" is key.

6. Don't turn to alcohol or drugs:
People should try their best not to turn to things like alcohol or drugs to manage their mental health and wellbeing, Dr. Hand says.
"On social media, it seems to be really popular to talk about panic buying wine and such. But we know that, joking aside, there are potentially harmful consequences to trying to use alcohol and other substances".

7. Keeping a healthy diet:
In times of high stress, an increased degree of 'comfort eating' should be avoided, Dr. Hand suggests. "Although it can be difficult due to availability to fresh food and vegetables, it's really important that people try to eat healthily".
"That tendency to try and comfort-eat, and binge on bad foods, it would be really helpful if people could avoid that as much as possible". They key, Dr. Hand says, is to "try not lose sight of what is normal, so try and eat normally".

8. Providing children with facts, not rumours:
With schools shut across the continent and families working from home amid a shroud of uncertainty, it is a difficult time for children.
"The best thing to try and do is to show extra patience," Dr. Hand says, while reassuring them with "facts rather than rumour or speculations".
"Particularly for kids who are switched on in a digital way, let them phone their grandparents and get that social contact. Also, encourage kids to get their information from places like the World Health Organization (WHO) rather than social media".

Boosting your immune system: Immunologist
Professor Luke O'Neill, a leading immunologist, told Euronews of an important measure everyone can take when battling COVID-19, boosting the immune system.
"There is no doubt you can help your immune system," Prof. O'Neill said. "Your immune system is your only friend here".
"It's obvious things really," Prof. O'Neill told Euronews. A good diet is key, and avoiding a high fat diet, as well as a good night's sleep. "If your tired, your immune system won't work and if you're malnourished, your immune system won't work".

Interestingly, Prof. O'Neill also recommends a supplement Vitamin D in your diet which is found in foods such as fish or milk.

A major factor in the deterioration of the immune system, Prof. O'Neill warns, is stress. "Stress really damages the immune system, because a hormone called cortisol is made in your body and that represses some of your immune cells. So you have to try not to be stressed".
Prof. O'Neill also highlights exercise as a key element in keeping your immune system high. "It is a great de-stresser but also, the immune system can be a bit sluggish," he said. "If you do some exercise, more blood flow happens in your body and your immune system is churned into action". "Even in older people, a tiny bit of exercise is suffice", he said.
"These are proven ways to keep your immune system healthy and that is your biggest friend. Because that will kill this virus, remember it has evolved to handle these kinds of things. So, absolutely you can do a good job to your immune system as well".

What should be in your shopping trolly: Dietician
"Rather than panic, it is a time to plan," Prof. Clare Collins, Professor in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Newcastle, Australia, told Euronews, referring to the scenes of panic buying across the continent.

When it comes to diet, Prof. Collins suggests a few tips:
1. Don't panic buy:

"Some of the panic buying, people are stocking up on things they already have," Prof. Collins says. Don't overdo it, she warns. "Cross off what you don't need, add on any extra things that you do need and just buy enough for one to two weeks".
"We have been absolutely reassured that the supplies are there. There is enough for everybody. So plan, don't panic is the key thing. That means also taking the time to think about what you want to make".

2. Eating for health:

With most working from home, Prof. Collins says that "it seems like it is an opportunity to get back to basics" .When it comes to what nutrients are needed for your immune system, Prof. Collins says that it is a "good time to get out your old fashioned recipe book and really focus on those basic ingredients".
"When you look at the foods that are repeated with regards to Vitamin A, B, C, Iron, Selenium, and Zinc, there are a few real stand out foods that keep coming up. That is your green leafy vegetables, whole grain foods such as rolled oats for breakfast and choosing whole grain bread, lean meats, nuts and seeds, and a whole range of fresh fruit and vegetables, particularly for things like Vitamin C".

3. What should be on your shopping list?

Prof. Collins lays out where you can find some of those key nutrients here. But there are other resources. The University of Newcastle, Australia also provides lists for what to buy, from staples non-perishables to fridge necessities.

4. Think about others when cooking:
Pay attention to those vulnerable around you, Prof. Collins suggests. If there is a vulnerable person living alone, "could you drop them a meal," she asks.
"Rather than throw anything away, now is the time also not to waste. Keep an eye out particularly for the elderly who are not supposed to go to supermarkets".

5. Most people don't need to take supplements:
"Any supplementation needs to be done with the approval of healthcare practitioners and it is only likely needed in people who are sick, or get sick easily, and it's a fine balance" Prof. Collins says.
"For most of the people in the population, it is about eating healthy and there is a couple of exceptions". There has been an "excellent measure analysis from 25 study on Vitamin D," she notes, reiterating Prof. Luke O'Neill. "Vitamin D is a nutrient that you can make in your skin but you're not as efficient at that as you get older. You need to have sun exposure on your skin".
"So, if you are totally locked in doors, you may benefit from a Vitamin D supplement or if you are social distancing, so that means you can still go outside, make sure you go for your walks and get enough Vitamin D".
For general multi-vitamin use, Prof. Collins says that this advised only for those who have some sort of malnutrition or malabsorption disease. "These people will be guided by their usual medical practitioners," such as those with chronic lung disease, or cystic fibrosis.
"Don't start taking something you didn't take before," Prof. Collins warns. "People with low Vitamin D status, previously on supplements, keep taking those. Everyone else, you can absolutely get all the nutrients you need from food".
"Focus on the foods, and focus on making sure the people around you are eating healthily. We are all in this together and that's the best way to get through".

6. Wash your hands!
"Food hygiene is always important," says Prof. Collins. "Wash your hands before you start cooking, and now it's even more important to make sure that anyone with a cough or a cold is not doing the cooking".

Social distancing, hand washing: Doctors
"No health service has 50,000 idle ICU beds, but that is what we are looking at dealing with," Dr. Ciara Kelly is a Irish physician and radio presenter, warns.
"The reason flattening the curve is so important, is if you flatten the curve, you give health services a fighting chance of helping people, of saving lives". If there is a slower rate of acceleration of cases, "our health services will cope better with the patients as they come in and more lives will be saved, so it is vitally important".

1. Social distancing
Dr. Kelly's main piece of advice is to adhere to social distancing guidelines. Apart from those who you live with, Dr. Kelly reiterates the need to keep at least a 2 metre distance. "If they cough or sneeze, you are not in the radius of where that cough or sneeze will fall".
"Stay as socially distant from anyone you have to mix with as possible. If you don't meet people, you can't catch the virus and so you can't pass the virus. The more distance you put between yourself and people, the better, at the moment for a short period of time".

2. What should you do when you feel unwell?
"If you are unwell in any way at the moment with respiratory disease, stay home and seek a test," says Dr. Kelly.
Dr. Dominic Pimenta is a Cardiologist based in the UK notes the need to avoid being a spreader of the disease.
"If you are yourself, unwell, make sure you don't come into contact with people who are vulnerable, people who are elderly or those under immunosuppression, or with lung disease."

3. Wash your hands and don't touch your face

"Wash your hands, constantly," Dr. Kelly urges. Dr. Pimenta reiterates the need to listen to local government guidelines and also to the WHO call to wash your hands effectively. "Avoid touching your face," Dr. Kelly says. "If you are moving hand to face all the time while touching other objects, you will get into difficulty".
"Throughout Europe, we are seeing levels of contagion we did not expect. All of Europe needs to pull together to see that of our safety is in each other's hands".

Coronavirus recession to hit over 24 million workers hardest: study
Yahoo Finance - KRISTIN MYERS  - Mar 24th 2020


Five industries will be particularly hard hit in the event of a coronavirus-caused recession, according to a new report from the Brookings Institution. And a recession caused by COVID-19 will impact 24.2 million American workers across the country. 
Using analysis from Moody’s Analytics, Brookings studied the impact to workers in the mining/oil and gas, transportation, employment services, travel arrangements, and leisure and hospitality sectors. 

Industries most at risk
In total, these five vulnerable sectors accounted for 16.5% of all American workers, or 24.2 million employees in total. The leisure and hospitality industry has the plurality of workers among these five at-risk sectors, with some 16.3 million employed in this space. Workers in this industry represent just over 10% of all American workers. 

Transportation and employment services represent roughly 5% of all workers combined, a total of some seven million. 
But what’s more, the study found, is that given the workers’ concentration in some cities, the potential disruption to those industries will be felt unequally across the nation. More than 40% of the workers in just two cities are employed by these hardest hit sectors, while in another three cities, over 30% of the workers who live there are at risk. 
“The most affected places are a who’s who of energy towns and major resort, leisure, and amusement destinations across the nation,” the report noted.
Workers in Midland, Texas, could be slammed by a coronavirus recession the most, as 42.5% of the workers there are employed in one of the five “most at-risk” industries. The metro area of Kahului-Wailuku-Lahaina, Hawaii, was second, with just over 40% of workers there working in the at-risk sectors. Rounding out the top five are Atlantic City-Hammonton, N.J.; Las Vegas-Henderson-Paradise, Nev.; and Odessa, Texas. More than 30% of the workers in these areas are employed in the most at-risk industries.  
While workers in Midland and Odessa are employed in the energy sectors primarily, the leisure, hospitality, and travel industries are the biggest employers in the other metros among the top five. 

Brookings noted other noteworthy tourist destinations in the U.S. like Ocean City, N.J., Myrtle Beach, S.C., and Flagstaff, Ariz., are also vulnerable. 
“The same pattern holds across larger cities,” the report said. “Among the nation’s 100 largest metro areas, Las Vegas is most exposed, followed by Orlando, Fla., the theme park capital of the country. Rounding out the top five in this group are New Orleans, which has ties to both the energy and tourism/hospitality sectors, Honolulu, and Oklahoma City.”
Conversely, the Brookings report found, cities that are likely to be “least directly affected” by COVID-19 are “a diverse group consisting of older, manufacturing-heavy industrial cities, agricultural towns, and some already-distressed places.”
At the bottom of the Brookings list were the agricultural towns of Madera, Calif., and Yakima, Wash. With less than 10% of their workforces in the most-affected industries, the metros of Madera and Yakima are the two least exposed in the country.

Negotiating stimulus

Currently, the Senate is negotiating on a roughly $2 trillion stimulus package. Senate Democrats blocked the measure due to a lack of worker protections inside the bill.
The stimulus plan includes $500 billion in direct payments to people earning less than $75,000 a year, $350 billion in loans to small businesses, and another $500 billion to bailout hard-hit industries like airlines. 
Extra funds would be allocated toward unemployment insurance expansion, drug development, and money for hospitals. 

Kristin Myers is a reporter at Yahoo Finance. Follow her on Twitter.
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The ever eastwards-expanding NATO, who recently absorbed Montenegro into its ranks. But it’s purely for defense … right?

Image credit: InspireToChangeWorld.com

Wikipedia Exposed Media - WEM www.wikipediaexposed.org


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Live Exercise? US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calls the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic an exercise. Is this a script and a drill that went live?

Remember all those "crazy" stories about COVID-19 leaking from a Chinese lab?

Well, they might actually be true.

| Image: Handout / National Institutes of Health / AFP


A high-level government source warned me TWO YEARS AGO that US cities would be locked down under quarantine

… here’s the stunning proof this was all planned years ago#Saturday, March 21, 2020 by: Mike Adams
Tags: chaos, cities, Collapse, coronavirus, lockdown, military contractors, outbreak, pandemic, quarantine, SHTF


(Natural News) In late November of 2017, a high-level government-connected source described to me almost the exact scenario that is unfolding now across America: Quarantined cities, the collapse of food supplies, the acceleration of martial law and other shocking details you may have forgotten you read here on this website over two years ago.
I published all the details on December 2, 2017 in a Natural News article entitled, “Nationwide civil unrest coming… and city dwellers are the LEAST prepared to survive.”
The article, with selected quotes republished here, is so incredibly accurate in describing what’s happening right now that it’s practically a roadmap for 2020. Although at the time, I believed the context for this was a left-wing uprising. Little did I know the real plan was something far more sinister and deadly on a global scale.
Indeed, the fact that I was told all this two years ago — by a source I haven’t heard from since, by the way — is yet more proof that everything you are seeing unfold right now was pre-planned, engineered and initiated to achieve exactly what’s unfolding now.

Here are some of the quotes and points from the 2017 article, which are now almost unbelievably accurate:
How military contractors are being told to prepare for domestic deployment inside the United States to prevent cities from being burned to the ground by raging, lunatic mobs.
“In much the same way that a viral pandemic must be contained to avoid it spreading, civil unrest will also be “firewalled” off to prevent its spread.” – my actual words from 2017.
The military manning key transportation checkpoints such as those leading in and out of cities.
Destroying supply hubs (ammunition depots, fuel depots, etc.) of domestic enemies.
“Large sections of many U.S. cities will be transformed into “war zones,” complete with arson, looting, gunfire and dead bodies.”
Severe disruptions in food deliveries, fuel supplies, transportation and emergency services, “including hospitals.”
“Disruptions in all these services and supplies will only worsen the degree of panic and desperation among city dwellers. As I point out in the following podcast, city people tend to be the least prepared of all. This will add to the panic and cause the situation to escalate rapidly…”
“Local law enforcement units have been told over the last year or so that when inner cities collapse into chaos and rioting, police units will NOT be sent in to deal with many situations. Instead, in some cases the strategy will simply be to “contain” the chaos and prevent it from spreading. This means manning roadblock checkpoints while allowing certain sectors of some cities to burn to the ground.”

“If you’re stuck in a war zone section of the city, you may very well be on your own for some time, unable to exit the city because all the egress routes are blocked as part of the containment strategy.”
“If you don’t have this special permission, you may find yourself literally trapped in your own city zone, unable to receive any help from calling 9/11…”
“The No. 1 thing you need to be working on right now is getting out of the city. The most dangerous scenario in these potential events is being trapped in the city with no escape, no supplies and no means of self-defense.”
In fact, I even recorded a podcast that was posted in late 2017 which covered all this. Remember: At the time, I believed the context of this would be an Antifa uprising and an attempted violent Leftist revolution. Little did I know the real plan was something much, much bigger. And by releasing a pandemic, globalists have managed to convince all the mobs to stay home.
The big realization in all this is that globalists have planned to exterminate humanity for many years, and they built the weapons to achieve that, then caused those weapons to be released. Now, it’s all proceeding like clockwork to line everybody up and euthanize the clueless masses with the coronavirus vaccine. From a globalist point of view, it’s so much easier to exterminate people when they’re begging for the vaccine, isn’t it? Hence the coordinated censorship of all voices that oppose mandatory vaccines…

Here’s the podcast from 2017 which explains more:
Many food and materials providers have stopped answering their phones: Urgent food supply podcast update from Mike Adams

What are the health risks associated with a 5G network?
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".... above a certain level, referred to as the "threshold", which depends on the duration of exposure, high frequency and the accompanying temperature rise can provoke serious health effects, such as heatstroke and burns...." 

Have the effects of 5G waves on our health been studied enough?
The issue with the question of what risk 5G poses to human health is that "nobody knows", Dariusz Leszczynski, an expert in molecular biology and Adjunct Professor at the University of Helsinki, Finland, told Euronews.
“The assurances of safety concerning 5G-emitted radiation are based solely on the assumption that low amounts of radiation are safe, not on biomedical research,” he added.
Specifically, the question mark lies over the effects of millimetre waves, also known as extremely high frequency, that 5G will tap into: "We don't know what they will mean in practice for our immune systems."
"High-frequency waves only penetrate a few millimetres into the body and this is being used as a 'no worries' card by industries — but our skin is the biggest organ in the body and is linked to numerous things including immune response," Leszczynski explained.

At the Mobile World Congress in February, industry leaders touted 5G as the next mobile revolution, with experts saying the network could be rolled out as early as next year.
Its benefits are clear: the improved speed and latency the network enables the creation of smart cities, remote surgeries, and super-fast downloads, among countless other functionalities.

But one question remained largely unaddressed — what are the health risks, if any, associated with 5G?
A group of 170 scientists have flagged their concerns about the technology to the European Union calling on the bloc to review exposure limits, citing health risks for European citizens.
Here's what you need to know:
What are 5G frequencies?
To account for the increase in the volume of information that will be transferred by 5G networks, more spectrum at higher frequencies will be required, a spokesman for the World Health Organization (WHO) told Euronews.
The highest frequencies used will be around ten times higher than those used by current network technologies — currently up to a few tens of GHz — which WHO said have already been used for many years in appliances like point-to-point microwave links.
International guidelines exist up to 300 GHz, well beyond the maximum frequencies under discussion for 5G (a few tens of GHz).
What are the current guidelines?
While the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) is currently revising its radiofrequency guidelines, it has presented a draft of advice relating to high frequency (from 100 kHz to 300 GHz) at a public consultation.
"The critical effect of high-frequency exposure relevant to human health and safety is heating of exposed tissue," it reads.
"High-frequency fields can penetrate into the body (the higher the frequency, the lower the penetration depth) ... this results in friction and thus heat."
According to the ICNIRP, the body can accommodate a small increase in heat, in a similar way that excess body heat is dissipated when doing sport.
But above a certain level, referred to as the "threshold", which depends on the duration of exposure, high frequency and the accompanying temperature rise can provoke serious health effects, such as heatstroke and burns.
ICNIRP said the acute and long-term effects of high-frequency exposure below the thermal threshold have been studied extensively without showing any conclusive evidence of adverse health effects.

Have the effects of 5G waves on our health been studied enough?
The issue with the question of what risk 5G poses to human health is that "nobody knows", Dariusz Leszczynski, an expert in molecular biology and Adjunct Professor at the University of Helsinki, Finland, told Euronews.
“The assurances of safety concerning 5G-emitted radiation are based solely on the assumption that low amounts of radiation are safe, not on biomedical research,” he added.
Specifically, the question mark lies over the effects of millimetre waves, also known as extremely high frequency, that 5G will tap into: "We don't know what they will mean in practice for our immune systems."
"High-frequency waves only penetrate a few millimetres into the body and this is being used as a 'no worries' card by industries — but our skin is the biggest organ in the body and is linked to numerous things including immune response," Leszczynski explained.
There is no concrete evidence of health damage.
However, Prof Dr Alexander Lerchl from Jacobs University Bremen told Euronews: “There are many studies that have been conducted on the subject but they did not provide any evidence of health risks."
He said calls for further studies were precautionary: "As a scientist, one can never prove the non-existence of effects... however, this call has a more precautionary nature, because there is no concrete evidence of health damage."
"Exposure to radio waves is not new and health-related research has been conducted on this topic over several decades," said the WHO spokesman.
Given 5G devices and networks are yet to be implemented, the increase in overall exposure to radio waves when it is added to an existing network or in a new area is unclear, it added.
Should the overall exposure remain low relative to the international exposure guidelines provided by ICNIRP, "there should be no consequences for public health".
WHO said it does not perform research nor fund research into the technology but will "review the scientific evidence of 5G when the technology is deployed and relevant published health data are available".
Where does the risk come from?
5G antenna will be on every car and lamp post in smart cities and sensors will also need to be fitted in houses, as millimetre waves can't pass through walls and windows, Leszczynski explained, but this is not where most radiation is likely to come from.
"Like now, with 3G and 4G networks, most radiation will come from cell phones," he said, "Cell towers will provide minuscule radiation compared to this".
"Exposure from lamp posts will also be low unless you get close," he added.
Who is responsible?
The European Council set out basic restrictions and reference levels for the exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields in a recommendation, however, these are non-binding for EU Member States.
The primary responsibility for protecting the public from potentially harmful effects of electromagnetic fields remains with the Member States, including the choice of measures to be adopted based on age and health status, the European Parliament said in 2018.
It has, however, set specific rules intended to protect workers from risks arising from exposure to electromagnetic fields in a directive, which Member States were required to implement in 2016.
The group of 170 scientists from all over the world in July last year appealed to European Union institutions for 5G technology to be blocked due to: "Growing concerns about the increase in radiofrequency radiation and the related health risks for European citizens."
They cited a study carried out by the US National Toxicology Program which they said showed a statistically significant increase in the incidence of brain and heart cancer in animals exposed to electromagnetic fields, even at levels below the current guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
Among other things they also called on the EU to define new "maximum total exposure standards" from the point of view of health safety for all wireless communications within the EU.
The EU responded that independent updates from its Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER), which are based on guidance from ICNIRP, did not provide any scientific justification to revise current limits.
"It would not be timely to undertake such a study before the results the ICNIRP’s review of its guidelines have become available," it added.
What can I do to protect myself?
Leszczynski said the best way for people to protect themselves from the unknown risks surrounding the 5G rollout was the same advice as for 3G and 4G — to limit exposure.
"Use your phone as much as you like, but don't use it when it's not necessary," he added.
It is probably better to be cautious.
Concretely, cutting long talks short and if you need to chat for a while, using speakerphone are two steps the professor recommended.
In addition to turning the data on your phone off when carrying it in your pocket or close to your body.
Lerchl agreed with this: “Prevention makes sense until the last doubts have been dispelled," he said. "It is probably better to be cautious.”

Whatever you believe about the coronavirus epidemic, it is providing the chaos necessary for new (world) order.

Learn the 5+ NWO agendas being pushed.

Irish Health Dept confirms seventh death, 204 new Coronavirus cases in the Republic of Ireland.
 Wednesday, 25 Mar 2020

Dr Tony Holohan said that Dublin had the highest number of cases
The Department of Health has announced another death and 204 new cases of coronavirus in the Republic of Ireland.
The person who died was a male in the east of the country who had an underlying condition.
It brings to seven the number of deaths related to the respiratory illness in the country.
As of midnight on Monday, 17,992 tests have been carried out in laboratories across the country, with 93% of tests returning as negative.
Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan said that Dublin had the highest number of cases.
The HSE is now working to identify any contacts the patients may have had to provide them with information and advice to prevent further spread.
The Health Protection Surveillance Centre's breakdown of cases as of Sunday 22 March, revealed that 55% are male and 45% are female, with 44 clusters involving 243 cases.

The median age of confirmed cases is 45.
It said 277 (29% of confirmed cases) have been hospitalised and, of those, 36 have been admitted to ICU, while 247 cases (26%) are associated with healthcare workers.
Dublin has the highest number of cases with 535 (55% of the total cases) followed by Cork with 123 (13%). 
Of those for whom transmission status is known, community transmission accounts for 47%, close contact accounts for 23%, travel abroad accounts for 31%. 
Dr Holohan said: "We are now in the crucial weeks of our response to Covid-19. All actions we take are based on epidemiological evidence and in proportion to our experience on this island.
"As we learn more about this disease, we are prioritising who will be tested. If you are not in a priority group, you might not be tested. However, if you have the symptoms, assume you have Covid-19 and isolate yourself."
Dr Holohan disclosed that analysis of public health contact tracing has shown that the average number of close contacts per confirmed case has decreased from more than 20 to the somewhere in the region of five contacts.
This indicated that the public is generally adhering to social distancing advice and limiting the number of people they are in contact with.
Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronan Glynn outlined the priority groups for testing, which included "close contacts of a confirmed case with symptoms, healthcare workers with symptoms and people who are vulnerable with symptoms".
He added: "Whether you are tested or not, the advice remains the same; if you have any symptoms, assume you have Covid-19 and isolate yourself for 14 days to help stop the spread of this disease. Household contacts of a suspected case should restrict their contacts for 14 days."

Northern Ireland reports two more deaths

In Northern Ireland, 24 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed by the Public Health Agency, bringing the total number of cases to 172. 
That brings the total number of cases on the island to 1,501. 
The number of people with Covid-19 in Northern Ireland who have died has risen to five, with two more deaths being announced.
So far, 2,989 tests for the virus have been carried out in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Health Minister Robin Swann stated: "My deepest sympathies are extended to the families affected.
"These deaths must never become mere statistics. Behind each of them is a family plunged into grief."
Around 80% of cases of Covid-19 will be a mild to moderate illness, close to 14% have severe disease and around 6% are critical.
Generally, you need to be 15 minutes or more in the vicinity of an infected person, within 1-2 metres, to be considered at-risk or a close contact.
Earlier today, the Taoiseach announced a host of stringent new measures to combat the spread of Covid-19.
At a press conference, Leo Varadkar announced new restrictions regarding the closure of non-essential retail businesses and facilities effective from midnight.
Schools and childcare facilities are to remain closed until 19 April.
They include all theatres, clubs, gyms, hairdressers, betting offices, markets, and libraries. Hotels are to limit occupancy.
The Taoiseach said gatherings outside should be of no more than four people. Mr Varadkar said no unnecessary travel should take place in the country or overseas.
He said there would be an increased presence of park rangers and gardaí in parks and public places to ensure that physical distancing was being observed.
He described the actions as "unprecedented", however, he said he would not describe what is happening as a lockdown.
The Taoiseach said we are in this for the long haul and this could go on for weeks, even months.

Trump cancels G7 at Camp David over coronavirus, to hold videoconference
 BY JEFF MASON - Thompson Reuters - Mar 19th 2020


WASHINGTON, March 19 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will cancel an in-person meeting of G7 leaders at Camp David in June because of the coronavirus and will hold a videoconference instead, the White House said on Thursday.
The decision comes as nations around the world seal their borders and ban travel to stop the virus' spread.
Trump held a videoconference with the leaders of the world’s major industrialized countries earlier this week and plans to repeat that in April, May and June, when the physical meeting at the presidential retreat in Maryland was scheduled to take place.
White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow, who also serves as Trump's G7 "sherpa," has informed his counterparts about the move.
“In order for each country to focus all of its resources on responding to the health and economic challenges of COVID-19 and at President Trump’s direction, National Economic Council Director and U.S. Sherpa for the 2020 G7 Larry Kudlow has informed his Sherpa colleagues that the G7 Leaders’ Summit the U.S. was set to host in June at Camp David will now be done by video-teleconference," White House spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement to Reuters.
"The White House also informed the other G7 members that in order to continue close coordination, the President will convene the Leaders’ via video teleconference in April and May just as he did this week,” he said.
The White House views the change as part of mitigation efforts to fight the virus. Countries normally send large delegations with their leaders to G7 summits and journalists from around the world convene to cover their meeting as well.
Trump had intended to focus the G7 meeting on the economy, eschewing traditional topics that often top the agenda such as climate change. He initially planned to host the leaders' group at one of his properties in Florida but canceled those plans after criticism that he would profit financially from the meeting.
The G7 is made up of the United States, Italy, Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Britain as well as the European Union. Trump irritated Europe by instituting a travel ban on its citizens without first alerting European leaders. Europe has become the epicenter of the coronavirus. (Reporting by Jeff Mason; Editing by Peter Cooney)

James Taylor helps Boston hospital take on coronavirus with $1 million donation
Variety - CHRIS WILLMAN-  Mar 26th 2020

Sending some relief close to home, Boston native James Taylor and his wife, Kim Taylor, have made a $1 million donation to Massachusetts General Hospital to help with the institution's efforts to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.
"There is no question that it's a point of pride for New Englanders to claim the MGH as their hospital -- our hospital -- and this is especially true today with the threat coming from a new and insidious virus," Taylor said in a statement. "Kim and I want to be part of this fight. We have been so inspired by the courage and sacrifice of the health care heroes in the trenches who are working so hard to protect us all."
James Taylor's biographical details make it clearer why this might be personal for the singer-songwriter, beyond just widely shared local pride. The singer was born at the hospital, and hIs father, Isaac, was a doctor who completed his residency, served as chief resident and conducted research at the MGH.
The gift to Mass General allows the hospital to determine where to best direct the donation, be it purchasing supplies and equipment or going toward research into treatments and prevention for COVID-19. The money will go into the MGH President's Emergency Response Fund, set up after the Boston Marathon bombing for sudden needs like these.
"The generosity of James and Kim Taylor will not only help Mass General respond to this outbreak but will also provide a meaningful morale boost to our caregivers, the many staff who support them, and the scientists who are working to defeat this scourge," said the president of Mass General, Peter L. Slavin.
"The Taylors have long provided comfort and hope through music, and this latest gift embodies that same sense of humanity and sends a heartening message to our staff that their efforts are appreciated, and they are not in this fight alone."
Kim Taylor has her own strong ties to the institution, having served on the board of the MassGeneral Hospital for Children for the past five years. Four years ago, the Taylors helped raise $2.6 million when he performed at a benefit event for the MGH Cancer Center. 

[jamestaylor_com's profile picture]jamestaylor_com
@MassGeneral in Boston, MA announced today a $1m donation from Kim and James to help bolster the hospital's Emergency Preparedness Fund during the ongoing efforts to help battle the coronavirus pandemic. .
Speaking of their decision, James said: "There is no question that it’s a point of pride for New Englanders to claim the MGH as their hospital – our hospital – and this is especially true today with the threat coming from a new and insidious virus. Kim and I want to be part of this fight. We have been so inspired by the courage and sacrifice of the health care heroes in the trenches who are working so hard to protect us all."

#JamesTaylor #JT #stayhome #stayathome #covid #covid19 #covid_19 #MGH #donation #giveback #emergencymedicine #emergencypreparedness #emergencyservices #emergencyfund
Liked by carole_king and 5,596 others

[lizziebidaho's profile picture]lizziebidaho
Your ♥️ is so genuine Mr. Taylor. You are 😍 in ID and the 🌎 over. Hope to see you in May 🤗❣️

[karenhollyk's profile picture]karenhollyk
Thank you, James and Kim! I have tears in my eyes and goosebumps

[alineld1's profile picture]alineld1
Thank you for your generosity💕

[lizprael's profile picture]lizprael

[massgeneral's profile picture]massgeneral
Thank you! ♥️

[julie.tate's profile picture]julie.tate
God Bless you. Shower the people with love

[cgallant16's profile picture]cgallant16
You’ve always been a hero to me. Today even more so. I’m so grateful there are people like you two. 🙏

[carol.marie.burke's profile picture]carol.marie.burke
My god continue to bless you & Kim... #kindnessmatters #jamestaylor #JT #howsweetitis

[lee_feris's profile picture]lee_feris
James & Kim, May God bless you two. Your kindness and generosity speak volumes, giving hope to so many. ❤️🙏💪Thank you.

[theresa_keck's profile picture]theresa_keck
How sweet it is! So generous!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
2d3 likesReply

[jheady2003's profile picture]jheady2003
What an amazing couple. X
2d2 likesReply

[ltedixon's profile picture]ltedixon
You are simply amazing! Thank you and Kim for always being a beacon of light and hope!
2d2 likesReply
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Italy -The daily newspaper, La Repubblica, headlines with "Hold on Milan". The Lombardy region remains at the centre of the crisis, with Italy moving past the number of reported deaths in China.

The Economist_Planet-Earth_Is-Closed

United Kingdom

The Times_Queen-urges-country-to-be-strong-in-face-of-crisis
The Times' front page features The Queen, calling on people to "come together" amid the pandemic. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson says that the "tide" of COVID-19 could turn in 12 weeks.

Vladimir Putin states aloud what aware people have come to realize: the dark suits of the NWO make up the Deep State and rule the US & its puppet presidents.

France - Le Parisien, the French daily newspaper, headlines with how people in France have been reacting to the strict lockdown measures announced by French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday. "The third day in quarantine and many French are out of their houses".

Emergency Powers: Worldwide Governmental Power Grabs Reveal Scripted Agenda
The people always have some champion whom they set over them and nursde into greatness ..... This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector...

Prince Charles in Oxford, England, this month.Credit...Pool photo by Wpa

AOC slams reported DOJ effort to indefinitely detain people during emergency
 ALLAN SMITH  NBC News - Mar 23rd 2020 


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., blasted a reported proposal by the Justice Department calling for the ability to ask judges to detain people without trials during a national emergency.
Ocasio-Cortez was responding to reports that the Justice Department had quietly asked Congress for such abilities. The Justice Department sought the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trials during such an emergency, Politico reported on Saturday after having reviewed documents detailing requests to lawmakers on multiple issues.
Speaking with CNN's "State of the Union," Ocasio-Cortez called the alleged effort, which comes as the U.S. deals with the coronavirus pandemic, "abhorrent."
"There's a long history in this country and in other countries of using emergencies as times to really start to encroach upon people's civil rights," she said. "And, in fact, this is the time when we need them the absolute most."
"We have to keep an eye out for these kind of authoritarian and, frankly, for these — this expansion of — and, rather, and suspension of rule of law," she said. "It does not matter how urgent times are. We have to make sure that we retain our civil rights. And there's no reason for us to be waiving folks' civil rights in an emergency."
A DOJ spokesperson told the Washington Post that the department was trying to "harmonize what is already being done on an ad hoc basis by courts around the country."
Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle lashed out at the DOJ after Saturday's reports.
"This naked power grab shows why Attorney General Barr has no credibility and should resign," Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M. said in a tweet.
Mike Lee✔@SenMikeLee
OVER MY DEAD BODY https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/21/doj-coronavirus-emergency-powers-140023 …
DOJ seeks new emergency powers amid coronavirus pandemic
One of the requests to Congress would allow the department to petition a judge to indefinitely detain someone during an emergency.
11:30 PM - Mar 21, 2020
"We absolutely must, must, resist government run amok taking advantage of a crisis," Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky, tweeted. "This is how your liberty dies. Stand up America and resist."

​​5+ NWO Agendas Accompanying the Coronavirus Epidemic
 February 20, 2020 - By Makia Freeman - March 17, 2020


While the debate continues as to the true count of infected people due to the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, several sinister agendas are being pushed out.

1. Centralized Control of Information, i.e. Censorship and Narrative Control
​2. The Cashless Agenda
​3. Martial Law Quarantines
​4. Mandatory Vaccination
​5. Bill Gates’ ID2020: Digital Identification via Microchipping
​6. Agenda 2030: Wuhan Slated to be one of China’s Smart Cities
​​7. Is the Coronavirus Epidemic a Race-Based Bioweapon?

​Conclusion: Coronavirus Epidemic Being Used to Push NWO Agendas
​Interestingly, the opening ceremony of the Wuhan Military Games declared a “New World” (see image of a screenshot from the opening ceremony) which suggests the phrase New World Order and also suggests societal transformation – yet another clue that this entire event was pre-planned. Whatever the truth turns out to be about the origin of the virus itself, who created it, how it was released and whether it is really as dangerous as is hyped, there can be no doubt that the entire coronavirus epidemic phenomenon is being used to accelerate several NWO agendas in typical problem-reaction-solution style.

Wake Up and start researching the truths behind these weird agendas they are creating Humans are brainwashed enough to believe all all the fake news that the mainstream media put out there ... Coronavirus is not a virus -its 5G killing people not a virus it is the 5G Towers Built Around the world- a lot of people have a type of Coronavirus in their DNA in low amounts so they falsely  pretend that everyone that dies was killed by Coronavirus they called Corvid -19 China_first-to-have_100000-5G-Towers-people-in-Wuhan-first-effected... there is a believable claim that Corona is not a Virus and that it's 5G that's actually killing people and not a virus ... and they are trying to get you scared of a fake virus when it is the 5G Towers being built around the world causing deaths ... China was the first to have over 100,00 5G Towers, and the people in Wuhan were the first to get affected by it ..... Bill Gates and others who control planet earth are creating a vaccine for the "So Called Corona Virus" that they are going to enforce on everyone which are actually chips they are trying to plant in billions of people across the world ...they can literally monitor all your actions, movements, whereabouts, and thoughts through these microchips, which they can end your life through these micro chips with the push of a button ... through being microchips in everyone they can control people by a computer from a satellite..

The other interesting question: Why have there only been 3,000 deaths in China from Corornavirus out of 1.5 billion people when China is meant to be where Coronavirus started - Coronavirus Cases in China-30th March 2020 : 81,470 - Deaths:3,304- Recovered: 75,700 out of 1.5 billion  people   https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/china/

HIV & Ebola-Like Mutations Suggest Coronavirus Leaked From a Lab
William Ebbs @ebbs_william
Researchers have found shocking similarities between the Wuhan coronavirus and HIV and Ebola. These mutations suggest the virus is manmade. 


Remember all those "crazy" stories about COVID-19 leaking from a Chinese lab? Well, they might actually be true. | Image: Handout / National Institutes of Health / AFP

The novel coronavirus has similarities with HIV and Ebola, according to Chinese researchers.
This research builds upon earlier speculation that coronavirus may have leaked from a research laboratory in Wuhan.
When does a conspiracy theory become a conspiracy reality? Covid-19 looks like a perfectly designed “Disease X.”
The Wuhan coronavirus (formally known as Covid-19) is not your common cold or flu. Analysts who try to downplay the severity of this new disease are doing the world a disservice. We don’t fully understand what we are dealing with here.

What we do know is terrifying.
According to researchers from Nanki University in Tianjin China, Covid-19 contains a strange HIV-like mutation that may make it more contagious and give it properties not found in other coronaviruses.
The Chinese study builds upon earlier research in India that concluded that the disease was unlikely to have originated in nature. This comes amid speculation that Covid-19 originated in a Chinese research lab located in Wuhan. While these theories remain unconfirmed, they should not be dismissed as conspiracies.

Covid-19 Is A Global Pandemic

Coronavirus approaching pandemic levels. | Source: John Hopkins CSSE
Although the arguably-corrupt World Health Organization (who) has declined to declare Covid-19 a global pandemic, it already is one according to two of three CDC criteria: It has sustained person-to-person spread, and it kills people. The third criterion (worldwide community spread) is up for debate, but the data speak for themselves.
The novel coronavirus has infected 92,197 people and killed 3,129.
While the majority of cases are in mainland China, the caseload is soaring around the globe with new hot spots developing in South Korea, Iran and Italy. The number of new infections outside China is growing exponentially, and some researchers believe this is only the beginning.

One Of Several Deadly Coronaviruses
Covid-19 is a coronavirus. These are a family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to highly fatal respiratory syndromes like SARS and MERS.
Dr. Li Wenliang, one of the first non-government medical professionals to speak openly about the new disease, initially assumed it was a mutated version of SARS, a disease that ravaged mainland China and Hong Kong in 2003 before being leaked again from Chinese labs in 2004.
While SARS killed around 10% of patients, Covid-19 kills around 2%. The difference is that Covid-19 is significantly more contagious. This may be due to HIV and Ebola-like mutations in the structure of the virus.

Covid-19 Has Novel Properties
In late January, Indian researchers publish a now-retracted paper that claimed to have found “HIV insertions” in the Wuhan coronavirus. They took this as evidence that the virus may have been manmade.

Remember all those "crazy" stories about COVID-19 leaking from a Chinese lab? Well, they might actually be true. | Image: Handout / National Institutes of Health / AFP

The novel coronavirus has similarities with HIV and Ebola, according to Chinese researchers.
This research builds upon earlier speculation that coronavirus may have leaked from a research laboratory in Wuhan.
When does a conspiracy theory become a conspiracy reality? Covid-19 looks like a perfectly designed “Disease X.”

The Wuhan coronavirus (formally known as Covid-19) is not your common cold or flu. Analysts who try to downplay the severity of this new disease are doing the world a disservice. We don’t fully understand what we are dealing with here.

What we do know is terrifying.
According to researchers from Nanki University in Tianjin China, Covid-19 contains a strange HIV-like mutation that may make it more contagious and give it properties not found in other coronaviruses.
The Chinese study builds upon earlier research in India that concluded that the disease was unlikely to have originated in nature. This comes amid speculation that Covid-19 originated in a Chinese research lab located in Wuhan. While these theories remain unconfirmed, they should not be dismissed as conspiracies.

Covid-19 Is A Global Pandemic
Coronavirus approaching pandemic levels. | Source: John Hopkins CSSE

Although the arguably-corrupt World Health Organization (who) has declined to declare Covid-19 a global pandemic, it already is one according to two of three CDC criteria: It has sustained person-to-person spread, and it kills people. The third criterion (worldwide community spread) is up for debate, but the data speak for themselves.
The novel coronavirus has infected 92,197 people and killed 3,129.
While the majority of cases are in mainland China, the caseload is soaring around the globe with new hot spots developing in South Korea, Iran and Italy. The number of new infections outside China is growing exponentially, and some researchers believe this is only the beginning.

One Of Several Deadly Coronaviruses
Covid-19 is a coronavirus. These are a family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to highly fatal respiratory syndromes like SARS and MERS.
Dr. Li Wenliang, one of the first non-government medical professionals to speak openly about the new disease, initially assumed it was a mutated version of SARS, a disease that ravaged mainland China and Hong Kong in 2003 before being leaked again from Chinese labs in 2004.
While SARS killed around 10% of patients, Covid-19 kills around 2%. The difference is that Covid-19 is significantly more contagious. This may be due to HIV and Ebola-like mutations in the structure of the virus.

Covid-19 Has Novel Properties

In late January, Indian researchers publish a now-retracted paper that claimed to have found “HIV insertions” in the Wuhan coronavirus. They took this as evidence that the virus may have been manmade.
They stated the following:
This is startling as it is quite unlikely for a virus to have acquired such unique insertions naturally in a short duration of time. This structural change might have also increased the range of host cells that 2019-nCoV can infect
The Indian research was widely disparaged by the scientific community, and the authors retracted their paper. But now, research from the Nankai University in Tianjin, China is reporting similar findings.  

The Indian research was widely disparaged by the scientific community, and the authors retracted their paper. But now, research from the Nankai University in Tianjin, China is reporting similar findings.
According to the new research, Covid-19’s ability to bind to cells is 100 to 1,000 times stronger than SARS. They claim that, unlike other coronaviruses, Covid-19 attacks a protein called furin – just like Ebola and HIV. They believe this is the reason why the virus seems to be significantly more infectious than similar diseases like SARS and MERS.
Covid-19’s unique furin pathway could be the reason why some doctors are finding limited success in treating the virus with HIV antiviral drugs. 

Did Covid-19 Originate In A Lab?
Covid-19’s unique HIV-like properties support the controversial theory that the virus originated in a lab – specifically the Wuhan Institute of Virology located near the epicenter of the outbreak.
On some level, Covid-19 seems to be a perfectly engineered “Disease X.”
Covid-19 spreads rapidly and is deadly enough to be a threat – but no so deadly that it stops its own spread. It has a long symptom-free incubation period that makes it hard
U.S. Senator Tom Cotton believes the virus originated in a Chinese “superlab” and may have links to the country’s biological warfare program.

Conspiracy Theory Or Conspiracy Reality?
When does a “conspiracy theory” become a legitimate theory? It’s a hard line to tread. But the scientific community should not censor controversial opinions that have convincing support.
In January, Indian researchers decided that Covid-19 was unlikely to have a natural origin because of its unusual similarities with HIV and Ebola. Their work was censored and pulled from the web because of backlash from the scientific community. Now researchers from Tianjin, China are reporting similar findings, and the evidence is mounting against those who claim Covid-19 originated in a seafood market.

It’s still unclear how and where Covid-19 originated. But the international community needs to step up the pressure on China to get the truth about this virus.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of CCN.com.
This article was edited by Sam Bourgi. 

Coronavirus pandemic to slug Queensland's property prices, industry figures say
 By George Roberts
25th March 2020


For Queensland mortgage broker and property consultant Carolyn Walshe, it is not a matter of if, or when, the coronavirus will hit property prices, but by how much and for how long. 
"You'd have to expect that they're going to fall," Ms Walshe said.

"The question is going to be just exactly how much — I think the smartest thing that people can do right now is just to hold back and wait and see what happens over the next few months."
The latest figures show Queensland reached record median house prices for Brisbane, Noosa and other parts of the state in the last quarter of 2019.
Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) chief executive Antonia Mercorella agreed that COVID-19 would put a dent in that.
"Inevitably we will see the property market impacted by the coronavirus — I think it would be incredibly naive to think otherwise," Ms Mercorella said.
"We know that a large volume of people will lose their jobs during this time.
"We know that it will completely erode confidence and those things — security and confidence — are very much key to the property market."

Last night, Prime Minister Scott Morrison included the property sector in the latest moves to limit social interaction.
"Real estate auctions and open house inspections, in particular open house inspections — that cannot continue," Mr Morrison said.
He said that from midnight tonight they would not be allowed.
Earlier on Tuesday, AMP Capital chief economist Shane Oliver had already predicted a 10 per cent unemployment rate could result in a 20 per cent drop in Melbourne and Sydney house prices.

Lenders, investors cannot foresee what's to come
Ms Walshe, who also advised clients through the global financial crisis — suggested the forced shutdowns of parts of the economy, the restrictions on travel and the massive queues for Centrelink all added to the uncertainty.
"The list of instructions that people have to live under is breathtaking, so until we see some endpoint to all of that, it's going to be very, very difficult to see exactly where the other side is," Ms Walshe said.
Ms Walshe said the fact the Federal Government had moved the budget from May to October showed neither it nor investors, could foresee what was to come with any certainty.
"I don't think anyone can have a lot of confidence at the moment until we see things that are far less alarming," Ms Walshe said.
"Therefore, less property sales will complete until we have some confidence returned to the market and people are back at whatever semblance of normal work is."
She said banks would be reluctant to lend, as people's ability to repay loans also looked uncertain.
"Lenders are now going to be seriously looking at [the] possibility of there being lower numbers of borrowers who are in occupations where their income can be absolutely guaranteed," Ms Walshe said.
Ms Mercorella said while some investors would be reluctant, others might pounce.
"We will see some investors perhaps getting cold feet and making a decision to suspend that," Ms Mercorella said.
"But similarly, we will see some prospective investors being quite bullish about it and actually looking at this as an opportunity and probably pouncing on what's available to try and secure a property at a better price, at a lower price."

Renters and landlords also to come under strain
Ms Mercorella said the REIQ's immediate concern was tenants facing eviction for not being able to make their rent.
"Around 35 per cent of the Queensland population rents," she said.
"The vast majority of that supply comes via the private investor, so given the predicted job losses, we are concerned about the impact that will have on a tenants ability to make their rent obligations.
"We don't want to see renters being evicted on account of non-payment."
She said the REIQ welcomed any support governments could give to tenants.
"Equally, what we need to be cognisant of is that the vast majority of that rental supply is coming from private investors — mum and dad investors — and they will have their own obligations at the other end to the bank." Ms Mercorella said.
"So the challenge will be how we protect tenants in this in this environment, but also supporting owners who ultimately — if they don't meet those obligations — will end up defaulting on mortgages, and ultimately having to sell those properties and losing those properties, which will mean that we all lose."
Ms Mercorella said there was hope the property market would recover relatively quickly.
She said the Queensland market was robust and recovered well from the global financial crisis.
"Again, we bounced back from the GFC rather well, but I but I do expect that this will be far more severe than that," she said.
"It will also depend on how long we're in the situation for, so it really is crystal ball gazing at this stage."

Person under 18 dies from the coronavirus in Los Angeles
Business Insider DAVID CHOI- Mar 24th 2020


A person under the age of 18 has died of the novel coronavirus in Los Angeles County, public health officials said Tuesday.
"Each loss we experience in LA County is tragic, and we are sending our heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones who've had to endure this tragedy," Barbara Ferrer, the Los Angeles County Public Health Director, said in a statement.
"COVID-19 does not discriminate by age, race, or income level, and what we are seeing in places like New York is indicative of what we should prepare to experience here," Ferrer added.
It was not immediately clear if the person under 18 had a preexisting condition. LA county health officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Los Angeles County reported 128 new cases on Tuesday, for a combined total of 662 cases. Eleven people have died of the coronavirus in the county.
Most of the deaths and severe cases of COVID-19 worldwide have been older adults, and people with preexisting conditions — particularly heart disease, Type II diabetes, and high blood pressure.
"While some children and infants have been sick with COVID-19, adults make up most of the known cases to date," the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says on its website. "The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar in children and adults."
He described the campus environment as "sort of a housing complex, with restaurants doing takeout."
The university has been keeping the Liberty community regularly updated though a COVID-19 website.
But a faculty member, in an op-ed published by Religious News Service and posted online by The Washington Post, said, "Falwell's lack of concern does nothing to mitigate these students likely becoming vectors of the pathogen roaming around Liberty's campus and the Lynchburg community, interacting with professors and staff and other townspeople."
The piece, by an associate professor of English, was titled, "I work for Liberty University. Jerry Falwell Jr. is taking an extreme path that threatens lives."
"As a Liberty faculty member, I have been told that my colleagues and I must conduct our classes from our offices, even though that instruction is now being delivered virtually," the professor, Marybeth Davis Baggett, wrote. "We are also expected to hold office hours and welcome students for face-to-face interaction."
Baggett also claimed that Falwell has made misleading statements about the coronavirus outbreak on recently on a conservative radio show.
The online petition calling for Falwell's removal, which has 11,242 supporters toward a 15,000 signature goal, is on Faithful America, a website that describes itself as an online community of Christians working toward social justice.
Falwell said the university has been consulting with medical professionals daily and responded to staff and employees who disapprove of the decision to reopen the campus.
"Unfortunately some faculty went directly to the media instead of to HR,” he said. "If they had, they would've learned that accommodations were available to allow those with medical conditions to be separate from others."

More from NBC News:
Texas, Ohio order clinics to halt abortion procedures amid coronavirus
Barack Obama logs on amid the coronavirus pandemic
Florida closes state parks after criticism of its response to coronavirus

A high-level government source warned me TWO YEARS AGO that US cities would be locked down under quarantine… here’s the stunning proof this was all planned years ago
Saturday, March 21, 2020 by: Mike Adams
Tags: chaos, cities, Collapse, coronavirus, lockdown, military contractors, outbreak, pandemic, quarantine, SHTF
(Natural News) In late November of 2017, a high-level government-connected source described to me almost the exact scenario that is unfolding now across America: Quarantined cities, the collapse of food supplies, the acceleration of martial law and other shocking details you may have forgotten you read here on this website over two years ago.
I published all the details on December 2, 2017 in a Natural News article entitled, “Nationwide civil unrest coming… and city dwellers are the LEAST prepared to survive.”
The article, with selected quotes republished here, is so incredibly accurate in describing what’s happening right now that it’s practically a roadmap for 2020. Although at the time, I believed the context for this was a left-wing uprising. Little did I know the real plan was something far more sinister and deadly on a global scale.
Indeed, the fact that I was told all this two years ago — by a source I haven’t heard from since, by the way — is yet more proof that everything you are seeing unfold right now was pre-planned, engineered and initiated to achieve exactly what’s unfolding now.

Here are some of the quotes and points from the 2017 article, which are now almost unbelievably accurate:
How military contractors are being told to prepare for domestic deployment inside the United States to prevent cities from being burned to the ground by raging, lunatic mobs.
“In much the same way that a viral pandemic must be contained to avoid it spreading, civil unrest will also be “firewalled” off to prevent its spread.” – my actual words from 2017.
The military manning key transportation checkpoints such as those leading in and out of cities.
Destroying supply hubs (ammunition depots, fuel depots, etc.) of domestic enemies.
“Large sections of many U.S. cities will be transformed into “war zones,” complete with arson, looting, gunfire and dead bodies.”
Severe disruptions in food deliveries, fuel supplies, transportation and emergency services, “including hospitals.”
“Disruptions in all these services and supplies will only worsen the degree of panic and desperation among city dwellers. As I point out in the following podcast, city people tend to be the least prepared of all. This will add to the panic and cause the situation to escalate rapidly…”
“Local law enforcement units have been told over the last year or so that when inner cities collapse into chaos and rioting, police units will NOT be sent in to deal with many situations. Instead, in some cases the strategy will simply be to “contain” the chaos and prevent it from spreading. This means manning roadblock checkpoints while allowing certain sectors of some cities to burn to the ground.”
“If you’re stuck in a war zone section of the city, you may very well be on your own for some time, unable to exit the city because all the egress routes are blocked as part of the containment strategy.”
“If you don’t have this special permission, you may find yourself literally trapped in your own city zone, unable to receive any help from calling 9/11…”
“The No. 1 thing you need to be working on right now is getting out of the city. The most dangerous scenario in these potential events is being trapped in the city with no escape, no supplies and no means of self-defense.”

In fact, I even recorded a podcast that was posted in late 2017 which covered all this. Remember: At the time, I believed the context of this would be an Antifa uprising and an attempted violent Leftist revolution. Little did I know the real plan was something much, much bigger. And by releasing a pandemic, globalists have managed to convince all the mobs to stay home.
The big realization in all this is that globalists have planned to exterminate humanity for many years, and they built the weapons to achieve that, then caused those weapons to be released. Now, it’s all proceeding like clockwork to line everybody up and euthanize the clueless masses with the coronavirus vaccine. From a globalist point of view, it’s so much easier to exterminate people when they’re begging for the vaccine, isn’t it? Hence the coordinated censorship of all voices that oppose mandatory vaccines…
Here’s the podcast from 2017 which explains more:

Military contractors told to prepare for DOMESTIC deployment

Holographic Disclosure 11.(The Second Warning)
I "deprogrammed" myself by distancing myself from conformity. It has truly liberated me, and it has also connected me to reality. I recommend it!

​​Once you awaken, you will have no interest in judging those who sleep.

​One thing I've noticed about having a higher state of consciousness and awareness is that it adds to my depression severely. I physically and mentally cant conform to society because I know it's all bullshit, but the fact I'm getting bullied into becoming a corporate slave makes me not want to be apart of this world anymore. I can just feel that I'm living in a completely unnatural manner. It's a reason why I'm so negative and pessimistic. Plus seeing the amount of sheer ignorance and stupidity day in day out infuriates me. Sometimes I think has the manipulation got to a point of no return.

Insider Exposes COVID-19 Coronavirus Scam
Published March 28, 2020 By Makia Freeman - The Freedom Articles

The COVID-19 coronavirus scam has been exposed.-  how the numbers were inflated and how this whole coronavirus crisis – make that coronavirus psy op – was pulled off. coronavirus = crowning achievement of the government’s psychological warfare operation (corona = crown). Make no mistake – this is a massive psychological operation. The entire alternative media and conspiracy research community – Now the job remains to inform and alert people as much as possible so together we can end this ridiculous shutdown and lockdown fiasco. Meanwhile, it remains as important as ever to watch Bill Gates (and all the other NWO manipulators who pulled this outrageous stunt) very, very closely.

Trump says he's activated National Guard in New York, California and Washington state
ALLAN SMITH - NBC News - Mar 22nd 2020 


President Donald Trump on Sunday announced he would activate the federal National Guard to assist Washington, California and New York, three of the states hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic.
He added that those three states have either been approved or will soon be approved for major disaster declarations to allow the federal government to more seamlessly provide supplies.
Trump said there are large quantities of masks, respirators, gowns, face shields and other items currently en route to those three states, due to arrive within days. He added that he has ordered the government to set up large federal medical stations in each of the states.
Of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Trump said "the relationship has really been amazing," adding that he believes the federal government should serve as "sort of a backup for the states."
"The ones that don't do as well need more help," he said, adding, "They are hit very hard."
He also pledged that victory over the novel coronavirus will happen "much sooner" than first expected.
The Sunday evening announcement came as governors clamored for more assistance from the federal government in combating COVID-19, which is expanding its reach across both the U.S. and the world. Much of the United States is now under some level of economic shutdown.
States like New York and California have already activated their state's National Guard.

What’s the Deal with “Social Distancing,” and Is It Actually Effective?
JASON FITZPATRICK  @jasonfitzpatric - nMARCH 12, 2020

Read any news about the coronavirus and, in addition to the suggestion to frequently and thoroughly wash your hands, there’s increased talk about social distancing. But what exactly does that entail?
The short of it, per the CDC’s own definition, is really straightforward even if the term itself might come off as abstract:
Social distancing means remaining out of congregate settings [crowded public places where close contact with others may occur, such as shopping centers, movie theaters, stadiums], avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet or 2 meters) from others when possible.
Although that might require some short-term lifestyle changes and adjustments, implementing it for most folks isn’t an outrageous undertaking: Trade going to the movies for watching Netflix, skip the leisurely Saturday at the mall shopping and eating out for online shopping and a meal in, etc.
The question most people would have, naturally, is whether social distancing is effective enough to be worth the hassle. Although we can’t give you an answer based on what’s happening with a currently ongoing epidemic, we have enough information about the spread of past outbreaks to suggest it’s a highly effective defense against spreading an infection.
Over at the Washington Post, for instance, they looked at different historical outbreaks and interviewed epidemiologists about them:
“Social distancing sounds humble, like washing hands,” said Caitlin Rivers, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. But during the West Africa 2014 Ebola epidemic, one of the key strategies that helped stem the outbreak was people in the communities changing their behavior to minimize contact with others, she said.
Evidence for the efficacy of the practice dates back even further, though. For instance, during the 1918 flu pandemic, the cities of Philadelphia and St. Louis took different approaches to limiting public gatherings. Philadelphia was slower—taking a little over two weeks—to enact any social distancing rules to reduce how much time people spent in public gathered together. St. Louis acted more quickly, enacting measures within two days of the first reported case. Certainly other variables were at play, of course, but the peak mortality rate in Philadelphia was approximately 400% higher than the peak mortality rate in St. Louis.
So whether or not any dramatic restrictions are put in place in the United States—like those currently in effect in Italy—remains to be seen. Regardless, given the historical precedent for its effectiveness, there’s little harm in socially isolating yourself proactively, which you can do by opting to spend more evenings in and less time gathering in groups with people.
Further, and perhaps most importantly, even if you feel like the coronavirus isn’t a big risk for you—perhaps you’re in your 20s and the probability of it doing you in is, statistically speaking, very small—it’s worth doing it for others. You might have a young and robust immune system, but other people in your community and circle of friends and family might not. What could be only a week out sick from work for you, at worst, could be an extended hospital stay for your grandparents or a neighbor with an impaired immune system.
Opting to stay in and catch up on your ever-growing Netflix queue is a pretty small thing to do to slow down the spread of a virus that could pose a big threat to the more vulnerable people around you.

Ireland-The Irish Times
The Irish Times headlines with the Irish government payment plans for those unemployed due to COVID-19. It also features the government's call for people to heed the social distancing policy.

Ex-CIA director Pompeo: 'We lied, we cheated, we stole'
The Grayzone
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: "I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment." Pompeo said this at an event at Texas A&M University on April 15, 2019. Here is the official State Department transcript: https://www.state.gov/secretary/remar... ||| The Grayzone ||| Find more reporting at https://thegrayzone.com Support our original journalism at Patreon: https://patreon.com/grayzone Twitter: https://twitter.com/grayzoneproject Facebook: https://facebook.com/thegrayzone
CategoryNews & Politics


$750 by the end of March – with parents, pensioners and the unemployed the big winners from the $23billion stimulus to tackle coronavirus

Australian government giving $750 payments to 6.5million at a cost of $4.8billion 

Parents, pensioners, unemployed getting handouts under $17.6billion stimulus
Treasury is hoping it will boost the economy by $23billion over coming years 
The payments are being rolled out from March 31 with most going out by Easter 
Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?


Australians with dependent children, pensioners and the unemployed are the big winners under Scott Morrison's $23billion emergency stimulus package.
The Prime Minister and his Liberal deputy, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, announced that from March 31, $750 payments would deposited straight into the bank accounts of 6.5million Australians - or quarter of the population.
The lump-sum payments will cost $4.8billion and are expected to be delivered by Easter, as part of an overall $17.6billion spending package.
The government is hoping it will generate $23billion in economic activity as part of an emergency measure to ward off a potential coronavirus recession.
Despite the spending spree, the Australian share market plunged by 7.3 per cent on Thursday, suffering the biggest one-day fall since November 2008, with $113billion wiped from the benchmark S&P/ASX200 index. 
Investors overlooked how more than a third of the Australians receiving the payments are elderly, with 2.4million aged pensioners to benefit as part of the biggest economic stimulus since the global financial crisis a decade ago.
Overall, 3.6million pensioners who are either elderly or have a disability are receiving a payment. 
Parents with dependent children, where the main breadwinner earns less than $100,000 a year, are also getting the payments by virtue of being eligible for Family Tax Benefit B.
Another 1.1million Youth Allowance recipients, either studying at university or completing an apprenticeship, are eligible, along with the unemployed on Newstart, war veterans and baby boomers with a health-care card. 

'Australians will spend that money and that money will encourage economic activity,' Mr Frydenberg announced in Canberra on Thursday.
Despite the stimulus announcement this morning, the Australian share market plunged by more than 7 per cent, for its worst day since the GFC in 2008, as the United States banned flights from Europe, apart from the UK.
Hours earlier, the World Health Organisation had declared a coronavirus pandemic.
Mr Morrison refused to guarantee his stimulus package would avert a recession.
'The government will always engage in responsible financial and economic management,' he said. 
With casual workers facing home quarantine as a result of coronavirus, the Prime Minister vowed to make sure they would have instant access to the Newstart sickness payment. 
There is also a $1billion fund to help tourism businesses affected by the downturn, similar to a disaster recovery fund. 
The government will hand out tax-free cash grants of up to $25,000 to 7,000 small businesses who turn over less than $50million and employ people.
There will also be a 50 per cent wage subsidy for 117,000 apprentices worth $21,000 for each apprentice.
The cash will be paid to companies so they can afford to keep their young staff in work. 
Instant asset write offs will be expanded so tradies can buy trucks and other equipment worth $150,000 on the taxman until 30 June. The previous limit was $30,000.
The Australian Taxation Office is also allowing affected businesses to delay their tax obligations for four months.
The bulk of the $17.6billion stimulus is being spent during the next four to six months, with Treasury hoping it will give the economy a boost of $22.9 billion or 1.2 per cent of gross domestic product. 
'This plan is about keeping Australians in jobs. This plan is about keeping a business in business, particularly small and medium-sized businesses, and this plan is about ensuring the Australian economy bounces back stronger on the other side of this and, with that, the Budget bounces back with it,' Mr Morrison said.
Amid the turmoil, the Australian government announced the payments would be distributed from March 31, with more than 90 per cent of payments expected to be made by mid-April.
'The government will also deliver a one-off stimulus payment to households with six-and-a-half million Australians receiving a payment of $750,' Mr Frydenberg said.
'This includes recipients on Newstart, the Disability Support Pension, Carer's Allowance, Youth Allowance, Veteran's Support Payment, Family Tax Benefits, Commonwealth Senior Health Card holders and 2.4million Aged Pensioners.
'This one-off payment, which cost $4.8billion, will flow automatically from the 31st of March and provide additional income to millions of Australians that will be spent across the economy.' 
Mr Morrison is taking a more targeted approach to handouts than Labor did in February 2009 at the height of the GFC.
Under Kevin Rudd, $900 cheques went to 8.7million Australians as part of a broader $42billion stimulus package. 
Without a stimulus program this year, Westpac chief economist Bill Evans forecast the Australian economy would sink into recession in 2020, as gross domestic product contracted in both the March and June quarters.
EY chief economist Jo Masters said the stimulus package may be insufficient to prevent a recession.
'The answer is, we don't know, developments are moving quickly and confidence remains under significant pressure,' she told Daily Mail Australia.
The $4.8billion welfare component of the stimulus package makes up 0.25 per cent of Australia's gross domestic product.
With the World Health Organisation now declaring coronavirus to be a pandemic, Ms Masters said consumers would be reluctant to go out and spend money.  
'Consumers were already cautious heading into this year, and fear of job loss has a significant impact of spending patterns, particularly for those carrying debt,' she said.
'Some of those households may choose to pay down debt instead of spend.' 

The stimulus package means the government has broken an election promise to deliver a budget surplus in 2020, which would have been the first in 13 years. 
Mr Frydenberg's first budget as treasurer promised a $7.1billion surplus for 2019-20 in April 2019.
This shrank to $5billion in Treasury’s December Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook as the bushfires reduced government revenue. 
It has echoes of 2008 when Labor promised a budget surplus only to renege less than a year later when the GFC worsened. 

The first stimulus package

Stimulus payments to households to support growth
· $4.8 billion to provide a one-off $750 stimulus payment to pensioners, social security, veteran and other income support recipients and eligible concession card holders. 
Around half of those that will benefit are pensioners. The payment will be tax free and will not count as income for Social Security, Farm Household Allowance and Veteran payments. 
There will be one payment per eligible recipient. If a person qualifies for the one off payment in multiple ways, they will only receive one payment.
Payments will be from 31 March 2020 on a progressive basis, with over 90 per cent of payments expected to be made by mid-April.
Delivering support for business investment
· $700 million to increase the instant asset write off threshold from $30,000 to $150,000 and expand access to include businesses with aggregated annual turnover of less than $500 million (up from $50 million) until 30 June 2020. 

For example, assets that may be able to be immediately written off are a concrete tank for a builder, a tractor for a farming business, and a truck for a delivery business.
· $3.2 billion to back business investment by providing a time limited 15 month investment incentive (through to 30 June 2021) to support business investment and economic growth over the short term, by accelerating depreciation deductions. 
Businesses with a turnover of less than $500 million will be able to deduct an additional 50 per cent of the asset cost in the year of purchase.
These measures start today and will support over 3.5 million businesses (over 99 per cent of businesses) employing more than 9.7 million employees or 3 in every 4 workers. 
The measures are designed to support business sticking with investment they had planned, and encouraging them to bring investment forward to support economic growth over the short term.

Cash flow assistance for businesses
· $6.7 billion to boost cash flow for employers by up to $25,000 with a minimum payment of $2,000 for eligible small and medium-sized businesses. 
The payment will provide cash flow support to businesses with a turnover of less than $50 million that employ staff, between 1 January 2020 and 30 June 2020. The payment will be tax free. 
This measure will benefit around 690,000 businesses employing around 7.8 million people. Businesses will receive payments of 50 per cent of their Business Activity Statements or Installment Activity Statement from 28 April with refunds to then be paid within 14 days.
· $1.3 billion to support small businesses to support the jobs of around 120,000 apprentices and trainees. 
Eligible employers can apply for a wage subsidy of 50 per cent of the apprentice's or trainee's wage for up to 9 months from 1 January 2020 to 30 September 2020. Where a small business is not able to retain an apprentice, the subsidy will be available to a new employer that employs that apprentice. 

Assistance for severely-affected regions
· $1 billion to support those sectors, regions and communities that have been disproportionately affected by the economic impacts of the Coronavirus, including those heavily reliant on industries such as tourism, agriculture and education.
This will include the waiver of fees and charges for tourism businesses that operate in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and Commonwealth National Parks. 
It will also include additional assistance to help businesses identify alternative export markets or supply chains. Targeted measures will also be developed to further promote domestic tourism. 

Further plans and measures to support recovery will be designed and delivered in partnership with the affected industries and communities.
Newstart recipients are also receiving the $750 payments along with those on the Disability Support Pension, Carer's Allowance, Youth Allowance, Veteran's Support Payment, Family Tax Benefits, Commonwealth Senior Health Card
More than a third of the Australians receiving the payments are elderly, with 2.4million aged pensioners to benefit
 The lump-sum payments will cost $4.8billion, as part of an overall $23billion emergency stimulus program to ward off the economic contagion of coronavirus. Pictured is Prime Minister Scott Morrison (right) and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg (left)
The Prime Minister and his Liberal deputy, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg (pictured), announced that from March 31, $750 payments would be going to 6.5million Australians

Coronavirus hospital bills: A look at the costs for Americans
Yahoo Finance -ADRIANA BELMONTE - Mar 25th 2020
The coronavirus could rack up serious medical bills for Americans.

A report from the Kaiser Family Foundation estimated that the total cost of coronavirus treatment in a hospital could top $20,000 when factoring in out-of-pocket costs and insurance coverage. 
The research factored in the average total cost of treatment for an inpatient admission for pneumonia (pneumonia is among the most serious coronavirus complications) among large employer plans in 2018. For those who suffered major complications, the cost was $20,292. For less than major complications, it cost $13,767 and for those with no complications, the cost was $9,763.
Danni Askini, an uninsured woman treated for coronavirus in a Boston-area hospital, was slammed with a $34,927.43 hospital bill between testing and treatment.
“I was pretty sticker-shocked,” she told TIME. “I personally don’t know anybody who has that kind of money.” 

Major health providers recently announced that they would be waiving the cost of testing for those enrolled in any of their plans. But most providers also stated that any treatment would be subject to the same cost-sharing as any other medical condition depending on the plan. 
“That’s the great thing about private health insurance — you always have to say it depends on the plan,” Karen Pollitz, a senior fellow at the Kaiser Family Foundation, told Yahoo Money. “So you have to hit the deductible and then you can get at least some coverage for it. But there still may be a copay or there still may be 20% insurance. The plan will pay 80% and you pay 20% up to some out-of-pocket limit.” 

On Wednesday, Aetna became the first major insurer to waive inpatient hospital bills for members treated for coronavirus. This includes co-pays and out-of-pocket costs.
Cigna and UnitedHealthcare confirmed to Yahoo Money that although they would be waiving the cost of coronavirus testing, treatment would be covered in accordance with the particular health benefit plan that the individual has. BlueCross BlueShield referred to its recent press release, detailing the steps it was taking for its members.   

RELATED: Take a look at coronavirus in the United States
‘These bills can be very expensive for people’

An additional thing to keep in mind for those with health insurance during the pandemic is to watch out for surprise medical bills.
“Essentially, it’s two situations,” Matthew Rae, associate director of the Healthcare Marketplace Project at the Kaiser Family Foundation, told Yahoo Money. “One is to go to in-network hospitals. You did your research, you found a hospital which is in your provider network, and then you end up seeing a provider who’s not part of your network.”
If the hospital you go to is in your provider network, there could still be providers within the hospital who are not, such as a radiologist or pathologist. They can charge you what’s known as balance billing — this is when a provider bills you for the difference between their charge and the allowed amount.
“When you get a balance bill, it’s typically a much higher cost,” Rae said. “And these bills can be very expensive for people and importantly, these are financial protections that are baked into your insurance plan. So out-of-pocket maximums don’t apply to spending.”
Health care workers from Virginia Hospital Center put on their personal protective equipment before people arrive at a drive through testing site for coronavirus in Arlington, Virginia. on March 20, 2020. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)


‘A real problem in this particular crisis’
Medicaid could provide a crucial role in health care coverage for treating coronavirus. 

“The first thing that hopefully will get done is that if someone is uninsured and receiving treatment, the hospital or medical professionals working with them should help them investigate whether or not they are eligible for Medicaid coverage,” Linda Blumberg, an institute fellow at the Urban Institute, told Yahoo Money. “Because there are quite a number of people out there who are eligible for Medicaid but not enrolled and the best situation for these folks would be to get enrolled in Medicaid and have their costs covered through that program.”
Danni Askini, the uninsured woman hit with the $34,000+ medical bill for her coronavirus testing and treatment, told TIME that she applied for Medicaid and is hoping it will be retroactively applied to her bills.
The Affordable Care Act made it so that low-income individuals with incomes at or below the 138% level of poverty would be eligible for Medicaid. But, a June 2012 ruling by the Supreme Court made this expansion optional, so there are still 14 states that have not expanded their Medicaid programs.
There are still 14 states that have not expanded Medicaid. (Map: Kaiser Family Foundation)

For those states, Blumberg said, “that is a real problem in this particular crisis, because there are a lot of people who are going to be losing their insurance coverage and losing income all at the same time, and are going to be in need of some potentially significant amounts of medical care.” 
Sara Collins, vice president at the Commonwealth Fund, told Yahoo Money that this is an opportunity for the Trump administration to follow the lead of prior administrations to expand Medicaid eligibility for those who are uninsured and diagnosed with coronavirus.
“President Bush did this during Hurricane Katrina, to allow states to temporarily cover evacuees from other states in their Medicaid programs, with the federal government paying the cost,” Collins said. “Medicaid has enormous flexibility with regard to public health emergencies like this.  Using it now would help both people who become ill and the hospitals that will need to care for them.”

What to do if you’ve lost insurance because of coronavirus
Millions of people are at risk of losing their jobs because of the coronavirus and as a result, are also at risk of losing their health care coverage. There are steps to take, though, in order to find a replacement, according to Blumberg. 
“These folks should definitely look into both whether they have become eligible for Medicaid because of losing their income … and check out whether or not they may be eligible for a special enrollment period for marketplace-based coverage,” Blumberg said. “If they lose their employer-based coverage, they should immediately check to see if they’re eligible. … That’s a really important thing to be aware of.” 
A special enrollment period allows people to buy health coverage outside of employment. Provisions allow certain people to enroll when there have been major life events, such losing your job and therefore losing insurance. The period lasts for 60 days. The Trump administration is reportedly considering creating one due to the coronavirus, and several states have already done it for their own residents.
Those who lose their jobs should immediately see if they qualify for Medicaid. (Photo: Getty Images)

And, some people could even become eligible for Medicaid just for losing part of their income, such as hours being cut because of coronavirus restrictions.
“I would hope that at least the states, as well as the federal government, would put the word out about checking potential eligibility for special enrollment period, at least for people who will still have income about the poverty level,” Blumberg said.
“The subsidies in the marketplaces are only available for people between 100 and 400% of the federal poverty level. So if you’re poor and you’re in a non-expansion state and you don’t fit the narrow criteria they have for Medicaid eligibility in that particular state, these people who lose their coverage are really going to be out of luck, and it’s a serious problem.”
Adriana is a reporter and editor for Yahoo Finance. She can be reached at adriana@yahoofinance.com. Follow her on Twitter @adrianambells.

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Coronavirus recession to hit over 24 million workers hardest: study

FDIC warns of bank scams amid coronavirus pandemic

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Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, center, heading to meet the Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, in Washington on Tuesday.Credit...Anna Moneymaker/The New York Times

​The $2 trillion relief package is the biggest in American history.

Der Tagesspiegel, a German daily paper, headlines with the hit to the economy, reporting that the country has plunged into a recession.

 In Australia and in the rest of Planet Earth we are living in very uncertain times. ​

NYT Coronavrus Investigation Team -  23rd March 2020
They now have 500 NEW taskforce police officers working diligently in Victoria to fine anyone $50,000 if they are not practising social distancing or self isolation.

Amongst all this dilemma they are going to fine people? C

an you see that something very sinister is approaching for all - it clearly points towards leading the masses slowly under strict control to Fema concentration camps, hoodwinking them all into believing that they are infected with the Coronavirus when they are not.  Quite a number of people have no symptoms and don’t even feel sick yet the police task force is taking them away saying that they are infected. They will eventually line up thousand of people in a passive subdued manner (without their knowledge or consent, yet willingly stepping onto the main train, using the disguise of the Coronavirus being the main reason for them to enter the  hospitals. These people will be in a Fema military camp believing it’s the new hospital that has recently been built. Once they are in the Fema camp they will be in locked imprisoned cells in complete isolation and experimented on for further  testing and DNA sequencing and blood experimentation. This “alien race” who have  been living amongst us for a long time, can now do anything they want under this new law of $50,000 fines especially if that person does not comply. This person may never be seen again, stating that they accidentally died of respiratory issues as a result of the Coronavirus. This will apply to any individual they want to remove from the system since they are a complete threat to them and their judiciary system. This won’t apply to all. 
This is the beginning stages or we should emphasise that it’s a TEST case to condition the masses into compliance and obedience towards authority which  includes obeying the military and police task force, otherwise a $50,000 fine will result. These new laws are being implemented daily and introduced slowly in a subliminal form, hypnotising the masses into compliance and acceptance without them being fully aware of the hidden agenda behind everything. I’m sure you understand what that means. 
If someone dies of Coronavirus you are not allowed to see the coffin because of fear of further infection and spreading of the disease. That means there is no real proof that this person has really died and if they were given a lethal injection no one would know the difference. Or on the other hand, that person has not died at all but is kept imprisoned for whatever purpose they have install. 
Right now, this is the beginning stage of reducing the human population and controlling the masses. 
We honestly believe that not only have they enslaved all mankind but now they can just come to your home and say that it is known that you may carry the virus and that you may have to be tested. They then say you may have a fever, even though your reading is negative, you still will be forced into a police van against your rights. If you don’t obey, that person will be fined $50,000 for not following strict guidelines.  The concept behind Fema which is part of the military is to enforce any person to follow them under the instructions of Fema law and then force that individual against their will into the Fema military hospital camps for further testing and further control over that individual. 
When they want to remove certain individuals, completely from society, they seem to have the power to do so. Individuals who are a threat to society can easily be forced to submit to a Coronavirus test even if that person does not have it. Let’s say that person doesn’t have Coronavirus, they can still force that person to the Fema camp under the corrupt system. Now they have complete control over that person’s life and his or her well being. Any corrupt political doctor can now inject that individual with the Coronavirus or whatever new strain of virus they wish to introduce back into society. The Coronavirus can adapt and mutate into different strains. This same corrupt doctor can inject that person with another new strain of virus. The system is slowly collapsing and the parasitical elite want to remain in power by reducing the sick the elderly and those who pose a threat to society and their judiciary system of enforced slavery. 
They have been experimenting with the human DNA to save their own race who are gradually dying. 
The real reason Hitler gassed the Jews in Germany was mainly because most were infected with a serious disease that kept mutating and was seriously effecting the German population. This fact was never revealed in history books so the truth was completely distorted. 
But the real reason behind this fact is that Hitler was experimenting and trying to find a cure for cancer and in the process his discovery led him to understand genetic sequencing and gene adaptations and mutations As a result of this, he was aiming towards creating a super race who could be brilliant soldiers of warfare through genetic engineering. They were trialling genetic engineering by using alien DNA and gaining new technology in creating a new race and a new alien bred. He also created amazing buildings, advanced cities, including alien spaceships and submarines and super ware fare tanks as well as creating this super race, a special bred of people, with high IQ but lacking in emotion and compassion, to become the new fearless soldiers of combat. These genetically implanted super being which he created, in my opinion are the most deadliest serial killers who carry a certain DNA code and they are the ones who exist in our society, classified as the classic psychopath, lacking in remorse compassion and emotion. 
Now this same concept is happening again. Mankind could also now be used for organ transplants for this sickly alien race who have been created many years ago and were interbred with human DNA, but are now in desperate need for human organ transplant however they have to match the right blood groups. This same alien race desperately needs human organ transplants and we are now being lined up as live bait. This was what we were told in 1982 by insiders in the CIA and MI6 would happen by the year 2020
Why were the Fema  camps with millions of coffins stacked on top of each other developed in all countries all over the world since 1990’s. It’s because this alien race knew that after so many years, they will require new organs transplants for further cloning their body parts in order to continue to have biological immortality.  The masses are used for human organ transplants. That is one of the reasons why we have been created for genetic engineering, mining for gold for their space ships and now organ transplants. 
Coronavirus is just another smokescreen.

They have done this before and they will do it again. 
In our opinion, we believe that there is something else that has happened and is more sinister than the Coronavirus itself.

The Coronavirus is a distraction, a deadly and misleading smokescreen. The real facts are staring right at you.

In Australia and the rest of Planet Earth we all are living in very uncertain times. 

Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Lawmakers Reach $2 Trillion Aid Deal; New York Is Center of Pandemic

New York Times - 25th March 2020
People fleeing New York to other parts of the country are told to self-isolate for 14 days. President Trump wants the U.S. “opened up” by Easter. The number of deaths in Spain — more than 3,400 — surpasses the toll in China.

Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne, has the coronavirus, the royal family said in a statement.

Here’s what you need to know:
The $2 trillion relief package is the biggest in American history.
Trump wants U.S. “opened up” by Easter as New York infections soar and Spain’s crisis deepens.
Prince Charles tests positive for the coronavirus.
Global stocks are mostly higher on news of U.S. relief package.
In India, Day 1 of lockdown for a fifth of humanity.
Outbreaks emerge across the U.S., but states’ responses vary.
Spanish morgues run out of room for the dead as the nation pleads for help.Image
[Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, center, heading to meet the Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, in Washington on Tuesday.]
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, center, heading to meet the Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, in Washington on Tuesday.Credit...Anna Moneymaker/The New York Times

The $2 trillion relief package is the biggest in American history.
The White House and Congress struck a deal in the predawn hours to deliver $2 trillion in government relief to a nation increasingly under lockdown, watching nervously as the twin threats of disease and economic ruin grow more dire.
Reached after midnight, the stimulus deal was the product of a marathon set of negotiations among Senate Republicans, Democrats and the White House that had stalled as Democrats insisted on stronger worker protections and oversight of a $500 billion fund to bail out distressed businesses.
Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the majority leader, announced the deal on the Senate floor well after midnight.
“At last, we have a deal,” he said. “In effect, this is a wartime level of investment into our nation.”
Thanks for reading The Times.

FDIC warns of bank scams amid coronavirus pandemic
Yahoo Business - ETHAN WOLFF-MANN -Mar 19th 2020


The FDIC issued an unusual message on Wednesday, reassuring consumers that "insured bank deposits are safe" and warning people of scams using the government agency’s name.
“In light of recent developments related to the coronavirus, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is reminding Americans that FDIC-insured banks remain the safest place to keep their money,” the agency wrote in a press release. 
The agency noted that “during these unprecedented times consumers may receive false information regarding the security of their deposits or their ability to access cash.”
 “The FDIC does not [bolding theirs] send unsolicited correspondence asking for money or sensitive personal information,” it wrote. “The agency will never contact people asking for personal details, such as bank account information, credit and debit card numbers, Social Security numbers, or passwords.”

Already there have been reports that some customers looking to take a lot of cash out from the ATM had hit a bank’s daily withdrawal limit, as well as banks taking steps to limit the spread of the coronavirus. These restrictions exist because banks keep a limited amount of physical cash on hand, and a bank run would exhaust the supply.
While the FDIC noted that some banks have been enacting adjusted hours, social distancing practices and even some branch closures, following CDC guidelines, customer deposits were very much safe.
“Since 1933, no depositor has ever lost a penny of FDIC-insured funds,” the agency said, noting that each account is insured up to $250,000. “Banks continue to offer ATM, mobile, or online banking services, and many continue to provide services via drive-through windows.”
The social distancing tactics of banks, which present challenges, are unprecedented and could add to the problem and make it easier to believe a scammer, who might say that the required password sharing is also unprecedented. 

 The FDIC reiterates that consumers might be contacted by people who claim to be agents of a financial institution, using a variety of communication channels.

 “Scammers might also ask for personal information such as bank account numbers, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, and other details that can be used to commit fraud or sell a person's identity,” the FDIC wrote. “Consumers should not provide this information.”
If someone is unsure as to whether they’re interacting with a scammer, they should hang up or stop communicating, and call the financial institution via a published number on a website to confirm.The agency pointed account holders to itsElectronic Deposit Insurance Estimator (EDIE) tool that confirms their coverage or coverage on accounts they’re considering.
Ethan Wolff-Mann is a writer at Yahoo Finance focusing on consumer issues, personal finance, retail, airlines, and more. Follow him on Twitter @ewolffmann.

Concluding Thoughts


As you have seen, each of the scenarios, if it were to unfold, would call for different strategies and have different implications for how a range of organizations will work and relate to changes in technology. But no matter what world might emerge, there are real choices to be made about what areas and goals to address and how to drive success toward particular objectives

We hope that reading the scenario narratives and their accompanying stories about philanthropy, technology, and people has sparked your imagination, provoking new thinking about these emergent themes and their possibilities. Three key insights stood out to us as we developed these scenarios.

First, the link between technology and governance is critical to consider in better understanding how technology could be developed and deployed. In some futures, the primacy of the nation-state as a unit of analysis in development was questioned as both supra- or sub-national structures proved more salient to the achievement of development goals. In other futures, the nation-state’s power strengthened and it became an even more powerful actor both to the benefit and to the detriment of the development process, depending on the quality of governance. Technologies will affect governance, and governance in turn will play a major role in determining what technologies are developed and who those technologies are intended, and able, to benefit.

A second recurring theme in the scenarios is that development work will require different levels of intervention, possibly simultaneously. In some scenarios, philanthropic organizations and other actors in development face a set of obstacles in working with large institutions, but may face a yet-unfolding set of opportunities to work with nontraditional partners—even individuals. The organization that is able to navigate between these levels and actors may be best positioned to drive success.

The third theme highlights the potential value of scenarios as one critical element of strategy development. These narratives have served to kick-start the idea generation process, build the future-oriented mindset of participants, and provide a guide for ongoing trend monitoring and horizon scanning activities. They also offer a useful framework that can help in tracking and making sense of early indicators and milestones that might signal the way in which the world is actually transforming.

While these four scenarios vary significantly from one another, one theme is common to them all: new innovations and uses of technology will be an active and integral part of the international development story going forward. The changing nature of technologies could shape the characteristics of development and the kinds of development aid that are in demand. In a future in which technologies are effectively adopted and adapted by poor people on a broad scale, expectations about the provision of services could fundamentally shift. Developing a deeper understanding of the ways in which technology can impact development will better prepare everyone for the future, and help all of us drive it in new and positive directions.

Newstart recipients are also receiving the $750 payments along with those on the Disability Support Pension, Carer's Allowance, Youth Allowance, Veteran's Support Payment, Family Tax Benefits, Commonwealth Senior Health Card

Los Angeles mayor warns of mass death, condemns 'false hope'

Business Insider - CHARLES DAVIS - Mar 25th 2020 

Los Angeles residents will be confined to their homes until May, at the earliest, Mayor Eric Garcetti told Insider on Wednesday.

"I think this is at least two months," he said, "and be prepared for longer."
In an interview with Insider, Garcetti pushed back against "premature optimism" in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, saying leaders who suggest we are on the verge of business-as-usual are putting lives at risk.
"I can't say that strongly enough," the mayor said. Optimism, he said, has to be grounded in data. And right now the data is not good.
"Giving people false hope will crush their spirits and will kill more people," Garcetti said, noting it will change their actions, instilling a sense of normalcy — and normal behaviors — at the most abnormal time in a generation.
"This will not kill most of us," he noted. But, "It will kill a lot more people than we're used to dying around us."

On Tuesday, Garcetti said the city was anywhere from six to 12 days away from the fate of New York City, where a surge in patients with the novel coronavirus is threatening to overwhelm the health system. 
As of noon on Tuesday, Los Angeles County public health officials said there were 662 confirmed cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, with 11 confirmed deaths. The actual numbers are no doubt higher, with officials only recently beginning to rLos Angeles, where intensive-care units were 90% filled long before the expected peak of the COVID-19 outbreak, is no better prepared. In the weeks to come, Garcetti said everything from convention centers to sports arenas, such as the Staples Center, may need to be converted into space for hospital beds.oll out testing.

While concerned about the economic fallout, more than anything, Garcetti said, he's worried about the irreplaceable loss of life that's predicted with this pandemic.
"I think the main horrifying thing that I think is keeping every local leader awake is the projection of how many people will get this, the projection of what the mortality rate will be, and how many dead will have," Garcetti said. "Will we have hundreds of thousands of deaths or tens of thousands of deaths? That's what keeps us up."
"It will be our friends. It will be our family. It will be people who we love dearly," he said. "And everything I do is through that lens."
Have a news tip? Email this reporter: cdavis@insider.com
Read the original article on Business Insider

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